New Beginning

Love in Disguise



Luna enter my room with Sully. They quickly hug me and I am happy to finally see them both. Then I notice this one girl, staring at me but I don't recognize her. I thought she is Luna and Sully's friend but when I asked them who is she, they all looked surprised at me. I don't know why.


"Don't be like that, bro."Key said to me.


"Huh? Like what?"I asked, looking at him puzzled.


"Don't pretend that you forget her. She always take care of you when you are in a coma."Onew answered.


I looked at her again. I notice that her eyes are teary. I think really heard just to remember her but there is no memory in me of her. My head just feel hurt.


"I will go now."she said the quickl left. Luna and Sully run after her.


"Nuna, I really don't have memory of her."I said to Vic-nuna. Then she hug me looking sad.




I told the doctor about this and they run a test for him. The doctor told me that Amber is suffering from selective amnesia. The doctor think that maybe his brain choose to forget the things or persons that gives a great impact to him. Krystal is the person who has a great impact to Amber. I learned that it is up to Amber if he want to retrieve that memory or not but I don't think it is a good idea. I called all of his friends including Krystal. I explain to them his condition and told them that they should not mention to him about his past relationship to Krystal. They all agreed but I know Krystal is hurt about it. So I talk to her privately.


"Krys, I hoper you understand."I told her.


"I understand, Unnie."she answered with sadness on her voice.


"To be honest, I am thankful that he forgot about you, atleast now, you can start again to build a better relationship with him, right? Have a good memories together."I said to her and she looked at me. I think she just now realize that. I saw a her smile but quickly faded away.


"But what if, he don't like me even to become his friends again, Unnie?"she asked.


"Then you should work harder just to become friends with him. You two have the same circle of friends so you will always hang-out with each other." I answered.


"Thank you Unnie."she answered happily and hug me.


"This is your second chance, so don't repeat the mistake you have done before."I reminded her.


"I promise."she answered with a big smile.




I admit that I was hurt and felt bad when of all the people, I am the only one he didn't remember. But after hearing what Vic-unnie have said to me, it made me realize that I should be happy about it. I think it is a blessing for me in disguise. I decided to build a better relationship to Amber even if I will start again from the beginning. I entered his room, he is having fun talking to our friends.  They all look at me as I approach Amber.


"Hi, I am Krystal Jung. I like to be friends with you.I hope you don't mind."I said as I stretch my hand to him and smile.


He looked at me then glance at my hand. I felt nervous. I'm afraid that he might reject me even just to be his friend.


"You're strange."he said to me and reach my hand and hold mine then flash his dorky smile.


I never felt so happy in my entire life. I promise to myself that I will never ruin this relationship again. I will not repeat the same mistake I did before and I decided to love him, just only him. Our friends are cheering of happiness.



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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
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