Luhan's story

Exo and K-pop drabble collection~


 It was snowing. It was cold. It was beautiful. Luhan was in his company, looking outside at how beautifully it was snowing over Seoul. It was… peaceful. He grabbed his phone from inside his pocket and took a photo then sent it with this text: “I’m waiting for you in that quiet park we found.” and then hid his phone once again, resuming his previous actions with the rest of the band.

In the dancing room, a phone was vibrating furiously in some trainee’s bag, but she was too occupied with what their couch was saying. Even after the sun had set, the girl was still in the dancing room.

At around 10 o’clock, she finally checked her phone. Five missed calls and a message: “I’m waiting for you in that quiet park we found.” with a photo attached. The time was around 4 o’clock.

Without thinking too much, she sprinted outside, forgetting her jacket. When she arrived, ten minutes later, she looked around and a sad smile appeared on her face. “Of course he wouldn’t still be here.”

“I’m always waiting for you” a voice was heard from behind and a pair of warm arms embraced her shaking figure. “You clumsy. You forgot your jacket. Here, take mine.” 

“But-“ She was silenced by a warm kiss.

“Merry Christmas!” and the doll like boy extended his hand with a little box towards her. The girl could have sworn that the little falling snow was forming pure white wings on his frame. 

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