ღ´¯`•.¸¸.ஐ Chappie 01 ஐ.¸¸.•´¯`ღ

A Sad Beginning

  Yae Eun's POV ღ 

"Holy crap! I'm late!"

I literally jumped out of bed when I saw the clock. Both hands were pointed at 12. I grabbed my bag, dressed into my uniform and checked myself in the mirror. My hair was a MESS! It was horrible. I looked around and found a small bobby pin on the floor. I picked it up and examined it.

"This'll have to do for now."

I stuck the bobby pin in my hair the best I could and ran out the door.


~At School~


I looked inside my classroom. The teacher was teaching something... Who knows what!

I slowly opened the door so as not to make a sound. I stepped inside and slowly closed it behind me, tip-toeing towards my seat.

'Come on Yae Eun! You can do this! Only a few more steps...'



I looked up to see the teacher unimpressed. She was tapping her foot and and giving me a death glare. I'm so glad looks can't kill. Or this would've been the thousandth time I died.

"I'm sorry... I'm always late... I'll never do it again!!"

"That's what you said last time."

I laughed nervously and scratched my head. Everyone was staring at me with a sympathetic look. I could hear them whisper

"Poor thing. She's always in trouble."

"Yeah but it's not her fault really."

"Yes it is."

"Oh she's in big trouble now."

I stuck my lips out in a pout face. I looked over at Hee Min, my best friend. She was pretending not to know me. Some friend she is. Psh.

I noticed something was different about the class's atmosphere though. Usually the teacher wouldn't be holding in her anger like this. She'd be yelling at me and make me stand at the front of the class with my hands up the whole class (Which hurts).

"Go have a seat at your desk Jung Yae Eun."

I quietly walked over to my desk and lifted my bag onto it. I leaned over to Hee Min.

"Why's the teacher so... calm?!"

"Because there's a new kid. You know our school. They're always like that when new kids come. To give out a good impression."

"Where is she?"

"He actually."




I felt something hard hit my head. I rubbed it and looked up. The teacher was glaring at us. I gave a cheeky smile and got my stuff out of my bag.

I took out a sticky note and wrote to Hee Min:

Where does he sit?

Hee Min read the note and took out a pen:

Over there <-

She drew an arrow pointing towards the window. I followed the arrow and saw a boy with jet black hair and dark chocolate eyes. His skin was almost, ALMOST, pale.

'Oh my god! He's just like Edward... *shudders*'

He looked over at me. I guess he sensed me staring... Does he have magic powers?!

I gave him a small wave. He just stared at me and then gave me an evil glare. I was shocked. What was that for? Maybe he's a snobby kid...

  Taemin's POV ღ 

'She looks too much like her. I can't remember. I can't...'

Here's the first chapter. I hope you enjoy it. It took me a long(?) time. ^^" Anyways, please comment! Those are what will help me update sooner! ^^

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tae_lover #1
Chapter 2: ohh i really love your story and taemin is sooo evil hhhh and by the way ii'm new reader and plzzz author-nim keep updating^^ i can't wait
muziqcraze #2
@thewhoa411 : yeah. ^^ I'll try and update faster... if possible. ^^"
awww poor taemin that must have been really special and it was really funny cant wait for the nextupdate
muziqcraze #4
@thewhoa411 : Thank you! ^^
omg loved it keep up the great work<br />
update soon fighting!<br />
muziqcraze #6
@thewho411 : I will! Almost done writing the first chapter! ^^
update soon ^_^