Minor Fall


Everything in Daehyun’s life was simply a minor fall. Nothing of major importance, and something always forgotten.


Everything in life placed itself as just another minor fall in Daehyun’s eyes. He always thought that avoiding further complications to the situation always made it better than it really was. After all, simple things were always so much easier to deal with, compared to all the sad, depressing other people have to go through.

His parent’s divorce.

His failing grades.

His move from Busan to Seoul.

His habit of always being alone.

Just being Jung Daehyun in general.

All of those things were simple, minor falls in Daehyun’s eyes. Nothing of major importance, and definitely nothing that he would ever give much thought about.

But then, along came Yoo Youngjae.


Halloooo WORLD~ lol this will most likely be a one-shot I'll probably post sometime tomorrow? IDK. *shot* I just have to let all of my flangst feels out so that I'll be able to study for my FINAL EXAMS. Damn exams start on the day of my b-day...Lol what a great present? xD How old do you guys think I am? Wanna guess? I curios to see how old you guys think I am xD

Anyway, that aside...LET ME LUVS U ALL for taking the time to read this ^o^v

ANd bg credits to this lovley PERSON

Me Outtie~


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vero0703 #1
Chapter 3: ¿¿¿¿¿¿?????? :( :( :(
Chapter 3: It's a really good story :) please update soon author-nim ~!
Chapter 3: *sobs* I'll comfort you Daehyun
Chapter 3: This story is so beautiful I hope you'll be able to update soon! :)
jangdino #5
Chapter 3: Update soon! :)
Chapter 1: Sweetie this is it.my God I think ive found another inspiration.I damn near cried on this chapter alone.I song care how long it takes just dont forget this story.im so in love with it
Chapter 3: Poor Daehyunnie!! His mother left him, just like that.. :'( But Youngjae will really be the sun in Dae's life, right? He will comfort him and makes him happy with his own joy? :DD I hope so! I just found this story and I like it already! Hope you'll update soon~ <3
Chapter 3: Daehyuns mom left :/ that really ... At least she left him money but that's nothing to what he really needs... He needs someone to care for him :/ ksjsaonsdk ugh lol

I can't wait to read the next chapter :)
Chapter 2: OooooO he meets Youngjae :) yay I think lol ooOooo