Friendly Foe

“Yoo Youngjae!” a loud voice echoes throughout B.A.P’s dorm. None of the other four members made a sound. They were neither curious nor interested in whatever problem Daehyun had with the other lead vocalist. Last time the two quarreled, Youngjae called him out for eating the remaining bits of green tea ice cream he had claimed. It was a big fight. It was always a big fight when it was about food. They take food very seriously in this dorm. The rest of the members could only imagine the severity of the situation.

Youngjae hears his name being yelled. He puts aside the book he was reading. It was a fascinating book detailing the thoughts and actions of a variety of notorious swindlers. An Idiot’s Guide to Con Artists. Jung Daehyun was so difficult to understand sometimes. And now he’s interrupting his perfectly peaceful reading time. The younger lead vocalist sighs. He hears noisy footsteps approach and stop outside the room. The door flies open to reveal a rather displeased Daehyun.

“You ate my cheesecake again, didn’t you?” he glares and points an accusing finger at Youngjae.

“What are you talking about?” the other feigns innocence, pure glee radiating from his smile. That’s what he gets for eating his precious green tea ice cream; justice has been served.

“Don’t look at me with that angelic face,” Daehyun mumbles, taking a seat next to him.

“Okay, okay,” Youngjae holds his hands up in defeat. “I was hungry, so I embarked on a long and arduous journey to the kitchen. It was a journey full of blood, sweat, and tears, and the only thing I found was this beautiful cheesecake just sitting in the refrigerator all by its lonely self and-”

“You just took it?” Daehyun interrupted, not at all amused by his fellow band member’s hyperbolic anecdote.

“It was calling my name!” The older male rolls his eyes at his friend’s pathetic attempt at defending himself. Yet he plays along.

“You liar; cheesecakes only call my name.”

“I call your name too.”

Youngjae wonders if his response was too straightforward. After a brief moment of an unbearably awkward silence, Daehyun leans in towards the other’s face, slowly but surely. “Are you a cheesecake?” he says in a low voice. Youngjae brings his hand up and flicks his head.

“You're too close,” he says. The older male rubs his head, wincing at the sting. With a pout on his face, Youngjae continues, “Sometimes I wonder if you like cheesecakes more than you like me.”

Daehyun leans in towards Youngjae’s face again, this time with every intention to close the gap between them. “I like you more,” he whispers with a slight Busan satoori in his voice. Youngjae would often mimic Daehyun’s satoori to poke fun at him, though he would never admit that he does, in fact, find his natural way of speech rather attractive.

The two lead vocalists share a gaze, each lost in the other’s eyes. It was a silent gaze that needed no words. It was the kind of gaze that spoke on its own. “I love you.” Daehyun leans forward a little bit more. Youngjae brings his hand up.

And flicks his head again.

“Not here, you idiot,” he says.

Daehyun and Youngjae are fighting? Please.

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v3aish #1
Chapter 2: super cute!!
Twirlpop #2
Tharanghae #3
Chapter 2: Bahahahhaha! I love this!
Mangoo #4
Chapter 2: Hahahahaha that's cute xD
That's really really cute and funny <3

I think some people are just overthinking here...Just because they aren't jumping happily around and together like fluffy teddy bears, doesn't mean they have a fight. We all know that they love each other, without being all energetic and the smexying going on with each other lol
And we all know Youngjae is Daehyun's only best friend lololol or whatever he said before <3
Chapter 2: aww this is cute xD
tbh i was one of those people :p but of course i always know- well actually dont know,but well,fangirls imagination xD i just think like that even when idk anth going on between them to get some feelings...well,being said,'angsty feels',or sth like that xD those adorable 2 still stick w each other n talk like friends always do~ idk how some think that they're "fighting" for real,like,thats their private lives..they do whatever they want,n who can even read their problem ;;
anw thats cute xD fighting!!
IdioticProblems #6
Chapter 2: Oh so cute ><
me_trolling #7
Chapter 2: loooved it, It was a very nice read .... please write more daejae :)
Fusspott #8
Chapter 2: AHA THIS IS BRILLIANT. I very much agree with you, people are just overthinking things.