Waking up to reality...again

The Dragon Clan

My eyes flung open, a warm sensation spread through all my body. I was alive, I run my fingers through my hair, legs, face, feeling every inch of my body. Finally I remembered about the other night. I was at the edge of death. If Seunghyun hadn't come what would have happened? I realized I was too silly, to enter a new world involved having to face this kind of situations.

Where are you, Seunghyun? Why did you left me?

I took all my courage and took my hand to the part of my body where the monster had embedded his claws. I was surprised to see only a superficially scar. It looked like a simple cut. I looked at my surroundings only to find Daesung sitting in a corner, asleep.  

I must be in Daesung's room. I should let him rest, but I don't want to wake him up, he looks so peaceful.

The room was filled with a natural scent, like lavender and grass. The wallpaper was painted by hand, beautiful drawings, but somehow it didn't look like something Daesung would paint, of all the drawings the one that caught my attention was the one of 2 dragons, each one had a serene expression and their eyes looked so real I could feel like if they were looking at me, almost like if they were the guardians of the room.

I saw a desk with several plants and a lot of books on top. One of the books was open so I took a peek, it talked about the dragons anatomy, a female dragon was drawn, she was in a human form and her wings were out, exposing their beauty, the drawing was almost done except for the missing face. A note was written in a corner of the page "To my beautiful soulmate" 

I turned the pages, until one title caught my attention "Marks" it read. Several parts of the body where shown with different marks, to me they looked more like tattoos. I hadn't seen any of these tattoos in the boys, maybe the marks were on their backs or abdomen? I turned to another page and started reading.

"The mark of a dragon appears when he/she finds their one's true love. Both of them could develop the mark in different times."

I wanted to continue reading but someone caught my hand just when I was going to flip the page. 

"Let us explain you first, then you can read these." He said, giving me a sad smile. He hold my hand and took me back to bed. He made a gesture asking me to sit, and he dragged a chair next to the bed, near me.

"You must be in shock."

I am, I truly am. I'd never been this scared in life.

"I'll survive." I said as I sighed

Daesung smiled to me again, this time showing me a genuine smile. "I know you will."

"Daesung, I need answers. You guys wanted to take it slow but I want to know everything right now. That person that hurt me, he kept talking of things and I... I didn't know."

"I'll tell you everything. We can't wait anymore."

Daesung sighed and stood up, reaching for some of the books that lay in the desk.

"See this?" He showed me a book.

"Yeah. It looks like an anatomy book."

"I wrote it. I used to be a doctor, before I became your protector."

I looked at him, confused. It's not like I wanted to be rude, but why was this important?

"It's an amazing work, Dae." Somehow I felt close enough to give him nicknames.

"Thanks. Look it's not simple to explain but I'll tell you my story. I think it'll be easier that way."

"As you wish."

"All of this started because a damn war, a clan of dark witches wanted power and they wouldn't stop until they had it. The man who attacked you was part of that clan, he's name was Chen and the clan's name is EXO-M. They came all the whay from China to get our clan."

"You mean theres not only dragons in this world?"

"Oh no dear, every single creature you met on fairy tales exists. Except unicorns and prince charming, those are pretty unreal."

That was pretty shocking but Daesung continued his story.

"As I was saying, the clan of witches knew dragons where the strongest creatures. Secretly they planned an attack and they attacked our communities. Tons of dragons died, women, childrens, elders.  Even if we're strong, we're not aggressive and we refuse to fight. That's why we have wings, to run from situation where we feel threaten. It's in our blood and genes. The only dragons that have a warlike mind are the dragon soldiers."

"Like Seunghyun?"

"Yeah, but the dragon soldiers are know for their cruel acts and to be like wolves, they naturally organize themselves into packs to maintain stability and assist while hunting. The only thing we have in common is that these "clans" are led by an alpha male and alpha female. Seunghyun wasn't as agressive as a soldier dragon must be so the leader of his clan expulse him. He was a teenager and a dragon is a target by a lot of creatures for our blood and powers, he was wandering one night when our leader found him."

"Who's the leader?"

"Our dear leader is sort of bedridden"

Bedridden? This folks talk like if they were old men. Oh I forgot they're old men.

"Do you mean his sick? That's why I haven't seen him?"

"Look I wish I could tell you about him, but right now I don't even know where he is, the only one that knows is Seunghyun."

"I'll have to interrogate that bastard"

"You must feel he abandoned you, but he left to get me. He has zero idea in the medical bussiness, and you were in a critical condition."

Okay, now I felt bad. I was blaming him when he was only taking care of me. Actually he has saved me 3 times already and he has taken care of me since I was born.

"I must find him."

I stood up as fast as I could and smiled Daesung, he smiled me back, almost like he knew that I wanted, no I needed to know the rest of the story from Seunghyun's beautiful lips.



I'm so sorry for the late update! I been watching too many dramas!

Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter, actually this is the chapter I liked the most hehehe

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Stella112 #1
Chapter 21: Noooo !!! I need you to update !!! Please ... Dying here X(
Chapter 21: Finally an update ! /dance to fantastic baby/
Fighting for this story !!
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 21: omg~ this is getting more intense~!! is seunghyun not good? why it seems like he's not really a good person? or i get it wrong? thanks for the update~!! do update soon~ ^^
Chapter 21: Finalllyyyyyyyy wuhuuuuu *super exited squeel*
Chapter 20: Update soon!! I miss this story!! Lol
JiYong_JaGi #6
Chapter 20: is that jiyong? omg~ so exciting~ dragon clan mum n alice in wonderland combination~ fairy tale and mythology.. is it same thing? haha~ nice update~!! ^^
Chapter 20: My hopes are crashed! Totally crashed! We really ALL thought that it's Jiyong! Ok I'd been fooled XD EXO'S BACK! EXO'S BACK! EXO'S BACK! *runs around* After waiting for 183790782618541936519465198 years! *wipes tears* Exotics are good at...leaking? LOL. Anyway dayum! Kevin's cuteness! I can imagine him with those cat ears and the tail asdfghjkl! Stop doing this to meeeeeee! My Kiss Me feels! I LOVE CHUUUUU~! >3<
Chapter 20: Chen...? I thought it is jiyong.. now authornim what are you planning?? I can't get this story out of my head.. seriously YOU GOTTA UPDATE!