Sequel! Not an update :3

Tears of a Rapper

I was thinking if this is still necessary but i think it's not but hey at least this fic will appear in the Home right? :) More readers! OTL yeah sorry for being greedy ><

Anyways if you guys didn't knew, this already had a sequel~



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Chapter 1: It's nice though sad T____T Just like most people here, I also like a sequel with a happier ending XD
me_trolling #3
Chapter 1: SEQUEL I demand one for the safety of my heart and mind I WANT A SEQUEL PLEAAASE
Chapter 1: Kajsjdjdjdjjkdjdj stupid yongguk dkekskjdjdkejebdndjd i demand a sequel can i sksjsojsjsjxjdjdjdjdjdjd
Chapter 1: yes!!!! please write a sequel!!! this was very touching!!! god job XD
Chapter 1: LOL! write a sequel for this one when you get the inspiration.
they cannot forever not end up together e____e
write in byg's pov next time. go find jonguppppppppppppp. ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; and add a second ship daejong xDDD
me_trolling #7
sounds good can't wait for the update ...