The First Time

Change of Heart

I think it was the very first time I saw him when I felt it, that rush of...I don't know what, but after I felt it the first time I couldn't get enough of it. It was like the first day of my life and I was blind before he came along. I saw him once and twice, I watched his every movement very carefully, for some reason I couldn't stop myself from looking. After a little investigation on my half I found out his name was Yoo Youngjae, he was a year younger than me and that was about all anyone know about him. This was the first time I had ever felt like I wanted to know or be around or even see someone ever in my life. Then one day the perfect opportunity for me to meet him came up. I was going to the bathroom when I noticed him coming out, walking right past me. I stumbled over to the sink, my heart felt like it was going to bounce out of my chest, then something shiny caught my eye and I saw it was the bracelet Youngjae always wore. It had red and white beads and a small heart charm. I picked it up and gently put it in my vest pocket. I always wondered why he wore such a feminine one but pushed it away from my mind and quickly walked off.

When school was finally over I hurried back to my shared room, rushing through the door I accidentally stepped on a toy. "Ow damn it, Junhong!"

"What?" I heard a monotone voice ask from behind me.

I turned to see him standing there with his ramen-like hair. "Stop leaving your on the ground! I'm tired of stepping on it."

"Maybe you should pay more attention, it might help you in more than one way."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I growled.

"I think you know." he walked past me and into the room. He sat down behind the dice tower he had built... I don't know when, this is the first time I'd ever seen it. I noticed all the sides with the two dots were facing my half of the room.

I walked over to the tower and tapped it with my foot, making it collapse "Oops, my bad." I smirked.

"That's okay I'll have it back up in no time." er. But I had more important things to think about. Rather than plot for revenge like I normally would, I thought: How should I give this back to Youngjae? What if thinks I stole it and decides to hate me? I didn't think about that when I picked it up. Why do I even care what he thinks? Hmm I'll think of something...hopefully.

Number two of the whole school and this is what I came up with... giving it anonymously. Damn it doesn't get anymore cliche then this! Well, I know his first period .I'll break in and put it on his desk. Then I need to have a serious talk with my teacher, Mr Jung, about my roommate issues.

I took out the master key that I had stolen from the janitor and unlocked the door. I realized I didn't even know where he sat, so I looked around on Mr Jung's desk for a chart of where everyone sat and saw that he was placed in the back corner. I put the small box on the desk and took a deep breath before leaving with the door unlocked and lights still on.

"Mr. Jung, honestly I've tried to get along with him, but Junhong just will not leave me alone! He is always playing on my... complex a-and he always shi-stuff laying around."

"Yes, I see. Well, Daehyun, I would have liked to keep you two together since you seem like a good influence for Junhong, but I can see you are truly having problems with Junhong's antics. I'll see what students don't have roommates and call you and your new one up after your last class." he smiled at me.

"Thanks." I looked at the clock over his head. I still have enough time to go see if Youngjae has opened the box.

I walked quickly back to the classroom and snuck to the back part so I could peek in through the window. I saw him and he was just starting to open the box. My heart was pounding when I saw the look on his face; like he was truly happy and hadn't been in a long time. In fact I don't think I've ever seen him smile... But I guess I'd only seen him a few times. I felt a a jolt of shock running through my veins and had to turn away from the window. Damn I should have done it myself! , it's too late now. I just had to care what he would think! I sat down on the cement trying to calm my nerves by taking a deep breaths. Why does that always happen? It's only when I see him that this shock happens. I took a deep breath before getting up to leave.

I looked out of the window while my math teacher babbled about some writing assignment we had to do. Then I saw Youngjae walking past the window. "Ms. Choi, can I got to the bathroom?" I asked interrupting her, but she just huffed and nodded her head (because she knew if she didn't say "yes" I would get back at her.)

I tried my best to stay far behind him so I wouldn't get noticed. He seemed to be thinking about something because he would nod or shake his head every so often. I wonder what he is thinking... Ugh why do I care so much!? When he went into the bathroom, I stopped outside the door. Should I really go in? Isn't this considered stalking? I don't care! I walked in and saw him standing at the sink splashing his face. I walked slowly behind him not sure what I should do. Then he swatted the water hard enough to splash me and he turned around quickly, sounding panicked as he exclaimed "I'm sorry!" I wanted to say something soothing but I couldn't get anything out, so I handed him a cloth I had in my jacket pocket. "Th-thank you. Umm I am really sorry. If you want I'll c-clean i-it for y-you." he looked up at me and his eyes went wide. Does he know who I am?

"No, it's fine. You can keep it. Seems more your style, anyway." I meant for it to sound reassuring or even caring but it came out very cold. Danm, try again. I looked him up and down very quickly and noticed he was wearing the bracelet, a white and black striped long sleeved shirt, his glasses that he always wore (at least I've never seen him without them) and they made me curious to what his real eye color was, skinny jeans, and his hair was blonde but not to blonde as in.. ty blonde. It was a nice blonde and I thought he looked great. I looked at his face to notice he was looking me up and down very slowly and it was making me very nervous and when I'm nervous I get mad. I felt my face harden into a glare. I turned around and started for the door because his gaze was too much for me, it made me... unimaginably nervous. Before I was out, I blurted "Don't you know it's rude to stare?"

As I walked back to class I mentally kicked my for being a total douche bag. How could I act like that!? That was probably my only chance to actually meet him! And I ed it all up! Damn why do I always have to act like that?

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Chapter 4: lol dae is just so funny. his mind and body are two completely different entitites
AshXIII #2
Chapter 4: . . . .there's a solution for that Dae....go with him...stalk him if you have too. Coincidences can happen....
LKyellow #3
Chapter 3: Aww, Dae took care of Jae when he was sick. That's so cute. xD
I subscribed to your story, the first chapter is 'SO NICE'.
It would be fun if DaeHyun change roommate and have YoungJae