I can only hope for the best at this point.

Y u m i 's S o r r o w s.

Yumi's point of view:

I stood up from the bed on my own, but they wouldn't stop babying me. Didn't they "see" that I am fine? I was seriously about to burst, but I knew I wouldn't really do that. I glomped Wooyoung oppa. "Oppa~". Then  I pushed on through, and saw a group of girls crowding by the door. I ignored them, walking towards the cafeteria with Sunny, Key and Wooyoung in tow.

Yet again people were staring at me. This was quickly getting old. I couldn't break down in front of anyone. By then, they all caught up to me. "Yumi-ah, what do you think we should eat today? Do you want to eat jjajang myun?" Wooyoung and Key went ahead. "You girls pick a seat, we'll go buy our food first."

Sunny happily held my hand, and I didn't mind. We sat across from each other, and started talking. "Are you okay with eating jjajang myun?" I nodded happily. "Yup! I'm completely fine with it." All of a sudden, Dongho enters coolly into the cafeteria, just like how he always enters a place. Sunny must've noticed him, because she started waving to him. "Dongho-ah!" she motioned to him.

He came over to us. "Wae?" She giggled. "Dongho, you should go buy food with the rest of the guys. We'll save your seat." He waved as if it say "whatever" and walked away. Why is he so arrogant? We kept talking, until the namjas came back. I smiled at them. "oh, you came back already?" Key said "uh," while taking the seat next to me. Dongho sat across of Key and next to Sunny, while Wooyoung oppa took the other seat next to me. "You two should go buy your food now."

I hugged Key oppa. "Okay oppa~" again he blushed, just like this morning. Why is he being like this? Sunny and I walked towards the counter, and a guy greeted us. "Welcome, what would you like to order?" I asked "Can we please have 2 jjajang myun please?"

I paid for the orders, surprising Sunny. "You didn't have to pay for me. I'll pay you back." she said while trying to take out her money. I stopped her. "You don't have to really." She smiled. "Well then." She bowed. "Thank you for the meal!" we walked back together, but the namjas weren't eating yet.

"Why aren't you eating?" I asked them. Wooyoung replied "We wanted to wait for you yeojas. After all, we're here to enjoy a meal together."

Key's point of view:

She sat down next to me, and started eating. She was talking to everyone. It's so typical of her. She never leaves anyone out. She even talked to the arrogant little boy Dongho. I stole glances at her, afraid that she'll eventually catch me in the act. But, how could she? She never once caught me the whole time we've known each other.

I've loved Yumi for the longest time. And every time I see her, it gets harder and harder to stay just friends. But what am I supposed to do? She probably only thinks of me as a friend. It's so disheartening. I mean look at her. She's so.. perfect. She has great fashion sense, she's a kind person and she never seems to be upset.

Wait, why is that? Why is she never upset? I looked at her happily eating her jjajangmyun while I slowly ate mine. Is she hiding her emotions all the time? Or is she really the happy-go lucky girl she seems to be? All I know for now, is that my perception of her is my current reality. The thought of it changing, I didn't even want to think about it.

Wooyoung's point of view:

Being one of the oldest here, I'm observant enough to know who likes who, and who is oblivious to the other person. It was quite enjoyable, knowing the fact that my dongsaengs have a crush on each other. Except for Dongho. I couldn't really figure that one out yet.

I usually am overprotective of Yumi,but I promised a girl in my class I would help her compose a song for her band. So I can't watch over her for the rest of lunch. Crazy right? I can't help it, girls just swoon over me. Well, apparently I remembered the appointment a little too late, because the said girl rushed over to me.

"Oppa! Why are you late? Don't you remember you're supposed to help me compose a song?" Everyone was staring at me, and Yumi was giving me a strange look. "Yah, why are you giving me a strange look?" She just shrugged."You should go Oppa, that way you can help her compose her song." She glared at me. "Who are you?" She asked in an annoyed tone.

I saw Yumi smile, despite what the girl asked. Especially with the tone she gave her. "I'm just a friend. Don't worry about it." Oh, she doesn't want to get compared again. "Relax. I'm going to come with you now." I roughly stood up from my chair and quickly threw away my trash. "Let's go." Her face lit up.

I turned back to face everyone. "I'll see you guys later."

Yumi's point of view:

I almost forgot that I'm in a school with all Kpop artists. I'm the only one who isn't famous here. So does that make me the oddball? I tried not to think about it as much. But I couldn't help but wonder if I'm going to be famous one day too.


The bell rang, and it was time for everyone to get back to class. Sunny, Dongho and I went together, while we said goodbye to Key oppa. "Meet me in front of the school, okay?" "Uh, you know I will." He slightly messed up my hair. "Be good." he said as he turned and left.

Dongho's point of view:

It's only her first day, but it seems a lot of people are already talking about her. I heard it all on the way to class. Most were jealous of her fashion sense, while others wanted to be her friend. Wah, these people are so weird. It's like they don't even realize they have more than her.

And they could just hire a stylists! Ah, they must be jealous that it's her natural talent. Maybe, next is fashion design class. We'll see how good she really is.

Yumi's point of view:

Our next class was most likely going to be the easiest, as well as the most fun. There is no doubt that I would get a good grade in this class. It's a bit weird o me how Dongho chose this class though. Isn't it an elective?

I shook it off. Sunny probably dragged him into this class. We sat down by each other, as the teacher started to lecture. "Okay class, today is the day we finally get to work with fabric. Up until now, we've just been brainstorming ideas on what you'd create. I've finally bought some fabric, so feel free to use anyone you want. Get started! I'd like to see some progress today."

I let everyone go a head of me, and pick out what fabric they wanted. There were only two rolls of fabric left, and everyone kept saying it was the ugly fabric behind the teacher's back. So they wanted to leave me with the bad fabric huh? Sunny encouraged me. "Don't worry, even if they think the fabric isn't pretty, you can still make something beautiful out of it."

I stared at the fabric, and my imagination came to me. I am going to showcase my talent. Just wait.

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superkpopp #1
love it :D
Chapter 3: i really like the way the characters interact in this story ! <3
alicheungmss #3
haha hope you update soon
kekeke what a coincedence :D
Thank you for writing the story!!~~ I had lots of fun reading it the whole way through and you write it amazing sppeed x_x LOL. I could never do soo many updates THAT fast LOL~) i'll be sure to support your new shop : D : D : D : D
:O that was awesome~ that was like a... (I had to go back to count ^^~ >.<) FIVE chapter update!!! >.< lol. I had fun reading so far!! : D I loved it~ (: Hwaiting! ^^~
oh, is everything alright though? she's fine right? >.< thanks for still writing it though >.< and LOL. I can tell, your writing styles are really different xD xD : D and I really like it so far! hwaiting! <3 <3
lol. Don't worry about it (: Still thank you ^^~ and also dw dw~ lol. I love yes style ^^~ I shop there often LOL.
DivineHarmony #9
@IloveLifee: That's good (: I might end up taking a long time typing up the chapters. I want it to be as good as possible. Haha sorry I couldn't find a better site ^^
I really like it so far <3 thank you so much! ^^~ I love the writing style as well >.<, It really engages me LOL. good job (: also the dress was really pretty *_* Imma buy it now xD xD