The thing about bunnies.......

Hyosung and the Seven Giants

"So what you mean is that, you created the wrong experiment thing, we got blasted off somewhere, me being here wherever this is, and taking our place and being born are your seven sons?"

"So what you mean is that, because you have red hair and are taller than the rest of them, they appointed you as the Queen and there's a rebelion going on?"

"Yes." They both answered at the same time, sighing and sitting next to each other. The boys ran around the huge room, curious about everything. A particular Sungjong kept a close eye on Sunhwa's shoes when she took them off and set them by her throne.

"But why a story book? Why is everything not as how The Ugly Duckling goes?" Hyosung asked, thinking hard while resting her chin on her hand.

"You mean we're in The Ugly Duckling?" Sunhwa asked, sounding suprised.

"Yeah. You mean you don't know the name of the kingdom you rule?"

"It's a storybook unnie." Sunhwa said, giving a you're-so-dumb look to Hyosung, which obviously did not notice.

"! Get Yoo Youngjae's here!" Sunhwa yelled, suddenly remembering something. She stood up as a card servant came running in, nearly tripping over his own feet and nearly knocking into the boys in the process.

"Yes Your Highness?" He said, finally reaching the front.

"Do I have to repeat myself? Get Yoo Youngjae's here! Right now!" She yelled again, this time throwing her hands to emphasise.

"Right now?"

"Right now! At once! Immediately!" The card scrambled out the door, nearly tripping over his feet again. Hyosung wondered if he had two left feet.

"Why?" Hyosung asked Sunhwa, who sat back down and looked impatient. Her eyes could have shot out arrows at door, Hyosung thought.

"He said there was an ugly duckling and I told him to throw it into the acid. I wonder if this has something to do with the rebelion." Sunhwa told Hyosung, who sat down beside her and listened. Hyosung nodded her head knowingly.

Time ticked by and Sunhwa impatiently tapped her feet. The seven boys felt the solemn aura in the air and sat beside their mother without saying a word instead of running around. This did not affect Myungsoo much. He was always quiet.

Before Sunhwa could get anymore impatient, the door had a little knock. The handle turned and clicked open, a blonde walking in. He looked a little annoyed but it was only in his eyes. His face remained a poker face and had a slight smile.

"Your highness. You have told me to get my over here, and here am I." He bowed. Hyosung tried not to laugh by bitting her lip in amusement.

"The duckling?" Sunhwa demanded. The blonde, who Hyosung made out his name as Yoo Youngjae, froze for a second by the mention of the duckling. It only lasted for a second, as he kept his smile and asked. "The duckling?"

"The one I told you to throw into acid. Where is it?"

"We halted the work since you told me to get my here." He said politely.

"Sorry to interupt but, what is an ?" Dongwoo asked. Hyosung turned behind and slapped him on his . "This is your ." Dongwoo nodded knowingly. "So everyone has an ?"

"Bring, no, release the duck." Sunhwa said, ignoring Dongwoo's question and trying hard to keep a straight face on. She so badly wanted to laugh at Dongwoo's question and puke at the mention of the ugly duckling. Her thing about being the Queen was fake, but she did hate ugly things.

"But-" Youngjae opened his mouth to protest but was cut off.

"Do as I say."

"Yes Your Highness." Youngjae said through gritted teeth.

"Never capture it again." Sunhwa continued.

"Yes your highness."

"And get me a cup of coffee, 2 half suger and 1 half creamer."

"Yes your highness."

"And bring them to their rooms. Give Hyosung unnie one, or maybe she'll just sleep with me. Give the boys two rooms. Hyosung unnie'll sleep with me."

"Yes your highness."

"Oh, and prepare dinner for all of us, including you and your colourful bunnies. That is all."

"Yes your highness." He said and left the room. "They're not colourful bunnies........." he mumbled under his breath, soft as a feather

"Wahh giving so many orders to him. Can he finish them all?" Hyosung asked, getting up from her seat and stretching herself.

"He's a capable man. Now kids, wait for that hyung to come and get you  okay? Unnie and I will leave first." Sunhwa too got up from her seat and put her shoes on. They both walked out the room, giggling and laughing as if they did not go to a different world.


"She asked us to go for dinner." Youngjae said, playing with the knife between his fingers.

"Us? As in, all of us? All four of us?" The red haired guy with a red fur coat asked

"Yes. All four of us colourful bunnies." Youngjae comfirmed

"What? Since when are we colourful bunnies?" A ash blonde guy with a grey fur coat asked, throwing a dart at the door, which hit exactly at the same spot he hit for the last 13 times.

"That's the point. She doesn't even know who we are........So are we on for it?" Youngjae asked, keeping the knife away

"Yeah duh. Free food." The ash blonde threw a last star at the door and left along with the red haired guy and Youngjae






I never knew how many Hyosung fans are out there.
Added the Hyosung tag and BOOM new subbies commenties and lots of love <3 

thanks you guys really *sobs unladylike*
Happy CNY to anyone who's celebrating it like me ^^

Check my wall/blog posts if you miss me xPP
hope you liked this update <3

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Great story!
DinoMyungYeol #2
Chapter 13: Update soon...!!!!! Love your story very much... ^_^
Chapter 13: Hehe
I wonder who hyosung will end up with and will the infinite guys ever gp to the real world with her and all that
Chapter 12: Wow KIM HIM CHAN! *laughs*
Chapter 12: So it's like a flashback. Hmm~
Himchan is careless yet dangerous sometimes --"
Chapter 10: If Jieun is found already, then Hana is the only one left unfound~
But idk what storybook is this. I have no idea x___x I need a hint. Or maybe.. some :D
Sorry for reading this too late >< Update soon babe~
Chapter 10: Hyosung really acts like the mum
Daehyun is so cute
eine08 #8
Chapter 10: Finally Jieun! Now where is Hana?
And OMG this is so funny!
Please update soon >_<
Chapter 9: Youngjae, youngjae *shaking head* Is he too innocent or what? The super junior thing makes me laughing so hard! And the last thing where yongguk accepted his fate is like preventing me from stop laughing XDD
I'll wait for the next fairytale and hoping that they'd meet jieun or zinger soon. Update soon as well <3
Chapter 9: Woah sunhwa out her throne taken away
I never saw that coming