The Beginning of 52D's Fame

Love and Hate (HIATUS)

          As they are growing up, they became interested in singing, dancing and acting. They started to balance their studies and dance practices. They are just 6 years old when they started doing it. They always practice in their own park which is Stahl Park. A park which is named after the joint business of their families. Their favorite practice spot is the place near the lake under the huge tree. Hae Min supported them in eveything they do and she believes in them. Their friends also ask for their permission to have their dance practices there also. Starting that day, it became their usual routine. They also joined dancing competitions and they also get to be the champions. Other competitors don't hate them for always being champions because whenever they win, they also share the award that they got to the other competitors. They are too good and too humble too be hated. As they grow up, they have many suitors but they always turn them down using the nicest possible way. Since then they became street dancers. Their friends decided to call them 52D, 5 of them together, 2D as Dancing Divas. Hearing that their friends called them that way, they were so grateful to them that they addressed them in that way. 

       One day, while they were having their dance practice at their usual place, a man approached them. The man introduced himself as Kim Min Jae, a DSP staff. At that time, they were already 18 years old. The man told them that he finds them good in dancing and that maybe they can consider joining their agency so that they could enhance their talents more. 52D said that they'll first ask the permission of their unnie if they can join then they'll just inform them if ever they have made up their decisions already. Kim Min Jae decided to give them a calling card and told them to call that number in case they have already made up their minds in considering his offer. After that meeting, Kim Min Jae goes back looking around the park and decided to ask some people about some information regarding 52D. After gathering much information, he went back to the DSP building. When he reached the building, he goes straight to his office to find more information about 52D in the net. To his dismay, 52D has no records in the internet. After that, he goes to the office of the CEO to inform him of his newly found discoveries. The CEO was amazed to the achievements that 52D achieved. He told Kim Min Jae that if ever these girls accepted the offer, they need not to be trainees anymore since they are like professionals already.

       When 52D went home after their encounter with the DSP staff, they quickly inform Hae Min about the offer that they just got and ask her if they can join the company. Hae Min said to them that they can because she knows and believes in the capacity 52D possess. The next day, 52D called Kim Min Jae and inform him about their decisions. Kim Min Jae was surprise that they agreed and he said to them that he will set an appoint for them to meet with the CEO. At the day of their meeting, the CEO praised them and told them that they need not to be trainees anymore since they are like professionals already but 52D said that they wanted to experience being trainees. Also, 52D requested that maybe they can have their debut when they are already 19 years old. They still wanted to live like normal people so they requested that maybe they can have part time jobs. They agreed to the conditions of 52D. But 52D said that they have their last request and that is they will not reveal their faces to the audience until they reach their 3rd year anniversary and that they will not use their street names instead, they would be using their real names and nicknames and no one except for them should know about their real identity unless they permitted them to say it. At first, they questioned 52D why they wanted not to reveal their faces to the public but 52D just replied that they have their personal reasons. The CEO  and the manager then also agreed and also said that maybe they can have a twist because they would be some kind of like mysterious performers. The CEO also said that Kim Min Jae will be their manager.  

        On the day of their debut, they said to the public that they would only reveal their true identity when they reach their 3rd year anniversary. People respected their decisions and thanked them for their understanding. Many people easily became their fans when reporters ask on what was the reason for becoming their fans even if they can't see their faces. Fans would just answer them saying that they  like 52D for the attitude and character that they are showing and it is not that important to them whether or not they would reveal their identities or not. 52D are very happy and grateful hearing positive replies and comments. When they reached their 6th month anniversary, they learned that DSP has a new boy band that is going to debut next week and it is called SS501. 52D as sunbaes decided to watch their hoobaes performance. After their performance, 52D became a Triple S fan already. SS501 were very thankful at their sunbaes for watching their performance. SS501 also said that they are also a big fan of 52D. They also ask their sunbaes that maybe they could reveal their true identity to them but 52D told them that they would be sticking to their promise to the public that they would just reveal their true identity when they reach their 3rd year anniversary. SS501 were sad hearing that but still they respected the decisions of their noonas/sunbaes.

         When 52D celebrated their 2nd year anniversary, they went to the CEO's office together with their manager to inform them about something. 52D said that they wanted to become hairstylists and make up artists of SS501 but of course they would be using their street names so that SS501 would not suspected them. The CEO and their manager asked them again if they really wanted the job. 52D heard last week that the hairstylists and make up artists of SS501 resigned. 52D said that they wanted it. The CEO and their manager agreed to it but warned them of SS501's attitude. 52D just told them that they believe that SS501 is not that kind of people who would be like that but if ever they'll turn out to be like that, maybe they can handle it. Also, they said that trust them maybe they can change SS501. They also requested that if ever their job with SS501 is already done maybe they can use the dance studio for them to have their practice. Also, when their manager would introduce them to SS501, they would be introduced as people who has just graduated college a year ago. They would also wear unique and weird clothes and have weird hairstyle to see SS501's reactions. The CEO and manager agreed to it because they think that maybe it can serve as a lesson for SS501 to respect and accept others for who they are. Then the CEO and their manager ask for their permission to reveal their true identity to SS501' manager so that he could help them for their plans. 52D agreed and decided that they should also meet SS501's manager. Also, SS501's manager is the best friend of 52D's manager.

         At the day of the meeting SS501's manager agreed to it because he also wanted to help SS501 to change their ways of treating other people. Then they agreed that 52D would start next week and he would introduce them to SS501 also. But before that 52D requested that they should be paired up with their bias. The CEO, their manager and SS501's manager laughed at them and said sure just name it now. Roselyn said that he wanted to be paired with Jung Min. Charmane with Hyung Jun. Alexandra with Young Saeng. Julie with Hyun Joong and Hailey with Kyu Jong. They all agreed and decided to call it a day. 52D are so excited to start their jobs but they also know that it would be hard for them because of SS501's attitude. With that, they already prepared themselves for their meeting next week and slept having smiles on their faces.





A/N: Wheww....another chapter but this time its long. I actually revised it because when I wrote the details for this chapter, i suddenly clicked something and the 6 long paragraphs for this chapter got erased so this one is the revised one. I hope that you'll enjoy reading. Next chapter would be the beginning of the interaction of SS501 and 52D. Sorry for the wrong grammars and wrong spellings. Enjoy reading!!! =)))))

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huiqiloves_ian #1
Chapter 15: hoping to seem them change >< i rly wonder what will 52D and Jungmin do to help them change!
thanks for the update.
Chapter 15: sigh... they haven't change yet... but they will... soon!!!
Chapter 15: Oh boys..they are really...fighting 52d
huiqiloves_ian #4
Chapter 14: Omg author-nim, please update soon, i want to see what happen to the maids and the brothers! KEKE.
Love the story <3
Chapter 14: Oh wow..their mission is in start mode..fighting. .♡:)♥
Chapter 14: hmmm... i wonder what would they say to the maid...
Chapter 13: Update soon pls..
Chapter 13: thanks for the update!!!
anndong #9
Chapter 12: Very interesting! Can't wait for the next chapters :)
huiqiloves_ian #10
Chapter 11: This chapter is interesting! Haha. Yayy, it would be good if Jungmin joins the girls in the mission xD