


‘_______-ah..dont be like this..tell me what I do wrong~’

You look down avoiding any eyes contact.

*you did nothing was me..i was wrong..i love you myungsoo..but he need me. Hes  was always there for me..and so did you. You my everything myungsoo..i swear..but im his everything.. He got no one else..if I go too..then who going to support him. I know you a kind person myungsoo so..forgive me..*

Myungsoo hold your hand. You just stare at his hand. You always love it when he do that. Your hand always perfectly fit in his. Then suddenly reality hit you. *ive got to do this*. You pulled back your hand harshly from him. He was taken aback a little by your action.

‘you did nothing wrong was heart change..’

‘___-ah..please..think back of our cant just leave me like this..’

The was is beautifull. You mind flew over your memories with myungsoo. He always backhugging you..then he will rest his chin on your shoulder while both your hand in his. And the day where he helped you with cooking. He should be just a helper..but end up he’s the one cooking. And you sure you would miss the day where both of you dancing in the rain. The time when he playing with your hair..

 Sweet myungsoo when he smiling and laughing..

Caring myungsoo when he protected you..

Clumsy myungsoo when he’s back from L to myungsoo..

Your myungsoo…

You turn back not intended to have more conversation. You’re about to walk away when myungsoo grab your hand.

‘don’t go’

‘let me go just ended hurting more.’

‘no..please..’ myungsoo kneeled down before you. You know you will give in..but you cant..once again, you broke eyes contact cause you know you will lost in his gaze..again. You breath in slowly..and that when you make a biggest lie in your life..and to the person that you will die for..myungsoo.

‘I never love you all this time’

‘what?!’ myungsoo voice cracked. You can see that he’s broken inside.

‘Im only dating you so that I can always be close to that person..’ You looked away.

‘this five years was just a lie??’ You can see myungsoo’s eyes got teary. He looked down. ‘and that person is someone close to me??’ myungsoo looke at you. And you swear that time you wanted to hug him..telling everything you said just now was a lie.

‘tell me who’s that man.’

‘sungyeol’ myungsoo couldn’t believe what he just heard. *why you own bestfriend..* myungsoo suddenly laughed a little.

‘is this why he leave infinite?? Because he betrayed me with my girlfriend??!!’ myungsoo lost his patience already. His tears streamed down his check like it would never can stop. Inside, you were broken to. You want to wipe his tears..but you hold back.You hold back your tears..

‘fine then! Lets just broke up! I don’t need a girl like you! Stabbing me in my back!!!’Myungsoo yelled at you and stormed away..leaving you alone.

Your hand trembling..your legs drop to the ground holding your chest. Your tears begin to flow. *its over..myungsoo really leaving..* you just wish that you could die just can you ever live without myungsoo..he’s  you life..he’s your soul..he’s…your everything. The rain started to poured down to earth..but hell you don’t care. You still crying on the ground. Then you couldn’t feel the rains hitting you. Slowly, you looked up finding sungyeol was holding an umbrella. You stand and hugged him, crying all you can.



I saw her dropped to the ground and started crying. For a second..i thought that she regretting this breakup. I thought that she finally realize that she just love me.. But then, I saw someone approaching her..sungyeol. then she stood up and hugged sungyeol..and that when I realize..maybe she crying out of pity of betraying me..



‘ sorry that you broke up with myungsoo because of me.’ You looked at sungyeol as he saying. You now at your apartment.

‘don’t feel sorry sungyeol..its my own decision..’ you hold his hand.

‘I know you know I love you.but I don’t want to hurt myungsoo..hes my bestfriend..and I don’t want to steal you away from him..’ you looked up to sungyeol. He looked pale.*his condition must not be good lately*

‘you not stealing me away yeol..i choose to be with you..’

‘still…what the love him..’

‘then help me forget him..i want…this pain to go away..i cant stand it..’ and once again, you broke in tears. Sungyeol hugged you again..and he stay like that until you finally sleep in his embrace.



-infinite dorm-

Myungsoo lay awake on his bed..he looked to the bed next to his which is sungyeol’s. Right now..he don’t know what he feel. He want to get mad to sungyeol but he just cant. Never in his life he been feeling angry to his bestfriend..he could hears the other hyungs and maknae in the living room..playing with something.. but he didn’t have any mood to join them. It was then when he spot a folded paper sungyeol bed. He walked toward sungyeol’s bed and crouched down reaching the paper. He unfold the paper and his eyes widened in shock.*that idot!! He should tell me!!!!  so this is why…*



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