✎ 〈 whenever I hear that song 〉”

✎ 〈 i m i s s y o u ♡ 〉”


「 I  m i s s  y o u ¦ 널  그 리 워 



sunlight of the late after noon shines through the window,

through the beige curtain with sweet smell of pastry,

fruit flavoured tea . The sounds of piano that still plays the old songs,

relaxing one but always remind me of you whenever I hear the melody.





It's been a long time since the last time we met.
I'm still the same,in this Sunday afternoon at your favorite cafè.
I ordered milk tea and Vanilla cake that I used to hate.
It's become my routines,I slowly addict to the creamy taste of dessert.
It's weird that all of these things are something you chose.
Seems like I still can't forget you...
I wonder what are you doing today? How have you been...
I miss you.





The cold wind that makes the tree moves as it leaves fall down.

Even it's now late Autumn but the scent of Spring still blooms in my heart.

Egg sandwich and seaweed soup on this chilling day.

I sit down under the oak tree and start my 'picnic' alone.




You're not here. I used to think that having a picnic in late Autumn is really ridiculous.
But you changed my view,breaking the rule I used to follow and introduced me to something new.
Combine something I never expect,brought me to some new place,exploring the new world.
It was you teach me that nothing is impossible,encourage me to step forward. I like it all.
Even I'm alone but I still choose to spend my holiday here. 
I hum the familiar song we used to sing along with my guitar.
Maybe you're singing this song too,far far away from here.
I miss you.



´talk that »                     

hello,people. eunnie is here.
showing my lacking grammar skill to the world.lol
nothing,this is just some random 'oneshot' popped out my head.
I should be studying for my midterm test tomorrow but yeah..
I should complete this before my laziness appear again.orz
inspired by Juniel,Yiruma,Huhgak&LE and Loveholics.
This is so random. why is it Minhyuk and Juniel?
because it someone I can easily find gifs that suit the plot.
Thanks for reading and merry christmas. ♥




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Chapter 2: omg. this was so pretty and so sweet and so perfect and just so slice of life. <3 gosh, how did I NOT see this before? so perf. <3 thank you for this.
Park_HyeSun #2
Chapter 2: This story is likable. It's simple and understandable, and I like how both of the chapters end with the same line. It is more impactful that way, I believe.

As for errors, they are few in number. Some tenses are being mixed, but I understand that it is a hard thing to master. Some words have been misspelled, such as (scenary) when it should be (scenery). All in all, nevertheless, it's a lovely piece. Nice one, ^^
--doyouhearme #3
Chapter 2: Nice short story! ^^
PandaHyoHyuk #4
Chapter 2: So lovely!
Chapter 2: Awww~ This is sooo sweet and cute~ <33
MinHyukie ^^
polariskpop #6
Chapter 2: The words are soo small... T T but i manage to read them, i like the story :)
Chapter 2: awww this is so sweet <3 so happy they get to meet again :)
Chapter 2: Oh! You updated! I will read this another time~ ^^ A bit busy now~ ><
Chapter 1: it's feel good..