
Jigsaw Puzzle.


“What do you want to do today, Yeollie?”

What did I want to do today, was the question that passed her lips walking to fifth period. Sometimes she’d ask me what I had for lunch, or for break, and even sometimes she’s ask what I did after school – she was my best friend after all. She deserved to know these details about me and my life.

I am Park Chanyeol. The not-quite nerd of the form 11728 at Seoul’s Missionary Secondary School, which was known for its high standards and flawless grades. I got in through a maths scholarship, while her, my best friend Park Jung-Min, got in through a dance scholarship – and may I call her perfect? I will anyways, because she is to me.

I’m irrationally in love with her; I have been ever since I healed her first broken heart. I've healed many more since then, but I swear to god that I would never break it. It seems more logical for her to just date me, you know? I knew her bad sides, her weak sides, I’d seen her fresh face in the morning with sleeping dust still stuck in her eyes and her nose a little runny, and I still thought she was the prettiest little thing I’d ever seen. She really was! But of course, it’s me. I have no luck with girlfriends and definitely no luck with Jung-Min.

I’d had one girlfriend in my secondary school life, who happened to be the exchange student from Australia who got in through a maths scholarship like myself – we broke up because one day she just didn't turn up, or the next, or the one after that. It turned out she went back to Australia. But my luck with Jung-Min was even worse; she’s had countless boys from our year trailing behind her pretty little feet. Most of them were the jocks, the lean muscular guys who could turn girls to goo with just the flex of a muscle. If I did that I’d injure myself…

Anyways, back onto my luck. Jung-Min was a sweet girl, and I've been greatly surprised in her ideal type, she was a typical damsel in distress, she was the girl who got her heart broken by a different guy almost every month; that was my Jung-Min for you! Well, not mine, yet anyways. But, I think about confessing a lot, because maybe she’d give me a chance? She knows me better than I know myself and it’s the same for her, too. I know she likes the peppermint bubble tea and likes to shake it to make sure the bubble content is just right. She doesn't know she does it, but I observe her, I learn her ways. And she's told me that when I write it class my left foot sways from left, to right, while my right hand taps gently in time with the pace of my foot. I didn't know I had anything like that about me, but according to her I did.

I keep going off on a tagent, my mind wanders when I think about her.... there's just something underneath her flesh and bones that has got me. She has something deep inside her that I just cannot find in any other girl - and trust me, I've tried. I've tried way too many times then you can count to try and get over my crush on Jung-Min. But no girl has what she has and i'm scared. It's going to be painful for me to see her end up in someone else's arms, you know? I bet she fits perfectly in mine. I bet she fits better then a glove on my cold hands in December. I bet she'd feel that good to hold.

But I can tell, i'm just her good old nerd friend Chanyeol. The one who helps her with homework because 'he has the brain of Einstein'. But to me, she's Park Jung-Min, the gorgeous dancer who has the body of Darcey Bussell but the heart of of someone with much more youth. She was who i'd been searching for but I know I can't have her.

But no, Park Chanyeol does not loose! Park Chanyeol has 100% achievement rate and he's not going to let that slip!

So, without further ado, I welcome you to the world of, I, Park Chanyeol. I'll take you on a journey with the stupid little thing I call my heart.

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this sounds so good! i'm looking forward to reading it <3