First Flight

The Mystery Girl

Zelo took a deep breath and looked at his hyungs as he felt the plane's engine start up. Jongup caught his eye and gave him a reassuring smile and a thumbs up from across the aisle. Zelo wouldn't have felt this nervous if it hadn't been his first plane ride and his first trip to America. He tried to calm his nerves as he studied the plane's interior from his seat in first class. Youngjae looked at Zelo and saw how nervous he was for his first flight.

"Relax. It's just a plane ride" said Youngjae in a soothing voice.

"I can't relax! What if the plane falls out of the sky? what if we all die in a plane crash? what if-"

"Hush. None of that will happen. The pilots know what they're doing." Youngjae says calmly as he interrupts Zelo's spaz attack.

"Okay... If you say so." says Zelo nervously.

'No matter what he says I still can't help but think about what could happen... I just hope he's right.' thinks Zelo.

Soon a man's voice comes over the loudspeakers and tells them of the weather conditions they'll be traveling through on their way to L.A. and then the man begins going through all the emergency exit procedures, what to do if the plane loses oxygen or crashes into the ocean... None of it made poor Zelo feel any better. In fact it just made him more nervous.

"All right, we are now clear for taxi. We will be taking off momentarily. Please enjoy your flight and thank you for flying with United Airlines." says the voice on the loudspeaker.

"Look out the window, Zelo" says Jongup.

Zelo obeys and watches the ground pass by slowly, then faster as the plane picks up speed. Soon he sees the ground get farther away and he realizes that they're flying. He looks at his hyungs with a look of pure awe on his face. They all chuckle at his amazement as he goes back to watching the buildings and people get smaller and smaller.

"Haha they look like ants now" laughs Zelo and he realizes that he's finally calm.


About two hours into the flight Zelo got hungry. He got up and was unsure if he could walk around while the plane was flying. Everyone assured him that it was fine and so he went in search of food. He went up to one of the flight attendants and asked if she knew where he could get some snacks.

"Of course. Follow me" she said and she walked to a place near the bathrooms.

Zelo figured out that this is also where the flight attendants went when they weren't helping anyone or handing out meals and drinks. She handed Zelo a few candy bars and some animal shaped pretzels. He bowed and thanked her and began to return to his seat. Just as he was about to pass the bathrooms, he saw a beautiful girl waiting in line. She was short with brown eyes and blackish-brown hair with blonde highlights. She was wearing neon pink skinny jeans with a turqoise blue t-shirt. In Zelo's eyes she looked perfect. The girl looked up and saw that he was staring at her so she smiled and waved at him. Zelo became embarassed that she had caught him staring at her so he smiled back and bowed politely and quickly made his way back to his seat.

'Aigo... She was so beautiful' thought Zelo 'I need to see that girl again."

Zelo knew he couldn't get up again right away without getting weird looks from his hyungs so he tried to focus on the in-flight movie... No matter how hard he tried though... He couldn't get that girl out of his thoughts.


Sorry this chapter is so short. I promise to write a longer second chapter but my mom isn't allowing me any more time on my computer so I have to end this one here. Again... Sorry :/


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Chapter 3: Yay i feel so involved!
Chapter 2: Awwww so cute i like how im in it ! I hope u update soon!
Chapter 2: Aww love at first sight! Such a cutie zelo ♡