ღ´¯`•.¸¸.ஐ Chappie 02 ஐ.¸¸.•´¯`ღ

A Sad Beginning

ღ Taemin's POV ღ 

I decided to sit underneath the birch tree right by the fences. I sat down in the shadow and looked up at the sky. It was beautiful. The birds were singing and the clouds were fluffy. I closed my eyes and sighed. I reached for my lunchbag... which I forgot to bring... Wait... I'm sure I brought it! I opened my eyes and looked around. Where was that stupid lunchbag?!

I stood up and looked behind the tree. The girl that got in trouble was right there giggling, her back facing towards me. In her hands was... MY LUNCHBAG!!!

I sighed and bent down...

ღ Yae Eun's POV ღ  

'Mua ha ha ha ha! This is what snobby kids get for being snobby.'

I looked around the tree. Wait... he's gone? I stood up and looked around. I stopped and pouted. Did he go to look for his lunchbag?

I felt a tap on my shoulder.

'Okay... This is creepy...'

The hand then grabbed my arm. I squeezed my eyes together. I screamed and went into full out taekwondo mode. I punched the creeper right in the face.


My eyes widened as I saw Taemin rubbing his bloody nose.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! I just was going to get that... and then... this happened... and then... I'm just really sorry!!!!!"

I bowed in a perfect right angle. 90 degrees. Taemin just stared at me with his bloody nose and evil glare.

"Whatever..." he said and started to walk away.


He turned around.



I didn't know what to say. He seemed so angry...

"Y-... Your lunchbag! That's it! Your lunchbag! I still have it!"

Taemin glared at me and continued to walk forward. I watched his retreating figure and sighed in defeat.

He suddenly turned and started to head towards me. I looked at him confused and watched his eyes. They were looking right at my hand. I looked at it and saw his lunchbag was gone...


I started to run away as fast as I could from this angry, stampeding bull. Unfortunately for me... he caught up. I ran out of breath too fast.

'I had a feeling I should've taken those fitness classes...' I thought as I huffed and tried to take in as much oxygen as I could.

I walked slowly towards the wall and lay my back against it. Taemin walked up beside me. HOW WAS HE NOT TIRED?! I looked behind him and saw that the tree was only a few metres away...

'Am I getting fat?'

I looked down at my belly and grabbed a chunk of fat.

Taemin watched and he was getting sick of this. I could see it in his eyes. I chuckled to myself and continued to play with my belly.

He started to get impatient. He grabbed both of my wrists and pinned the against the wall.


His voice was dangerously low. I gulped.

"Um... I don't know...?"

I could feel drops of sweat starting to form on my forehead. It felt disgusting.

Taemin kept looking in my eyes. I tried to look away but they were... what do you call it... Ah! Beautiful. Just like the eyes of someone I know but I forget who...

Taemin eventually gave in. He let go of my hands and stuck his in his jean pockets.

I rubbed my wrists. There were red hand marks on them.

Taemin looked at me rubbing my wrists and then looked at me.

"You owe me..." he said.

I looked at him in shock.


Taemin bent over picking up a 50 Won coin and flipping it in the air.

"You lost my lunchbag. You owe me." He said while watching the coin fly up and fall back down in his hand. Perfect catch.

I continued to stare at him the same way I did before, except this time, my mouth was much bigger.

Taemin gave me a disgusted look.

"Close your mouth. I fly could go in. And besides, that's not very ladylike."

As he said this, he pointed to a pool of drool starting to fall out of my mouth. I closed my mouth and wiped it off.

"Can't you just buy your own lunchbag? There's hundreds of the same ones in local stores!"

"I can't. So you owe me."

I sighed.

"How much?" I asked as I pulled out my wallet.

"  3 403 125 ($3000)"

Yes. I know he said it's not ladylike to have you mouth wide open... but 3 403 125 won for a lunchbag??!! That's too much!!

"No way. Uh uh! I am not paying that much money for a freaking lunchbag that you can get for 11 343 ($10)"

Taemin smirked. He was enjoying this. Torturing me.

"Then you better find a quick way to pay up! That lunchbag was special to me. Give me something better than it."

And he just left. Just like that. I threw my wallet to the ground and put my hands on my hips. Looking at the sky praying. God, I have not just met a crazy man.

 ღ Taemin's POV ღ   

I smirked. This was entertaining. Torturing the girl I hated so much..

"Then you better find a quick way to pay up! That lunchbag was special to me. Give me something better than it."

I left her to stand and sigh in disbelief.

My face turned from entertained to sad. No matter how hard that girl tried. She wouldn't ever find a good enough replacement... ever...


That was the second chapter. Hope you liked it. Please comment on how well/bad I did. ^^



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tae_lover #1
Chapter 2: ohh i really love your story and taemin is sooo evil hhhh and by the way ii'm new reader and plzzz author-nim keep updating^^ i can't wait
muziqcraze #2
@thewhoa411 : yeah. ^^ I'll try and update faster... if possible. ^^"
awww poor taemin that must have been really special and it was really funny cant wait for the nextupdate
muziqcraze #4
@thewhoa411 : Thank you! ^^
omg loved it keep up the great work<br />
update soon fighting!<br />
muziqcraze #6
@thewho411 : I will! Almost done writing the first chapter! ^^
update soon ^_^