O4: Leaving Home

The Pact
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Chapter 4: Leaving Home

Sura opened one eye and noticed Dasol was gone. She pushed Luhan off quickly, her heart racing. Her face was burning red. It wasn’t her first kiss or anything, but she never felt comfortable with public displays of affection.

“What the was that for?!” She shouted.

Luhan scowled. “It was so Dasol would leave without bothering us, idiot! It worked didn’t it?”


Sura had nothing to say because technically, he was correct. She huffed in frustration.
“I said you’d have to be good if you wanted food.” She reminded.

“I think kissing my girlfriend is a pretty good deed, if you ask me.”


“Well no one asked you!” Sura pouted. Once again, he was technically correct.

Luhan chuckled. So she can be cute...


He drove her home and just as Sura was about to leave, Luhan grabbed her wrist.

“What?” She snapped.

“Just wanted to remind you – I want food tomorrow… Sweetie.”

Sura made a face. “Gross. Save the boyfriend act for the public.”


Luhan was thoroughly amused. Although annoying, having a fake fiancée had its charms. Most importantly, it came with free homemade food.
Speaking of food, I’m hungry.




Luhan sat in his living room, eating some cup ramen. They had housemaids who cleaned, but they didn’t cook. It was crap food like this that made him intensely crave a good meal.
Note to self: remind Mom to hire some chefs.


The doorbell rung and he let the maid answer.
“Shao ye*, there is a girl here to see you. She says she is your girlfriend.”


Why is that stupid girl here? I just dropped her off…
Luhan went to the door, but Sura wasn’t standing there. It was Dasol.

“You are not my girlfriend.” He said coldly and reached to close the door.

“I am your rightful girlfriend, Luhan Oppa! And where is t

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will update later tonight I promise~~


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Chapter 35: This was such a cute and nice read! Thank you for this story. 🥰
1883 streak #3
Chapter 11: that was a nice defence lu
1883 streak #4
Chapter 10: naughty luhan
1883 streak #5
Chapter 9: "This was the potential i saw" lmao luhan eye-- 😭😭
1883 streak #6
Chapter 8: lmao the last line 😂😂😭😭
1883 streak #7
Chapter 7: luhan's so into the roleplay xD
1883 streak #8
Chapter 6: ahh they're so funny xD
1883 streak #9
Chapter 5: you not only deliver us beautiful chapters but also teach us mandarin hehe
1883 streak #10
Chapter 4: Lmao that other girl is so annoying ajjksjk