18 - First Day

5 Ways To Get a Wife
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chapter eighteen; 

                  first day.




Yuna pressed the pillow against her left ear. “Ugh, turn off the alarm pleaseee.” She groaned under her pillow. Since when did she have a alarm inside her room? Alarms were the number one on the not allowed things inside her room.



Yuna threw away the pillow as she sat up with eyes half closed. She found that thing from hell placed on top of the bed-side drawers. Yuna sighed heavily and threw back her body to her bed, going back to her beauty sleep. No one can ruin her beautiful morning.






Yuna ignored her sister and crawled under the warm blanket. “Eonnnnniiii!!!!” Yuki called her again. Yuna still ignored her, trying to go back to her dream. “Eonni, today is your first day in your new university! That Suho guy is waiting for you down stairs!” Yuki said.


Yuna popped her head out from under the blanket, “Huh?” Yuki rolled her eyes watching her sister's laziness waking up in the morning, “That guy, your husband’s friend called Kim Joonmyeon or Suho. He’s here, waiting for you.”


Yuna blinked her eyes a few times. Her brain can’t function normally in the morning. ‘Joonmyeon? Suho? University?’ Yuna widened her eyes. She quickly threw her blanket away and jumped off from her bed, “Suho-ssi, give me fifteen minutes!” Yuna yelled as loud as she can.


“Don’t worry, I came a little bit early too,” Suho replied as loud as Yuna did. Yuna walked around her room back and forth, “What should I wear today?” she opened her mini walk-in closet. Yuki joined her in, “This..” Yuki took out a grey scarf, “and this…” She took the black Simpsons sweater.


Yuna let Yuki pick her clothes while she left her and went to shower. After fifteen minutes, she came out from the bathroom wearing the clothes Yuki picked. Yuki watched her sister tied her hair bun, “Nervous?” Yuna nodded.


She can’t help but feel nervous. She dropped out of university because she wasn’t able to pay the tuition fee. Her parents went bankrupt and went missing. It’s different with Yuki. When they lost contact with their parents, she just graduated from high school and luckily at that time a university offered her a full scholarship until she graduated.


“Don’t worry” Yuki assured her. Yuna sighed. She took her bag and went out from her room with Yuki. As she closed the door, she stared at Kris’ room in front of hers. Yuki seemed to understand when she saw her sister’s gaze. She smiled and headed downstairs first.


Yuna took two steps until her hands could reach the door handle. Her phone vibrated in her bag. She took  out her iPhone and stared at the caller ID. She slide the answer button and pressed the phone to her ear, “Hmm?”


“Oh! You are awake, miss sleepyhead!” Kris’ voice sung. She clicked her tongue, making her way to the stairs. “Yeah, what do you want?” Yuna asked harshly.


She could hear Kris humming to a song from the other side, not answering her question. Yuna narrowed her eyes as she climbed down the stairs, “Are you humming to SNSD’s I Got a Boy?” There’s a loud thud from the other side, did he just fall down?


“Ouch, argh… it hurts! you table!” She can hear a loud curse again. “What? SNSD? No, of course not! Real men will not listen to SNSD!” He tried to defend himself. “It’s okay, real man listen to SNSD” Yuna more.


“I’M NOT!”


“It’s okaaayyy~”


“PFT! Whatever, that night… it was just an accident.” Yuna nodded her head as she entered the kitchen. She waved her hand to greet Suho who was sitting enjoying his breakfast. “Bacon plus omelet” Minah placed a plate in front of Yuna when she sat down.


Yuna tried not to laugh, “Don’t worry, I won’t tell this to your friends. This is our little secret, sshhh.” He let out a loud sigh, “yeah, you better shut your mouth.” “Promiseee!!!”


“I got to go. Good luck with your first day in university!” Kris said and hung up the call. The three humans around Yuna who was staring at her quickly surrounded her. Suho, who already sat peacefully in front of Yuna, got the best seat while Yuki sat beside Suho and Minah beside Yuna.


“Whaaaaaa…. Morning call from the lovely husband, huh?” Yuki starts. Yuna shrugged, ignoring her sister as she digged into her food. Suho placed his glass on the table, “As one of his friends, what secret are you guys hiding from me?”


“Suho-ssi, maybe it’s their ual relationship secrets!” Minah frankly said. Yuna choked. Her hands tried to reach Suho’s glass, but Suho snatched it

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Hermin #1
Chapter 1: I love this one
xoxo1401 #2
Chapter 32: Heey authornim.. I'm reading this story againn kekekee.. I guess you're still busy? If you're not please update soon! Still curious who's child is that:) thankss
Chapter 31: noooooooooo! when Yuna finally have a happy ending in her story this biatch came. urrrrrgh.. pleaseee pleaseee pleasee make Lana Wu is not his daughter and kyrstal is faking it. update soon! ^^
xoxo1401 #4
Chapter 32: Oh sheez. Please tell me she's not his daughter.. Or i'll fcking kill you kris wu!!! Hope you'll update soonnn! Thankss
RangerDita #5
Chapter 31: where r u authornim??
would u mind to make another chappie sooner?
Chapter 32: T___T I'll wait for you!! Good luck in chasing your dream!! :DD
iru003 #7
Chapter 32: Unnie, i hope your dreama come true! Fighthing?
Chapter 32: Yup!! Fighting, unnie! :"D
emmaxotic #9
Chapter 31: Update plzzzz!!!! Don't stop the story with that and her stupid daughter. I'll b waitin for an update. It's really DaebaKk...