State of Coma

Love in Disguise



I was crossing this one street when suddenly a fast car is rapidly approaching me. I want to move my feet by it won't move. I am panicking. I close my eyes waiting for it to hit me but someone pushed me aside. When I open my eyes I saw Amber, lying on the road with so much blood. He show a faint smile before he close his eyes. I froze, I felt terrified. My body is shaking, I hate to see the sight that I am looking. Then many people come to gather around and someone call for help. Then the next thing I knew I passed out.




I never felt so scared in my life but when I heard about what happen to Amber , I tremble.  We rush into the hospital, me and my dad. My dad is so worried, I can see it on his face. We are waiting outside the emergency room, my dad become restless. My tears keep falling on my face. My boyfriend, Nickhun is hugging and comforting me.I was praying that Amber will be alright. Then later, his friends came. They can't believe what happened to him.


"Unnie, Krystal is also here, we will go to check her also."Luna said to me.


"Okay."I answered.


Luna left with Sully. Key and Onew stay with us. This is the worst nightmare I ever had. I really love Amber and I can't afford to lose him.




I slowly open my eyes. I realized I'm in the room, then I smell the smell of a hospital. Then Luna and Sully come on my side. They looked worried as well as happy to see me. Then I remember what happened earlier. I quickly got up on my bed.


"Where's Amber? I need to see him!" I said then tried to get off the bed but Luna and Sully stop me.


"Calm down,Krys."Luna said.


"He is still in the emergency room."Sully answered. I satrted to cry.


"This is all my fault, it should be me in there, not him!" I blamed myself


"It is not your fault Krys, he choose to save you and there's nothing we can do about it."Luna said while rubbing my back and comforting me.


"Luna is right, all we can do is pray for him that he will be okay."Sully followed.


"Please, take me to where he is. I want to be with him." I said to them.


I felt that this is God's punishment to me. Maybe because I hurt Amber so much that he decided to take him away from me. Sully and Luna accompany me to where everyone are. They all look worried and sad. Vic-unnie hug me, we were both crying. We waited outside for four hours, then finally the doctor came out from the emergency room.


"How is my son, doc?"Mr. Song asked.


"We managed to save his life. But he obtained several broken bones and severe head injury from the accident. I'm afraid that your son might be in the state of coma and there is no assurance that he will going to wake up again."


Mr.Song sit back on his chair. He can't believe on what the doctor had said. We are all in despair. Amber was transfered to one of the hospital room. He is just like in a deep sleep. He is sleeping soundly. I decided to stay with him together with Vic-unnie. His father went back to their house first to take care of something and our friends went home.


"Unnie, I'm sorry if I've cause you too much pain." I said to her while crying.


"Don't say that Krys, don't blame yourself."Vic-unnie said then she hug me.


I always visit Amber Amber, I always talk to him because the doctor said that it will help him. Days become weeks and weeks become month there is still no sign of him waking up.




Krystal always visit Amber everyday. I am happy to see her caring for my brother. It's been four months already. After school, I went to the hospital. When I enter Amber's room, I still saw the same, he is still lying on the bed like a baby who is sleeping soundly on the crib. I wonder what he is dreaming right now. I went to his side.


"Hey little brother. I have good news for you. It will really make you happy. If you want to know it, then you should wake up."I said to him then smile but my smile faded when I saw that there is still no reaction.


I went to sit on the chair on the side. I close my eyes trying to get some nap. Then, I heard a weak voice called my name. I thought it is just my imagination so I decided to ignore it.




I open my eyes. Now I'm sure it is not just my inamgination. I quickly went into the bed side. My tears are falling on my cheek because of happiness. I kiss him on the forehead then I called immediately the doctor.

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Chapter 76: Nice nice nice
Ylaissa #2
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