Army Positions

WORLD WAR III - Battle of the Awkwards



“Yah, Daehyun, you really had to come with this type of name?”

“As if your one was better,” Daehyun spat it his elder as he locked the door of Jongup’s room, “And why couldn’t we keep our ‘secret base’ in my room?”

“Because Youngjae would scratch my eyes out and we can’t use my room because Yongguk already kicked me and he threatened to destroy my beautiful army which I don’t really mind him doing so if you don’t shut up and ask these ridiculously easy and obvious questions which Jongup could even answer! He doesn’t have anything up there!”

Jongup just smiled cluelessly as he took off his buzzing earphones from his head.

“Sorry hyung, I heard my name.”

“Nothing honey,” Himchan hummed, giving him a plastered smile. He then rolled his eyes and continued to backtalk his so called follower.

“Himchan hyung,” Jongup started as he slid around his room with his rolling chair, “since we’re in a war and this a-an… army… shouldn’t we have positions?”

Right now Jongup was expecting a smack in the head.

“Ah, very smart Jongup! I knew you had something up there!” Himchan cheered, clapping his hands together and grapping a blank piece of paper. “I am going to be ‘Ruler of the Earth!’ and maybe the army visual.”

“Please , that’s my job,” Daehyun mumbled.

“Well, whatever, you can be a… Secret Attack minister! You can send threats to the other team!”

“But I wanted to be the chef!”

“Yah! I’m the Ruler of the Earth here! And guess what? I’m Commander General too!”

“Well,” mumbled Jongup, breaking his silence, “what about me?”

“Water boy,” Himchan and Daehyun replied in unison.


“Fine, be a weapons and combat guy,” frowned Daehyun cokcing his head to one side in disappointment. “You can be the undercover guy too since you’re so damn quiet. And you might as well be a rogue while you’re at it.”

Himchan shook his head, “Nope, I don’t like rogues. Just keep it with those two. Now… as an undercover agent, Jongup, go find dirt on the indestructible, would you?”


By that time, Jongup was pushed out of the door into the cold hallway. He shivered as he walked past Youngjae’s room. Inside he could hear giggling and laughing and evil plotting. He knew there was something wrong. He leant his head to the door and peeked through the small crack. He could see Zelo marching up and Down across the room, Youngjae typing on his computer and Yongguk beside him, instructing him, telling him what to do.

But because Jongup was Jongup, he soon forgot about his mission decided to have a snack break.

“Type faster you idiot! I thought you were smart!”

“Hyung, can I get a gun? Please? Please?”

Luckily, for The Indestructible, they were left in peace and where surprisingly doing the same thing that the Cheesecake Trio where doing.

“I am Commander General and Ruler of Everything, I swear, Himchan doesn’t realise how loud he talks! Your get to be your computer science thingy and nuclear atomic thingy and Zelo…”

Yongguk’s devious plan fell to a stop.

“Hyung,” Zelo grinned, “I want to use a gun!”

“Uh, you can be a soldier!”


Yongguk lowered his head to Youngjae’s ear, “Make him a low ranking solider, a decoy guy and weapons dummy while you’re at it.”

They both snickered and snorted at what they thought was their hilarious remarks but really, they did not know what was going to hit them…

Because Jongup, being the Weapons Commander, found a giant water gun in the cereal box and decided to make good use of it. But he found that their new dorm should be eco and earth friendly! They should recycle, be green, plant trees! And importantly, they should not waste water. Jongup figured that Daehyun’s strawberry milkshake did fine.

Not for him…

But for The Indestructible.

               author note     
I'll be off and away in about ten hours so i decided to make a quick update before I snooze :P I feel reallly flail now because no one's subscribing OTL .. slapped very hard. :P I gueesss it hapens to everyone at first. Damn...
Sorry this chapter is really short OTL
I was having a party today becasue it was my last day ^^ :D so much chocococlatetudhfkdjasklfhjdsfl -.-
Well... anyways! I'll be posting up a poster soon ^^ Please give me feedback! I love you all~ (and sorry for all the mistakes :P I'm in a rush bro D:  )
Good byess!! ♥


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