Kang: Omo!~ Daesung volunteered to go first. Let’s see how he feels about all of this.


DS: I’m a little nervous now *smiling*. Now I’m wondering if she would dislike me. But girls like funny guys, right? RIGHT? --- I’m wearing her favorite color *sure of himself*. Yah! I’m nervous!

*Dae waits in the lobby*

Kang: He looks concentrated *speaking to veiwers* Yah, Yuu is coming ^^

DS: *looks up and spots Yuu*

Yuu: *walks in cheerfully towards Daesung* Hello! * in English*

DS: *stands to greet* Hi! *English*

Yuu: You’re Daesung, oppa. *bashful*

DS: *smiles widely* You do know me.

Yuu: *nods* I’m a VIP


Host Kang appears in BB’s Dorm.

SR: *spots Kang* Yah! Ahjumma is here!

Kang: -.-

*members gather in living room; TOP dressed up*

Kang: Aishh, why are you dressed up? *pointing at TOP*

TOP: *smooths his shirt to avoid wrinkling* I’m seeing Yuu-shi next.

Kang: nervous?

TOP: No.

Kang: *laughs, finally getting focused again* I came here to show you guys some exclusive footage on Daesung’s date!

GD: *grins* Really?

Kan: Yes. Would you like to see it?

*all agree in laughter*

*TV turns on and Yuu and Daesung is seen, seated at a candle lit table*

SR: Yah! He’ not making any jokes. Hyung’s in love with her already?? *confused*


DS: What do you like to do?

Yuu: Uhm, well I going to school for dance. Ballet.

DS: Oh, right *amazed* Wahh, you’re amazing!

Yuu: *blush* Thank you.

TOP: His date is boring. Is he trying to be friends?

BB: *laughs at TOP’s reaction*


Yuu: We only have 10 minutes. Can you do me a favor?

DS: What is it?

Yuu: Can you say or do something... funny?

DS: Hey. *laughs*

Yuu: Ok, ok.

DS: No, no. I’ll do it. But you have to do TWO things for me *laugh*


SR: Oh! How can he say that to her?

*TY and GD sits quietly*


Yuu: TWO? Okay, okay.

DS: Start doing aegyos and making the cutest face ever* Daesungieemnidaaaa!!! *covers face in embarrassment*

Yuu: *laughs cutely* Aigoo! That was cute oppa! <3

TOP: Omo, Ithink she like shim.

DS: Because you called me oppa, I’ll give you a choice. You have to do an aegyo OR do an impersonation on G-Dragon.

GD: *stares at the screen before laughing* He cant’ do that!

Yuu: *laughs* Um. I choose GD oppa.

GD: She called me oppa *suddenly anxious to meet her*

DS: Ok

Yuu: *hesitates* Annyeong, I’m G Dragon! *bites her lips like GD then stand do some Heartbreak choreography*

DS: *higly amazed* Aigoo, you did it better than him ^^

*GD watching, grinning*


GD: I think... I’ll go after TOP. Yuu-shi sounds like fun. Doing my dance was a plus.


Yuu: I had a fun time. Thank you for going first.

DS: No. Thank you. I hope to see you very soon *turns to head back but pauses midway* Oh. I’m wearing pink. Do you like it *nervous*

Yuu: *nods* Yes. You look handsome ^^


DS: Yuu- shi was... very pretty *laughs*. And funny!


SR: Hyung! How was your date?

DS: Nice. *noticing the members AND Kang in the living room* What’s going on?

TY: We were watching tv. I had you on it.

DS: *looks at the screen* Yahh! You were all watching! *embarrassed*

TOP: Your date was boring *teases*

GD: How could you make her dance?

DS: *laughs* Who’s going next?

TOP: *stands* Me.


KANG: Let’s see how well TOP would do *looks at DS* He kept teasing you about your date.

DS: *frowns* That’s not nice!

Kang: Let’s take a look at TOP’s date.


Yuu: Hello, my name is Yuu *flustered*

TOP: *pulls out seat for her*

Yuu: Thank you.

GD: Wah. He gets a bonus for helping her with the chair.

TOP: *sits afterwards* How are you doing?

Yuu: I’m okay *nervous* I’m sorry, I’m very nervous.


TOP: She was very shy. I remember her saying that she was shy around attractive people. It is nice for her to think of me that way.


Yuu: I like your role in IRIS. You are a very good actor *praises*

TOP: Thank you. Can you tell me more about yourself?

Yuu: well, what do you want to know?

TOP: I’m not too open on being so public so I won’t ask you to tell me anything you don’t want to tell me *sincere*

Yuu: *touched* That’s very sweet of you. I understand you fully. I’m not too open either. Hopefully, that when I get married one day I will find someone as understanding as you, oppa.


TOP: She’s very understanding and reserved. Pure and innocent. Just like me *laughs*

Yuu: Oppa was very honest. He made me feel good inside. I like him.

TOP: I like her *his hands folded*


SR: Yuu-shi is in love with Hyung already *upset*

GD: Might as well end the show now *looks at camera* Yah, TOP is the winner! *jokes*

*TOP arrives at the dorm two minutes later*

Kang: Your date was very touching. GDragon said you would her heart already.

TOP: No, I don’t think so.

Kang: GDragon, you’re next. Yah, you look nice in purple. You should wear it often.

GD: Thank you. Wish me luck!


Yuu: *sees GD walk in; her hand covering her face slightly*

GD: Annyeong! *smiles*

Kang: Ooh, he smiled at her. *replaying GD’s flawless smile*

Yuu: *bows lightly* Hello. How are you?

GD: Good, very good. *sits down* We’re going to have fun tonight. Let’s have the best 10 minute date, ok?


Yuu: GD came in bright like the sun. He made me feel good. He had good energy.


GD: Can I tell you a secret?

Yuu: Sure.

GD: *moves his chair by hers* I saw you dance to Heartbreaker.

Yuu:  *embarrassed* Omo~ I’m so embarrassed. I’m sorry!

GD: *laughs* No, you did good.


TY: It looks like he’s having fun.

DS: Yeah.

SR: Yah. Why is he so close to her? *fired up*


Yuu: Thank you, oppa. I hope to see you soon!

GD: Me too.

Yuu: I like your outfit too.

GD: Thank you <3

*GD’s date ends, Taeyang heads down*


Yuu: When Taeyang came down, I wanted to run awya. He was VERY cute *blushes* Aishh, I can’t believe I said that.


*helps Yuu with her chair*

Yuu: Thank you.

TY: *sits afterwards* I remember you saying you dance. Ballet. Is ballet your hobby too?


TY: It’s nice to see a girl that enjoys dancing. Like me. But I probably would have liked it more if she asked me to teach her. Other than that, it feels good that we were already able to relate to something.


Yuu: I like to read during my spar time. I have two dogs back home.

TY: I have a dog too. I love dogs *eyes full of happiness* Then we meet again, we can let our dogs date too.

Yuu: *laughs genuinely*

Kabg: OMO!! Taeyang made her laugh! Big bonus.

SR: Looks like I have to become the best for last.

TY: I don’t want to come off as too frank but what kind of guys do you like?

Yuu: *blushes* Oh, I don’t know. I can be specific. But I would love a guy to trust me, to understand me, and to have a good head on his shoulders.

TY: *smiles* Funny, you described me.


Kang: Ooh, smooth talker.

TOP: Yah, where did he learn that?

DS: You. *eyes squinty*

TOP: *suddenly thinking Taeyang is stealing all of his good moves*

*TY’s date finally ends and he heads back up as Seungri makes the last entry*


SR: I wish I wasn’t last. But in a way I’m somewhat glad. That means I can use all of the Hyungs’ moves and she will fall for me first ^^ *scheming*

*SR heads down and greets Yuu*

SR: Noona <3 *he says cooly, pulling her chair out*

Yuu: *laughs, taking a seat*

SR: How do you feel about me going last?

Yuu: To be honest, I was hoping you would be last. Only because I think I would find you most interesting.

SR: *confused* Why?

Yuu: Because the others are older than us.

SR: *suddenly realizing that Yuu is the same age as him* Ah! I see. Then in that case, give me your heart and forget about the others *jokes*

Yuu: *laughs* Seungri. You’re so funny ^^


SR: My date had ended quickly. It felt less than ten minutes. Maybe because it felt like we were only speaking on a ‘friend’ level :/


KANG: *watches Seungri head into the living room* So, how was everybosy’s date?

BB: Good.

Kang: Great. Let’s all bring Yuu up for the last test. She will tell you guys which one of you had wore her favorite color. Please be mindful that the winner will gain a prize that can help you later on in the game.

DS: I’m the winner ^^

TY: *looks over at Daesung, with doubtful eyes* I think I won.

*Yuu steps in the dorm, nervous*

GD: *claps in encouragement* Yuu-shi <3

Kang: I know you’re a bit uncomfortable being in the boys’ place but we can make this quick. I hope you have noticed what color each of them is wearing. One of them is wearing your favorite color, right?

Yuu: *nods* Yes.

Kang: Can you please tell us who is?

*Yuu looks up and smiles*


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oMg! dOnT hAnG iT! pLeAsE uPdAtE!
ForeverFive #2
Don't leave it hangingg thereee! :( update okay? I'm inlove with ur storry
Big Bang acts so cute towards Yuu and they haven't even met her yet!! Please update soon!! I'm looking forward to see who wins ^-^