About Christmas and Birthdays

Change of Heart

Damn, it's that time of year again! ... My birthday is coming up and that means not a moment of peace. Thank God winter break is three weeks long! I need to do some serious thinking about a certain blonde boy whose existence drives me crazy with weird and unknown feelings. "Here, Daehyun, I got you something!" A girl, apparently a classmate of mine, said and handed me a box.

"Oh, me too!"

"Yeah, me too!" Then a bunch of girls came up to me and handed me crap -err, stuff. Finally it seemed they were all out of things to give, so they went away. I walked back to my room and dropped the things I had been caring.

"Oops. Oh well." I walked to my bed, spreading out. Wait... I ran my fingers along my neck as my eyed widened. My rosary! Where is it? I got up from my bed and searched through the gifts. It's must have fallen in here! There is no way I lost it! That was the only thing left from him! After a careful but rushed look I was left with no rosary. "God dammit to puss spewing blood gutted hell!" I started to stomp on everything that had been given to me. (Aside from the chocolate.) After I was finished I grabbed everything in my arms and tossed it in the trash can in the corner of the room. Damn, where could it be? I looked around in the room. My bed! I crouched down on all fours to look under said furniture, but was interrupted when I heard the door slam and something crash.

"Oh. Those are yours." Youngjae pointed to a piece of garbage on the ground, but he soon noticed that my mood wasn't the best. "What's wrong, Daehyunnie?" ing hate that nickname, I'm not a girl!

"I can't find my rosary. Have you seen it?" I said calmly despite the current situation.

"No. Do you want me to help you look?" He offered.

"No, actually I think it was stolen." If so, I'm ed. That thing was really important to me.

"Hey, maybe it's in one of these." He pointed again to the items on the ground. "What are all these for anyway? Oh that's right December, Christmas! I guess your little fangirl remember you for the holidays."

"Birthday…" I corrected.


"My birthday is this month and so is Christmas. Well, either way I'll get a lot of gifts before vacation."

"What day is your birthday?" he asked.

"The 13th, but don't tell anyone. No one knows the exact day, if they did I'd never be left alone." I said it in a way that said: If you tell anyone, I'll ing destroy you.

"Who do I have to tell?" He's right though, I don't think I've ever seen him talk to anyone aside from me. "Well, start opening your gifts! Maybe you have some weird stalker…teh 'maybe' you most likely do."

Youngjae sat across from me, silent and watching intently as I opened each 'present'. If you call these presents! They all ! Except for some which were chocolate and other kinds of food. "Wow, that's not weird and totally obsessive or anything." He finally spoke up, referring to a picture someone had photostopped to make it look like I was in it with her.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to keep it in a real special place." I threw it in the garbage can. Sarcasm was my most fluent language.

"So, no rosary?"

"Nope." I answered and took the bars of chocolate with me to lay on my bed.

I laid on my bed, biting the chocolate. I can't believe this . I heard the door open and close. "Daehyun, c'mon get your into gear! I've got you something." I heard Youngjae say.


"Open it, smart one." He said annoyed and handed me a box.

I opened the small, pink box he handed to me. I almost ate the whole thing there but paused "Wait. This isn't in' vanilla on the inside is it?"

"Hell no! Why would you think that? You only eat chocolate." Perfect! I grabbed some and started to eat away.

"You know there is a fork in there." He looked a little disgusted.

"Oh right. You want some, Youngjae?" I asked hoping he would say no.

"No way it's your birthday present… even if it is a little early."

"Good because I wasn't going to share with you anyway."

"You're such a douche bag!" He threw a book at me, but surprisingly I didn't even get mad like I usually did. This cake is so damn good! I don't even care about anything else. He can throw a truck at me and I'll still be happy. Yeah, in case you didn't notice by now, I love food. More than humans even.

I woke up from a chill going through my body. , it's effing cold. I looked out the window just over my head to see a very light snow fall coming from the gray-ish-blue sky. "Wow."

I heard a muttered "D-Daehyun." Turning, I saw Youngjae shift in his bed,  then he grabbed a pillow and hugged it to his body. The whole thing made me feel a little weird; my heart was beating fast and suddenly I didn't feel so cold anymore. "H-ere in your arms." he murmured. Was he dreaming about me? Youngjae sure had the weirdest sleeping habits. Sleeptalking, sleepwalking, but never once did he ever dream about me before.

"Youngjae?" I whispered to make sure he was asleep. If he wasn't and if he was just messing with me, he'd earn a punch, that was for sure. The response almost sounded like he purred before he tightened his grip on the pillow. Okay, I need to get out of here! I put on my jacket while I rushed out the door. I walked for a few minutes around the corridors of the dormitory before I decided to go outside for awhile. It's cold but, nice outside. I looked up to see the small flakes slowly glide down. Really nice. I closed my eyes. I wish Youngjae could see this, he'd really like it. I took a deep breath feeling my insides warm up again. Why did I even think Youngjae at this moments? I didn't know, but I knew that I had to stop being in denial about my real feelings. That's it! I'm not going to fight those thoughts anymore, they feel to good. Opening my eyes I heard someone gasp. , someone's come to annoy me. My eyes widened as I turned a bit to see who had distrubed my wonderful thoughts. "Youngjae?" He stood there with a blanket wrapped around his body, his lips curled into a drowsy smile. "It looks like an early winter, heh."


"It usually doesn't snow until January."

There was a pause before he resumed,  "Why do you act so stupid?"

"What?" I asked.

"You're going to wreck that jacket." He walked up to me and threw his blanket at me. Why does he worry about such stupid things?

"Me? You're going to catch your death in this cold." I threw the blanket at his face. "C'mon, lets go back to sleep, we have a long day ahead of us."

"What?" Youngjae asked.

"You don't remember?"

"Oh right! Happy birthday."

"No, stupid, the start of Christmas vacation! Three whole weeks off!" We walked back to the room. I felt my stomach lurch a little. Who knew what was going to happen during those three weeks. Youngjae would probably drive back home to spend Christmas with his family, just like every other regular student. Except me. I didn't really have a family, nor did I care about family. I just knew that I was most likely going to be apart from Youngjae and it made my heart clentch. I had gotten used to having him around me, his little nagging and me randomly cursing at him which he never minded. The way he talked in his sleep and mumbled incoherent words. I found myself admiring every tiny bit of Youngjae as I laid back down on my bed. You've invaded my whole brain, ugh.

I'd miss him.

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Chapter 4: lol dae is just so funny. his mind and body are two completely different entitites
AshXIII #2
Chapter 4: . . . .there's a solution for that Dae....go with him...stalk him if you have too. Coincidences can happen....
LKyellow #3
Chapter 3: Aww, Dae took care of Jae when he was sick. That's so cute. xD
I subscribed to your story, the first chapter is 'SO NICE'.
It would be fun if DaeHyun change roommate and have YoungJae