
You Just Disappeared

[ Daehyun's Pov ]


The wedding had started. 

All of the guests were sitting in the seats of the grand luxurious church. My parents and Ara's mother occupied the front row of all of the seats. Friends, distant relatives, cousins and everyone else were in the crowd of the audience. 

My crew and Ara's friends were in the front of the church. Boys on one side and girls on the other. They were all smiling at each other while someone from the boys side kept on casting flirtatious smiles to the girls. I breathed in deeply and breathed out. I was super nervous and a feeling of dread wouldn't go away.

The wedding finally officially started. I walked towards the front of the stand where the pastor was standing. I awaited Ara to come in along with her father who was supposed to hand Ara to me. 

For some reason, I felt like this day was too good to be true. Something wasn't right. I could just feel it. 

Everyone had started to become restless. Yongguk was casting me looks of concern while Zelo and Jongup was trying to ask me what was happening. 

I had a giant migrain. I couldn't comprehend what was happening right now. This wasn't how I imagined my wedding to become. 


Twenty minutes had finally passed from when Ara was supposed to walk in. 

My mom kept casting me looks that I was unable to interpret. 

Himchan came up behind me and told me what to do, "dude, go look for her. Now," he said emphasizing the word 'now'. I threw down the bouquet of flowers that I was supposed to give to my flawless Ara. 

Immediately, I ran towards the door to the back and dashed through the door, pushing it open harshly. I rushed to where I saw Ara  last time. I burst through the door and went straight for the table, checking whether she had left anything or not. 

I saw a piece of paper in her neat cursive handwriting.

It read;

To: Dae
Sorry baby, but something has happened and I can't marry you
Honestly, I really like you, but this matter is much more important to me
Please apologize to my parents for me since ... I don't know when the next time I'm going to see them
Baby Dae, I wish this didn't have to happen 
Maybe in the future, if we have any luck, you'll see me again
If we don't then, I'm sorry
You should go seek someone that deserves you much more than I do 
Baby, sorry and this is the last time I'm saying this
I love you


After reading the note she had left for me, I collasped into the seat speechless.

I felt like someone had ripped a part of me that I cannot find ever again in this lifetime. No one would be able to understand the pain I was enduring. It was inhumane.

I put the note down slowly, back onto the table with my hands shivering. 

The rest of the crew burst into the room and saw me with the note in front of me. My gaze never leaving the small piece of paper. "Do you need company?" Zelo asked cautiously. 

I shook my head slowly in response. "I need to be left alone..." I slowly softly as if all the energy from before just burst into thin air. 

My closed my eyes slowly as a tear rolls down my cheek. I touched my cheek and I felt like I just died interally. The moisture felt strange on my fingertips. More droplets of tears started rolling down my cheeks and I tried to blink them away. Nothing worked. More tears starting coming down my face, turning into streams of water. I couldn't control myself.

My perfect Ara. My life. She had just left and I'm sitting here. She was clearly long gone. 

I tried to imagine life without her that was presented in front of me. I couldn't.

I've lived with Ara too long with this sudden disappearance. I couldn't bear the pain that was exploding in my heart. I tugged at my blonde hair trying to get rid of the mental pain. I slammed my fist onto the table, hoping to replace my heartache by causing myself physical damage. 

I knocked my forehead on the table a couple of times trying to think of why she would leave. "Why?" I croaked through my tears coming down my face. 

I crumpled the paper in my fist, spreading it out once again to rip it into shreds. I threw the pieces of paper across the room, hoping it would perishg in the air. 

I didn't know it would hurt this much. 


It hurts. It really does.

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britt29able1 #1
Chapter 7: I literally cried from reading this. Poor Daehyun. You're a great writer.(: