

Soft, pale sunlight brought life to the spacious room encased by simple glass that was a opening to a magnificent and vast horizon of breath-taking evergreen mountains cradling the narrow passage that was the home of theirs. The winter garden was unusually warm for such a cold time of the year, the peaks of trees covered with frost and the few of brittle snowflakes that fell from the open sky indicating the intimidating icy weather ruling outside. Jongdae deemed his steaming mint tea the source of valiant warmth fueling his otherwise decadent limbs that even when clad in thick clothes, were still prone to become cold. Resting the fine, svelte looking cup wrought from Chinese porcelain and painted by hand, the intricate details of roses seemingly so vivid, so pictorial as if those were real flowers trapped on the surface of their ivory piano, he breathed in the sharp, redolent scent of mint wafting in the air, ears but pleased at the majestic sounds trickling from the instrument. He nodded his head along the music, smiling wistfully as his deep eyes closed, eyelashes daringly brushing the milky skin of his cheeks as his mind was titillated by the plethora of experiences the sound brought.


-“Magnificent.” Jongdae spoke, his crisp, singular voice booming off the encasing glass, Joonmyeon’s perfectly-shaped fingers busy pressing the keys coming to an abrupt halt, his mellow, emollient eyes coming to softly graze Jongdae’s attenuate form ahead of him. He slowly took in the sight of sheer delight woven into other’s unique countenance, glad he could make him softly hum the melody even when it was all silence that crashed around them.

-“I’m glad you like it.” Joonmyeon answered, getting up from the chair and rounded the instrument so that he could steal a sip of other’s warm beverage, lips curving into a complacent curve as his tongue tasted the refreshing flavor unique to mint.


Jongdae’s eyebrow raised into a sharp curve, lips still smiling as he watched his lover sipping his tea, giving no indication of stopping.

-“I’ would’ve made another one for you if you only have said so.”

But instead of answering, Joonmyeon only smiled, one arm coming around to wrap around Jongdae’s brittle waist, pulling his small form closer to himself.

-“I like it more this way.” He retorted, hand gently pushing the graceful cup away to safe distance as he closed the taunting gap between their faces, lips softly pressing to Jongdae’s smiling ones.


-“Oh do you?” Jongdae gasped out, pulling him for another fleeting kiss. “Remember me not to make you tea ever again, then.”

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Chapter 1: Ah this is just beautifully written! *^* <3 I love me some SuChen. I'm glad I saw this.
Chapter 15: All these stories are so beautiful! you write so well, I just love all of them. I like Suchen so much, so this was just wonderful for me. Thank you so much for writing, everything is just perfect! I hope that you would update soon! :)
LikaDelson #3
Chapter 2: omg I love this, can I get another update for it anytime soon, please?? *-*