
The Clockmaster's Tragedy

Leah closed her eyes and a tear droplet fell out again. She was surprised by Suho's sudden embrace; he was so adamant about leaving her alone. But as his arms wrapped around her, she felt memories flood her mind instantaneously. "He" was in her mind again, his smile was drifting across her vision. The memories suddenly burst through her, and she choked a little.


"Oh my gosh, you just stole my sandwich." "Baekhyun, how could you?" Leah frowned as her boyfriend chumped on her sandwich. He smiled at her and then pouted. "What?? You don't want to share with me?" 

"That's cruel, Leah." Baekhyun laughed and kissed her on the lips. "You're so cute when you're mad." 

Leah blushed and looked down, twittling with her fingers. "Um...." 

Baekhyun looked out at the sunset. They were sitting on a bench together near a playground, away from people, alone at last. It was such a beautiful setting; the aesthetic colors of pinks, yellows, and oranges colored the sky, creating the most splendid pattern they had ever seen.

Baekhyun's heart was beating faster as he stared at Leah's blushing face for a few minutes. Silence was broken when he spoke.

"I know that you don't..want to believe me but.." Baekhyun began and he swallowed something because he was so nervous.

" it?" Leah looked at him with big eyes.

"I love you so much." Baekhyun placed his hand on hers and clutched it gently. "This feeling is constantly parading me, Leah. I don't know what to do about it."

"It's just that everytime I see you, everything you do, everything about you, I love it so much."

Leah blushed ever redder and looked down in embarrassment. Baekhyun smiled and kissed her forehead. He looked at her again.

"Leah, look at me please." 

Leah shyly looked up and saw the love in Baekhyun's face. It seemed to be overflowing, and her heart beat so fast that she placed her other hand on it and breathed deeply. Baekhyun crept a little closer to Leah.


"want to marry you." 

"I will cherish you forever after this year ends." 

But in the next moment, she felt her heart beating..beating for her deceased boyfriend. But there was another feeling inside of her that conflicted with her thoughts. She could only feel Suho's soft breath against her neck and his warm arms, which were wrapped around her. She gently reached up and lightly touched his hand. 

What am I doing? I feel as if I'm being swayed too easily. Leah sighed. 

"Thank-you." Leah whispered softly, and she heard Suho laugh lightly.

She's ready. Suho thought quietly to himself and reached in his pocket for a watch, a special one. He didn't take it out of his pocket yet but held it in his hands within his pocket. 

"Turn around and look at me, Leah." Suho said gently, and Leah, as shyly and awkward as possible, slowly turned around with her head down. 

"Aww, don't be sad." "That hurts me too." Suho kissed Leah on the forehead, which made her blush. He then tousled her hair, and smirked silently to himself. 

"You wish that he was back?" "Your boyfriend. I mean." Suho spoke, and Leah nodded her head slowly but still refused to look up. 

"What if you could change back time? What if you could give yourself another chance for him?" Suho said as he took out the special clock from his pocket.

"And what if I told you that I had something that you could use to reverse back time; what would you do for it?" 

Leah's eyes shot up, and Suho could see the desperate expression on her face. "Please..anything..I want him back..I love him so much." She began to cry.

Suho looked at her as his expression changed from softness to a slight frown. "Oh really?" "What would you give up for it?" 

Leah choked on her tears. "Anything..ANYTHING." She yelled out loudly as she closed her eyes for more tears to drop down.

In that instant, Suho vanished from the scenery, and Leah felt something in her hands.

It was ancient looking clock; it looked much different from the clocks at the store. Something about it. It did not feel like a normal clock; there was also some sort of energy pulsating from it, a form of light green light.

"...What's..what's going on?" Leah cried in fear, and she felt a strong source of light appear. It seemed to grab her into its area.

"NO. NOOO" Leah cried out loudly, but it was too late. 

The powerful portal of light swallowed her easily. It closed up instantly.

A sigh could be heard in the scenery. It was Suho's voice.

"She failed." He frowned and tapped his foot. He was in his formal brown cloak attire again. "This is just so dissappointing." 

The girl was revisiting the past, but her memories were lost forever. Time could never be changed. What happened would always occur; nothing can change fate in this world. 

Everything would follow ordinarily. Her loved one would die the same way, and she would despair once more. She would have never met Suho, and her life would eeb slowly. 

It seemed almost like a tragedy for her, but she was so unwise to choose this path. She could not learn to embrace the present, a major felony accounted by the Clockmaster. However cruel this type of punishment was for her, Suho believed she deserved it.

After all, he could be cruel as he wished. 

"Where should I go now?" Suho snapped his fingers and a light blue portal swirled in front of him. 

He walked into it, and it closed behind him.

hey guys! the story is NOT over, be prepared for the ultimate twists. (well, it'll only be twisty, if you're also reading "Ghost", my sequel to this story-well sorta ish, nothing in this story really spoils "Ghost")

anyways, enjoy! :D

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Chapter 12: the prince can be bad can be sweet kkk XD
Chapter 10: oow oww bad kai kkk but i think he's interested with sunwa. she's so brave to slapped the prince kkk somehow that prince does deserve it XD pls update again authornim♥♥
Chapter 9: awesome story~~ pls update soon^^
Chapter 9: The poster's awesome. And the story too! ^_^ Update soon!
The title seems interesting.
It catches my attention!
I will read this!

The poster looks pleasing in the eyes too!
Chapter 7: they finally met :')) i smell something in between them haha :)
Chapter 5: I want Suho and Sunwa to see each other soon ... Poor her...
agree with the OutspokenGirl612 hehe
check out the Navi's poster, it's really good :)
Chapter 1: ooooo~ sounds interesting so far
update soon ^^