

Sun Hee squinted at the change in light as she entered the garden with the 2 refreshing lemonades. She padded bare foot across the grass, the sun warming her back as the ice cubes chinked against the glasses in her hands. It was a short walk to the end of the lawn, and she reached the hammock where the 17 going on 6 year old boy was lying in a printed t-shirt and rolled up jeans, a blissful smile on his face as he opened one eye at the sound of the approaching girl.

“Gomawo~” He said sweetly as she handed him one of the drinks and he shifted over to allow her to slip in next to him. Shin Dongho. She’d known him since they were children; her parents had moved in next to his when they were 3 and ever since they’d been the best of friends, meeting up through the gap in the hedge behind her greenhouse or, when they got a bit older, by climbing onto the roof and then jumping over. Course they hadn’t done that for a while…she’d rarely seen him over the 4 years that he’d been an idol.

She frowned as she turned her head to study his face, taking in the heavy bags under his eyes and the slightly sunken cheeks from lack of sleep. They worked him hard at NH Media and she hated them for it. Hated how his cute and happy personality had been replaced with a new snappy and negative one. So she cherished the small moments like today when it seemed the old Dongho was still with her. He caught her looking and shot her a puzzled look.

“You ok Sun Hee-ah?” He asked and she nodded, replacing her worried expression with a comforting smile. Dongho shot her a grin back and she felt her heart melt. There was a silence as they sipped on their drinks, and then Sun Hee was nudged roughly, causing her to almost lose grip of her glass.

“Ya! Shin Dongho!” She scolded and her friend chuckled.

“Sorry nabi~” He pouted and despite herself Sun Hee found herself smiling. Nabi…butterfly…she’d forgotten about the nickname, he hadn’t used it in a while. A memory flashed into her mind of a 5 year old girl, clinging tightly to her mother’s hand as they waited at the big oak door. It had soon opened to reveal a familiar woman, but more importantly to the little girl, a boy of the same age with chubby cheeks and a bowl haircut. He’d grinned widely when he’d seen her and squeezed past his mum to stand in front of her.

“Why are you dressed as a butterfly, Sun Hee?” He’d asked matter of factly, and the little girl had shrugged. She was dressed as a butterfly because she’d got the costume for her birthday 2 days before and she wanted to show it off to him. But she didn’t tell the boy this. Satisfied with her shrug, Dongho had nodded understandingly and grabbed her hand.

“Come with me, nabi, I’ve got a new train set!” He’d gushed, and since then the name had stuck.


“Sun Hee~ Sun Hee-ah~” Sun Hee blinked away the memories and turned to Dongho. He shook his head. “You were miles away!” He laughed. “Did you hear any of that?” Sun Hee shook her head, biting her lip apologetically and he rolled his eyes. “I said, do you remember when we used to lie in this hammock and play truth or dare?” She did remember. The boy and girl were 12 years old now and were relaxing in the sun during the summer holidays. Truth or Dare was the height of cool at the time, and the girl was excited when the boy suggested they play it. 


“Do you remember that question you never answered?” Again Sun Hee was shaken from her memories. Her cheeks tinged pink and she turned away to hide her face.

“No not really…” She lied, as she sipped nervously on her lemonade. In actual fact she remembered it as if it were yesterday. She remembered why she hadn’t answered it as well.

“I asked you who you liked.” Dongho had the decency to remind her and Sun Hee nodded.

“Oh yeah…” She murmured, hoping he’d change the conversation.


“So what?”

“Who did you like?”

“Well I don’t remember do I?” She said indignantly, her voice hitting a pitch a little too high to be convincing. Dongho pouted.

“I bet you do, you remember everything!” He pressed and she rolled her eyes, stepping out of the hammock.

“I don’t remember things like that…” She muttered. There was a pause, then,

“I bet you liked me.” Sun Hee froze and blushed crimson.

“WHAT?” She squeaked, turning around to face the grinning boy. He laughed and shook his head.

“Hey, chill, I was only joking! That would just be too weird…”


Too weird. Would it?


Suddenly feeling rather chilled despite the weather, Sun Hee her heel and started off back to the house. It would ‘just be too weird’ would it Shin Dongho? Why’s that? Because he was Shin Dongho, hallyu star, too good for boring Park Sun Hee. She felt tears prickling in her eyes and wondered why she was so upset by this simple statement. Well, she knew really. She’d always liked Dongho, but being the shy child that she was, she’d never had the confidence to confess. And now her worries had been confirmed – he didn’t like her like that. Why would he? She was pretty, well, she’d always been told she was pretty, but in a natural no-make-up-and-boring-bob way, not like IU, the idol Dongho had confessed to being his ‘idol type’ on TV.

“Sun Hee? What’s wrong? Why are you in a huff?” She ignored him and carried on walking, until he grabbed her wrist, forcing her to come to a stop. She turned and glared at him.

“WHAT?” She demanded and he hesitated, shocked by her tone.

“What did I do? Why are you being weir-?”

“WHY WOULD IT BE TOO WEIRD?” She asked, not caring about looking like a mental case and probably ruining everything she had with this guy. She couldn’t hold it in any longer. Dongho frowned.

“That’s what you’re upset about?” He asked, confused. “Because…we’ve known each other for, like, ever! It would be like going out with a sister!” He laughed, trying to lighten the atmosphere, but Sun Hee’s heart sunk even further.

“…a sister” She whispered, struggling to hold back the tears. Dongho frowned.

“What’s going on?” He asked and she scoffed.

“Ok, I’ll answer your truth Dongho.” She said softly. “It’s you. It was always you. Happy now? Now go run off to IU and never see your freaky neighbour again, araso? PALI!” She yanked her wrist out of his grip and ran to the house, up the stairs and to her room, slamming the door behind her and collapsing on her bed.

What. Had. She. Done.


“Pabo Sun Hee” She whined, hitting her head in annoyance. She was too busy scolding herself to hear the door open and the boy walk over to her bed. But then the mattress sunk slightly and she looked up wide eyed to see a familiar lopsided smile as Dongho ran a hand through his messy black hair.

“Wow…I never realised you felt like that…why didn’t you just tell me?” He asked softly. Sun Hee shrugged.

“Too scared…” She mumbled, playing with the sheet and not looking at him. He chuckled.

“Pabo Sun Hee” He grinned and she looked up at him, confused, as he ruffled her already messy hair. He cupped her chin and scanned her fuchsia face for a minute before slowly leaning in and kissing her gently. He shrugged as he pulled away. “You know…weird’s not always a bad thing nabi”. Sun Hee smiled and they kissed again.

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tazmaniac97 #1
Chapter 1: SEQUALL !! :D
Chapter 1: Awwww Dongho !!