The Last Date

Xtra long chap ahead.. 


Out of panic and fear, started to beat her hands, trying to hold her breathe while kicking her legs desperately.
Niel tried to hold her still but yet she kicked out instinctively making Niel to swim up impossible.
She kept on kicking and screaming.
Niel bobbed up again and hugged her tightly, immobilizing her.
That made her choke on water without air.
Niel in some air and gave her in mouth to mouth respiration while trying his best to swim to the bank.
After a long struggle, , semi conscious, was pushed against the bank by her tired boyfriend.
" ah.." he whispered hoarsely as he tried to float up with her.
"Climb up, baby.."
Gripping on the grass tightly, she pulled herself up with the aid of the stones to step upon and boosters from Niel.
Tiredly but with gladness that she survived.. She plopped on the grass, closing her eyes wearily before taking a peek at Niel who was trying to climb up.
She breathed heavily thanking all Gods for their survival from that close call.
After a while... She realized something...
Niel tried to pull himself up after he saw his girl safely reach the ground.
He helped himself up but skipped at all the attempts.
Finally, he managed to step up on a huge rock and braced himself.
But alas...
The rock simply gave away...
Pulling Niel down along with it by the mean force of gravity.
The loose stone he stepped upon jammed his leg at the bottom of the river.
The sudden surprise surged panic in Niel and took over his body controls.
But he managed to snap out of his trance when most of the oxygen content in his lung burned up.
With his remaining strength, he tried to pull himself free.
But he had no luck..
The force he exerted on the huge rock that crushed his foot jolted other smaller rocks around his legs, covering all his chances to escape.
Soon his lungs burnt with the lack of oxygen. They were screaming in pain as he felt holes inside and blackness creeping upon the vision of dark underwater views.
"Please.. Let me be free.. Please!!"
He screamed in his mind as he tried to tug his leg free while pushing away stones.
"For !! Please GOD!!"
He silently cried while his tears mixed with the cruel cold water.
He knew he was losing his hope, his energy and his life..
He wanted to give up..
He had no strength left..
Then suddenly he remembered how important was him..
How he longed for her smiles when he was depressed..
How fragile she was deep inside and what comfort he gave her when she was in his embrace..
By letting out his last held breathe, he pushed all ounce of his energy on the rock and pushed away..
He was free..
He found his freedom.
He freed himself from his pain.
He felt himself float up..
Like he was a feather in the gentle breeze.
She started to panic.
She had opened her eyes after she caught with her breathe.. But realized he wasn't here by her side.
"Niel!! Ahn Daniel!!" screamed looking around.
Suddenly dread caught up with her...
"No! Never!" she screamed at herself at her own imaginations for Niel's cause of disappearance.
"Please.. No.." she tried to comfort herself while crawling towards the riverside.
She, laying on her stomach, leaned towards to the river water. 
Suddenly, she saw bubble surface and her face twisted in fright.
Against the most chances of anyone thinking that those bubbles belong to some scary water monster, prayed that it wouldn't belong her lost boyfriend.
Like answering her answering, she suddenly saw movements rising up and Niel's head first bobbed up!
"Niel.." she whispered as she saw him float face down.
"Niel, come on.. Grab my hand.." she stuck her hand out as his hand slowly floated up.
"That's right! I got you!" she tugged his hand pulling closer to the bank.
With the energy she recovered after the rest, she pulled Niel up with all her might to the grass.
After pulling him away from the river, she turned him on his back to find him unconscious.
"Niel.. We are safe now... Please wake up..
I'll drive us home.. Let's go, Niel!" she shook Niel, who laid still.
"Baby.." she laid him on flat on the ground and tried to push out the water he swallowed.
With some success, she saw water flow out of his mouth.
"Baby, please wake up.." She gently placed a soft kiss on his cold lips.
"Niel.." her heart clenched in pain at the dread that wrapped around her...
"Niel.. Please.." she plead desprately.
Like anyone would do, she gave him CPR to make him breathe again.. But realized something...
He was cold like a corpse.
She exerted pressure on his chest, to circulate the blood flow and air.
But she saw no hope..
That something she realized..
She realized he was gone..
A cry of despair followed by choking sobs escaped from her...
"NIEL!!" she screamed.
 "WHY?! OH GOD!! WHY?!!" she burst into tears while hugging Niel's body.
"Gwenchana, Chunji ah??" Bang Minsoo asked after watching Chunji pace up and down the hall with his cell phone glued to his ear.
"Uh?" he looked back dazed at his hyung.
"What's wrong, dude?" C.A.P asked again.
C.A.P raised his brow.
"What's wrong? Sure not because of your car?"
"Pssh. I'm not worried about my car as I was worried 3 hours ago!!" he paused.
"Niel.. He passed his curfew hours ago.. And he's not picking his phone up.." he anxiously replied.
Something calling intuition tugged his mind telling something was really wrong.
C.A.P looked at the clock.
He realized Chunji was right because it was past 3 am..
"Maybe he decided to let his beastly side control him with her..." he chuckles lightly.
"Ya.. No way would have allowed him to touch her!"
He muttered.
"Okay. You're right.. But where do you think he is??"
"I don't know hyung.. Both their phones are switched off.. I don't feel good about this.."
"So... Your trying to say..."
"Search for them.. Even if we're ruining their date.."
"Still.. That's indecent.."
But Chunji didn't bother anymore as he already took his own and threw C.A.P's coat at him.
"We're going now."
He wore his sneakers.
"Chunji ah.. Isn't that your car??"
C.A.P pulled his own next to the abandoned car.
"Yeah.... But where are they??"
"Molla.. Lets search for them.."
C.A.P muttered in same anxiety Chunji was going through.
The car looked like it wasn't used for hours.. With its hood cold as a deadly metallic knive.
"Come on.." Chunji muttered back while rubbing his palms together to warm up.
It was really cold at that time of the night.
They all around in the night for a while until..
"Chunji ah.." C.A.P tugged Chunji's wrist before he could walk to the opposite direction.
"Yeah??" he looked back, but didn't receive any reply.
So he followed his hyung's gaze... Landing the outline of a lump figure..
They walked closer and saw something they never even think they'd in they're wildest nightmares..
They stopped by 's side, not believing their eyesight.
Chunji's tears were already rolling down his face..
While C.A.P couldn't bring out any emotions..
was sitting on the grass shivering, staring blankly into space, while hugging Niel's upper body close to her heart. 
Her face was emotionless and her tear strained face showed she shed all the tears she ever had.
He was lying on her lap.
Dead and cold, but only warm where she was hugging him..
His face was already turning blue for the cold inside, more than for outside.
C.A.P gently kneeled down beside her and pulled Niel away from her embrace while Chunji pulled her back yet she held around Niel's wrist.
"Please." she hoarsely wailed. "Please..."
Chunji took off his jacket and put it around her, yet she felt cold..
C.A.P pulled Niel away, letting her hand loose its grip around his wrist.
The loss of contact pulled her back to the harsh reality.
"I wish I will always be by your side until death pull us apart. Always be there for you."
Niel's wish..
His promise... Yet... It was broken...
"Things break all the time. Glass breaks, dishes break, cars break... promises break... heart break." A phrase moulded into her mind..
It was certainly true..
Just like she realized it....
"Looks like the wish did come true.." bitter said to herself. Just like broke his promise..
"He was here for me until death pulled us apart..." Until it broke her heart apart..
A solitary tear slipped out her blank dead eye..
Her last tear for the night...
Hope this was upto your expectations, guys OTL
Happy New Year to All in advance :P
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OTL didnt see the last chap hidden .__.d


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Dark_Angel95 #1
Chapter 4: that's really sad
Chapter 4: totally sad.. beware of what u wish..it might come true
Chapter 4: Oh my Nieeeeel. Made me cry :(
Chapter 4: omg niel D: I wanna cry TT_TT
Chapter 3: Nieeeeeel :((
Chapter 3: oh no! Are they dying?
Chapter 3: Whaaaaa........I'm confused....
Chapter 2: gasped! Is something bad going to happen?