
The Dragon Clan


Immortal... That word kept bouncing in my head.

“Immortal you say...”—I whispered.

“Hyung! That’s not true”

Seungri pushed Seunghyung and kneeled beside me.

I jumped a little when I felt his touch.

“Eun Mi. We aren’t immortal. We live for a very long time but we can die from accidents or certain diseases.”

“How old are you?”

I look at all of them, waiting for an answer. Seunghyun was the first one to answer.

“180 years.”


The others followed his example and told me; with each answer I couldn’t help but froze.

Taeayang said he was 170, Daesung 160, and the maknae, the bubbly Seungri 150.

They remained in silence, waiting for my answer. I sighed.

“I thought all of you were my oppas, but it looks that all of you are a bunch of ajusshis.”

I looked at them and for a moment they looked relieved.

Do they really care what I think?

“Thanks for not freaking out.”

Seunghyun said and continued.

“Dragons stop aging at the age of 21, which is when we reach our maturity.”

Taeyang seemed like he wanted to add something, but he shut it.

“Also dragons have many forms, we can partially transform in dragons and let out our wings or claws as well as others forms.”

They seemed to be uncomfortable talking about this theme, so I decided to not ask further than the essential.

“When a dragon is born, the dragon is gifted with a special ability.”

“All of you have... powers?

“You could call it like that.” Taeyang answered.

“Show me.”

I was so amused. This whole new world was interesting, but having powers? That is like the dream of any human!

They looked at each other, first they looked insecure, but then they decided it would be cool to show off a little.

We all walked outside. The first one to show me was Daesung.

He tear off a rose and placed closed to my face, so I was able to admire his power.

The rose was already dying, but once Daesung hold it in his hands, the rose revived into the beautiful flower it used to be.

“I control nature. All the beautiful plants you see in this garden are all my creations.”

I look at the garden, and now I could see it was indeed beautiful. I was surrounded by beautiful, exotic flowers.  

"What type of flowers are this?"

"Not human, if thats what you wonder"

Daesung smiled mischievously, he gave me the rose and then proceed to move out of sight since Taeayng was already preparing himself.

There was a small bird fountain that fit perfectly in the beautiful garden. Taeyang placed himself in front of it, he breath once and the water started to rise. When Taeyang moved his hand the water would follow him, like a cobra following his master.

In seconds the water froze, making Taeyang pout.

“Yahh! Seungri do you want to die!”

“Hahaha Sorry hyung it just seemed an excellent moment to show her my ability.”

With a flower in hand and giggling, I turned my gaze looking for Seunghyun, but he was nowhere to be found.

“Boys, where is Seunghyun?”

All of them froze, and looked away. They seemed to be hiding me something.

“Where is he?”

“He doesn’t want to show us his power.” Daesung answered

“Why? Is it lame?”

“No... more like dangerous. He is a soldier dragon, since they’re born, they have a lot of strength and are known for being very aggressive, but Seunghyun is not like that!”

The atmosphere was filled with tension.

Aish! I told him to never run away from me.


I yelled my lungs out.

“Didn’t I told you to never leave my side! Do I need to throw myself from the cliff for you to come back?!”

I didn’t heard an answer.

“Call him. He still needs to explain me a lot of things.”---I said to the boys.

 "Okay, we'll look for him. You stay in the house meanwhile."


I entered the house and throw myself in the bed. The sun was still out but I felt really tired, I slowly closed my eyes.

The room was so silent, the only sound in the room was the sound of my breathing.

I hold my breathe for a second and listen.

It was then I heard... The breathing of something else.

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Stella112 #1
Chapter 21: Noooo !!! I need you to update !!! Please ... Dying here X(
Chapter 21: Finally an update ! /dance to fantastic baby/
Fighting for this story !!
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 21: omg~ this is getting more intense~!! is seunghyun not good? why it seems like he's not really a good person? or i get it wrong? thanks for the update~!! do update soon~ ^^
Chapter 21: Finalllyyyyyyyy wuhuuuuu *super exited squeel*
Chapter 20: Update soon!! I miss this story!! Lol
JiYong_JaGi #6
Chapter 20: is that jiyong? omg~ so exciting~ dragon clan mum n alice in wonderland combination~ fairy tale and mythology.. is it same thing? haha~ nice update~!! ^^
Chapter 20: My hopes are crashed! Totally crashed! We really ALL thought that it's Jiyong! Ok I'd been fooled XD EXO'S BACK! EXO'S BACK! EXO'S BACK! *runs around* After waiting for 183790782618541936519465198 years! *wipes tears* Exotics are good at...leaking? LOL. Anyway dayum! Kevin's cuteness! I can imagine him with those cat ears and the tail asdfghjkl! Stop doing this to meeeeeee! My Kiss Me feels! I LOVE CHUUUUU~! >3<
Chapter 20: Chen...? I thought it is jiyong.. now authornim what are you planning?? I can't get this story out of my head.. seriously YOU GOTTA UPDATE!