This Christmas❄

m e r r y k r i s m a s !  (●⌒∇⌒●) 

*hehe present for you guys,enjoy! 


Sehun and I strolled hand in hand around the Christmas Park,OoOhing and AaAahing at everything we saw. It was beautiful;all the trees were nicely decorated and the whole place was covered with snow. 

"How are you liking this place babe?" Sehun asked,squeezing my hand. I looked up at him and smiled,"Not bad. You did good Oh Sehun." I gave him a thumbs up and giggled.

"But I do good every year don't I?" He pouted. 

"Not really,Luhan beat you last year because he got me the sweater I wanted." I raised a brow at him. 

He rolled his eyes,"Yah that's because the sweater you wanted was made in China so Luhan beat me to the opportunity!" He reasoned,"But it's not like you ever get me anything nice for Christmas!"

I gasped and rested my hand on my heart,"What are you saying Oh Sehun? Isn't my love enough for a super star like you?" I stuck my tongue out,"Besides,it's not like your little fan girls haven't gotten you everything else in the whole wide world."

Sehun chuckled and put his arms over my shoulder,"Ohohoh is someone jealous?" He leaned in,his nose almost touching my cheek. I sneered and pushed his face away,"Dream on." 

"Okay babe,but don't get all butthurt whe-" I didn't let him finish his sentence before I hurled a snowball at his face. I bursted out laughing at his priceless reaction before running away.

"YAH! Lee Jieun! Get back here!" He shouted after me. I turned around and gave him a quick mehrong before I continued running. 


"AHHHH!" I screamed as I got lifted off the ground. 

"Gotcha." Sehun whispered into my ear. "Put me down Sehun!!" I shrieked,kicking my feet everywhere.

"Not until you admit you were jealous" He chuckled,beginning to spin me around.

"AHHH Sehun I'm going to KILL you!!" I screamed."Put me down right now!" Sehun ignored my words and continued spinning around,my stomache about to hurl up my lunch. 

"Okay okay fine I was jealous okay!?" I screamed,"Now let me down!" Sehun obliged and set me back down on the snow. I gave him a death glare before hurling another snow ball at him,"Yah,don't ever do that ever again pabo!" I scolded him.

He laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist,"Ara ara,I'm sorry." He kissed the side of my cheek,"Let's go get some hot chocolate!" I happily agreed,the both of us waddling over to the closet cafe. 

"Hmmmm,this tastes delicious." I grinned,taking another sip of it. Sehun chuckled and leaned in to wipe the whipped cream off my mouth,"Watch out silly,I don't want people to think my I'm dating Santa Clause." I glared at him and rolled my eyes,"Psh. They would even be surprised you're dating someone Sehun." 

He gaped at me,"Excuse me? But there are about 10,000 people that are praying for my love right now,one of them being Luhan." He stated. I scoffed,"Are you sure it isn't me Luhan wants to date?" Sehun closed his mouth and gave me a stern look.

I giggled and blew him a kiss,"Just kidding ugly,you know I'll always love you." He pouted and quickly grabbed my kiss from the air,"That's more like it." I rolled my eyes as Sehun began cracking up,"Drink your hot chocolate." I said. 

"Where to next?" I asked him,the both of us wandering around the park once again. 

"I have one last place I wanna go before I take you to your last surprise." He smiled,grabbing my hand.



"You want to SKI?" I looked at him in disbelief. He cutely smiled and nodded.

I bursted out laughing,"Sehun you can't even dance your own song without bumping into Baekhyun and you want to SKI?" I held my stomache and continued laughing,"You must be joking right?" 

Sehun narrowed his eyes at me and grabbed my hand,"Less talking, more skiing ugly." I scoffed and let him lead the way. 

Sehun adjusted the goggles on my eyes and grinned,"Aigoo,you look so cute!" He pinched my cheeks. I swatted his hand away,"Thanks. I'd like to look cute before walking into my own death trap." I said sarcastically. 

Sehun wrinkled his nose,"We're not going to DIE Jieun,I got this don't worry." He grabbed my hand and headed toward the top of the hill. "Yeah,you're not going to die. But I probably am from saving you." I said.

I stood there and waited for Sehun to return with our boards when he only came back with one pair. "Sehun..." I began,"You do know each person needs one pair to skii right?" I said slowly. He rolled his eyes,"Yes honeybear I do know that,I wasn't born yesterday." 

"Oh look a christmas miracle,he knows." I muttered. Sehun placed the boards down and grinned,"We're going down together Jieun!" 

My eyes almost popped out of my face,"TOGETHER!? Are you crazy!?" I shouted. Sehun shook his head and pulled me forward,"Of course not,trust me Jieun,this is going to be fun!"

"FUN!?" I shrieked,"So the two of us dying on the same skii board is FUN to you!?" I looked at him in disbelief,"Baby if you wanna commit suicide, by all means don't drag me into this I'm still young!" I pleaded.

He flicked my forehead,"Yah,quit talking nonsense. This is going to be fine! I see lovers in movies do this all the time!" He grinned,"Now hurry up and get on,I'll be behind you." 

"We should've just went to the winter carnival." I sighed and slowly got onto the board first. Sehun got on afterwards and leaned in to tell me,"Remember to hold onto the little stick thingys on the side," He poked one of them,"I'll be hugging your waist back here okay?" He grinned and securely wrapped his arms around me.

"Great. Now there's no way to escape death." I muttered and grabbed onto the sticks. 

"Ready?" He asked.

"Baby are you sure about this? We can always just get off and go to the carnival I mean I heard the ferris wheel's pretty ni-"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Sehun laughed and tightened his arms around me,"Isn't this fun babe?" He shouted over the wind.

I squeezed my eyes shut and said my prayers,"Oh Sehun I swear to god if my eyes can't open after we're done here I'm going to haunt you and everything you love for the rest of your life!" I screamed. 

I peeked open one of my eyes and we were still sliding down the hill at about 1,000 miles per hour. I have to admit,it was pretty fun. A grin started appearing on my face as I enjoyed the rest of our journey downhill. 

"See? Wasn't that fun?" Sehun flashed me an eye smile,and helped me off the board. I stuck my tongue out at him,"No. It was horrid. Twice as bad because your fat arms were suffocating me."

Sehun sulked his shoulders,"Omo really?! Ahh I'm so sorry ba-" 

"Just kidding silly!" I tippytoed and kissed his cheek,"It was fun!" I giggled and latched myself onto his arm.

"Where to next?" I grinned. 

Sehun chuckled and ruffled my hair,"Let's get out of this place. I have one last surprise for you."

I nodded and we began to make our way to the exit. 



*Merry Kristmas everyone! <3 Here's a somewhat long update for you all as a little gift ^^ I hope you like this one!

The next chapter will sadly be the last one (ノ´д`) but it's okay because I have many other ideas in store for you all C: 

I'll be updating on "The Book of Secrets" fairly soon,I'm still working on the upcoming chapter! ^-^ 

No silent readers! Let me know what you think! 

Love you all (* ̄з ̄)

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Lumnaw #1
Chapter 2: ಥ‿ಥ this is so o czgkfozofziffzirdiziz gull I can't explain what I feel
tricia15 #2
Chapter 3: This is adorable :')
Chapter 3: Aweeeeeee OMG perf date and xmas
Chapter 3: So cute! <33
Chapter 3: N'aww. Cute. <3