The land of Narexo

The Unicorn, the Krease, and the Closet

"What is this place?" questioned Luhan in his head with  his eyes full of curiosity.

"It's Narexo, the land of disbelief animals and Magic.  Where also the souls of humankind goes.  Where dreams come valid, and the most finest unicorn" replied a voice.

The hand tapped Luhan's shoulders, then as he turned around, it poked his cheeks.

"Hi, I am TianShi" smile TianShi.

"Is your name Angel, or you're an Angel?" asked Luhan.

"I'm an Angel and my name is Angel" laughed TianShi.

"Oh my name is Luhan.  And how did you find me?" asked Luhan.

"I heard your thoughts" said TianShi.

"Oh well..." sighed Luhan.

As Luhan paused, danger was coming.  As TianShi looked around and had heard from far beyond.

"You better hurry and leave before the malicious King Krease comes and find you!" yelled TianShi.

"Well I was about to say, I have telekinesis!" shouted Luhan as he ran back into the closet behind the hexagon rock.

As he closed the closet door and not to look back, he ran downstairs to the living room.

"Luhan where were you?  We all got anxious" said Tao(Time Control).

Luhan sat down next to Xiumin.  As Xiumin puts one arm over Luhan and smiled Luhan said, 

"I found a magical closet upstairs!"whisphered Luhan.

"Oh okay.  So...where did it lead you? Narexo?" said Xiumin.

"Aye, how did you know" questioned Luhan.

"Because Halmoni told us a story about a magical door, and not to go in it, but then you did!" gasped Chen as he got up pointing into Luhan's face.

"I thought it would be my room!  I didn't know!  But I think TianShi is in danger!  We must help her!" said Luhan.

"TianShi? TianShi? Angel?" said Tao.

"Yes.  The Angel lady that told me to come back because King Krease was coming" Luhan said.

"So? What about it?  Not our problem" said Chen ask he chewed his hoddeok.

"Luhan just forget about it.  It is nothing much" said Xiumin as he picked up a Hoddeok.

"Yeah Luhan" said Tao as he drinked his vanilla milk.

"Fine.  You guys can't even do a thing with your powers" said Luhan as his face was mad.

"The power only work when we have effort" said Chen.

"Well you guys don't" shouted Luhan as he ran upstairs and disappeared into the pulchritudinous door.

"See what you did Chen" said Xiumin.

"Me? Me! What are you talking about it was you" said Chen.

"Did you guys notice Luhan went back into the closet?  But anyways that sounds funny and forever Alone" laughed Tao.

"Now we have to go get him before the Krease guy does.  Or else we won't see Luhan anymore.  Mama would exterminate us" said Chen.

"Here goes the adventure.  But let me use the bathroom first" sighed Xiumin.

In the mean time of Luhan, he went looking for TianShi.

"TianShi! TianShi!" shouted Luhan.

As Luhan stood still,  there was a absence of sound.  He turned around.  There stood King Krease with his two arms crossed.

"You must be King Krease" said Luhan.

"It's not Krease! It's Ace!  Get it right before I exterminate you!" yelled Kris with a really serious face.

"Okay King Ace" said Luhan rolling his eyes.

"You're here because of TianShi?" he asked.

"Yeah, what did you do to her" worried Luhan.

"In the grey clouds upon heavens" smiled Kris.

"Wow you really are evil" shaking Luhan's head up and down.

"Oh no I'm not.  I just came here to take you to go see her.  Because she wants to see you" smiled Kris.

"Oh really, take me to her then" said Luhan.

"okay" snarled Kris as he turned his back around.












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