Bottled Butterflies

Bottled Butterflies

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Enjoy this little Daejong treat for you guys~

italicized words are thoughts of the one talking !

either it be Jongup or Daehyun.

Jongup’s POV


Oh hyung … you’re here again, right in front of me talking to Youngjae, your bestfriend. I felt something in my chest, as if a sharp knife ran across my heart making it bleed nonstop. I clenched my fist and placed it on my chest. The scene was unbearable for me to watch it any longer, that scene where the guy I love was talking to someone and not me. I leaned on the wall that I used to hide myself while watching Daehyun from afar. If only I am as handsome as him, will you also talk to me hyung?

I dragged my feet away from the spot and walked towards the arms of my understanding friend, Junhong. He quickly hugged me to hide my face from the reality and the judging looks of my fellow students. The scene was too painful for me that it left a permanent scar on my heart and flowing tears on my face. I looked up but Junhong stopped me, he placed his forehead on my shoulder and whispered. “Hyung … stop crying … please.” My dongsaeng pleaded while rubbing my back.

That’s right, why am I even crying right now? I chose the decision to bottle this feelings of mine, and I have no right to regret and cry about it. I softly sniffled before straightening my back and wiping my tears. “Thanks Junhong ah … Hyung is okay now.” I whispered to him, assuring him that everything went back to its place and path. But still I can’t erase the feeling of sadness and loneliness inside my heart.

Junhong slowly pulled my hand and walked away from the site. I turned my head back and saw Daehyun and Youngjae standing just a few inches from where I hid myself. Daehyun looked at me with a confused look and so as Youngjae. I lowered my head and looked away, it hurts to see them side by side and so close like that.

“Junhong ah … if I’m as handsome as Youngjae-ssi .. will Daehyun-ssi like me?” That question stopped the taller one from its tracks. He turned to me with soft and teary eyes due to the drama that I caused earlier. “Hyung … you’re perfect right now, perfect for me and your parents … don’t say that you’re not as handsome as Youngjae-ssi because to tell you the truth, you’re more handsome than him.” He sniffed and smiled weakly. Thanks Junhong-ah for being a friend of mine.

I didn’t reply on his words because I don’t have the strength right now.

Few hours have passed like seconds, and finally the school had already ended. “Jongup hyung, let’s go home now!” My dongsaeng suddenly took my hand and started tugging me out of my table, I smiled at him and slowly pulled my hand back. “Hyung is going somewhere, so I can’t accompany you home right now.” I saw my dongsaeng’s smile fade instantly, his hands slowly fell and stiffened on his sides.  “But … can I just go there with you?” He really likes to go with me. “Nope, just go home first and maybe we can play in your house.” Those words instantly made him smile again. “I’ll wait for you Hyung!” He shouted, he quickly grabbed his bag and dashed out of my sight.

After a few minutes of staring at the blank seats in front of me, I stood up and took my bag and walked away. The sky finally turned into a magnificent shade of orange, everything became slow and soft in my sight. My grip on my bag tightened as the loneliness and sadness once again surged and filled my heart.

A few turns and there, I finally reached the science laboratory. I slowly opened the sliding door, pushing it sideways. I entered and was welcomed by nothing but darkness and the orange sun of the laboratory. I placed my bag on one of the laboratory table before walking near the windows of the room. The sun’s orange radiance filled the half of my body. I looked below and found nothing but peace and grass.

I turned and leaned my back on the glass window, my body slid down and I eventually found myself sitting on the cold ground with tears surfaced once again on my face.

I clasped my hands together and on my knees. Hyung … is it really that impossible for me to stay there beside you and not him? Am I asking a really impossible wish? It hurts hyung … to see you with someone else. Then an image of Youngjae flashed in my head. Oh right, he’s much more good-looking than me, if you’re going to choose between the two of us, I’m sure that you’ll choose him right away, without having any second thoughts.

Those words that came out of my mouth inflicted much pain inside my burning heart, I can’t help myself but to damp my cheeks with the tears of pain. I opened my mouth and hummed a very soft and lonely tone. From now on, I will bottle these feelings of pain and love and I hope that one day I can face you without these feelings hyung. I walked back to my bag to take something inside my bag. I rummaged my bag for a few moments before pulling out a bottle with a cork sealing it.

I opened it and placed it on the table before going back to my bag to take a paper and pen. I sat on the chair there and started writing something on the small piece of paper.


Daehyun-ssi … I’m Jongup, Moon Jongup.

I know that it’s weird to talk to an imaginary you like this but I just can’t face you right now.

First of all, I’m doing this to forget you.

I love you, I really do but I know myself that you’ll never love someone like me, and I also know that you already love Youngjae-ssi.

It hurts me to see you laughing with him, Youngjae-ssi seems to be nice so at least I know that he’ll never hurt you heart and that he’ll keep it somewhere nice and safe, unlike my heart which already had cracks here and there because of my love for you.

Oh no I’m not blaming you hyung, I’m blaming myself for falling in love into someone whom I can’t reach like you, I really hate this part of me.

I really love you, and I’m currently a bit sad because I’ve never let you know about it, but I’m sure that you don’t care about it, because for you I’m just a mere stranger, a lowerclassmen, a schoolmate whom idolizes you so much.

I can’t fight for my love for you hyung any longer, it hurts too much.

After this letter, I will try my best to bottle these feelings I have for you wishing that one day I can forget this.

Thanks for the happiness you unconsciously brought me hyung, to be frank, you’re the reason of this irremovable smiles that I have on my face.

Thanks hyung … but after this I have to say goodbye.



A tear fell on top of my name on the paper. It made a small smudge on my name, but I paid no heed of it. I folded it to make it small and will fit inside my small bottle. After placing that inside the bottle, I raised it and stare at it. The sun’s orange rays hit the bottle which the letters inside a bit visible for me, of all the words that I wrote there, the word “Fight” showed. I smiled bitterly at that scene, is it a sign from God telling me not to give up? I shook my head softly before placing the bottle on the edge of the window. I pushed it slowly and let it fall from the height down to the land.

“Good bye old Jongup, I know it’s painful for you to bear those feelings for Daehyun-ssi … but we both have to move on, and for me to do that, I have to leave you here … and let the time make you fade.” I whispered in front of the window. I slowly took small steps backwards and left the lonely room alone with my feelings for him.


Daehyun’s POV

Why am I even here in the back of the school? Oh right, I dozed off. I stretched my hands wide, I had a good nap because of the quietness of place it was really peaceful. I stood up from the ground and pat my back a bit, trying to dust off any kind of dirt that might have stuck on my uniform due to me leaning my back on the wall. I looked up and noticed that the window of the science laboratory open, I shrugged and was about to leave but then I felt something below my foot. I raised my foot and was surprised to see a vial, a bottle, a small container of such holding a piece of paper inside.

I took it and slowly uncorked it, I took the paper from the bottle and held the bottle firmly as I open the paper. The words were pretty much shocking for me since it was addressed to me, well I assumed that it was for me because I’m the only Daehyun in this school.

The words on the paper are all sincere and nice, I smiled while reading the first words. Some guy confessed to me? Moon … Jongup. I whispered that name inside my head, for some reason, I grew fond of that name instantly after reading it. But my smile turned upside down after those words, I felt pain inside my heart when I read the words “Forget” and “Love”. I continued reading it and was surprised when I read my best friend’s name.

It’s true, Youngjae love me and he already confessed to me, but I turned him down because I don’t feel the same way for him, I only think of him as a friend or a brother, nothing more nothing less.

After reading the whole letter, I unconsciously clenched the paper with my hands and ran towards the entrance of the building, wishing that at least I can see the guy who left this lonely letter for me. But to my disappointment, all I saw was dust and footsteps. I walked slowly towards the gate and also saw nothing. “I’m too late.” I whispered.

I turned around and there it happened. I was surprised to see, a young male with puffy red eyes maybe because he cried too much? I blinked and so as he, a small staring contest grew amidst of us. Everything stopped around us, birds stopped from flying, clouds halted from moving and breathes started to shorten. Everything around us slowly faded leaving only me and this guy.

Finally recovering from that event, I breathe deeply and decided to start something. “Are … are you the one who made this?” I raised the bottle and the paper, I quickly saw the surprised look of the younger male,  I knew it, it was you. He slowly lowered his head and shook it. “N-no … I didn’t write that.” He made quick steps pass me but I quickly stopped him by holding his arm. I turned and faced him. I want answers now.

“Don’t lie … I … I just have questions for you.” My grip tightened, I don’t want him to leave me after this. But when I saw that he winced a little, my grip slowly loosened. “Sorry …” He shook his head again and raised his face. His innocent face made me feel nothing but guilt. “Are you Jongup?” He turned his head away, he looked like he was in deep thought before nodding his head. His confession made me smile and frown at the same time. “A-and … you love me?” He blushed brightly, he didn’t answer my question but the blush was enough for me to say that he do love me.

“About me and Youngjae … we’re ----“ My words were cut when the guy suddenly shot up, he took a step back which made his arm free from my grasp. He held his arm with his own free hand and smiled. Despite the bright and cheerful smile on his face, I can feel that he’s hurting inside, especially in his heart. “It’s okay hyung, don’t worry … one day I’ll forget about this feeling I have for you.” What? … what did he just said? His words didn’t quickly registered inside my mind, but after those words all I see now was his back slowly fading from my sight.

Daehyun, you have to say something!! Stop him!! My mind was revolting because of my lack of actions. My feet didn’t moved, I stiffened because of the guilt maybe? I saw that he’s about to turn, but before that happens, I breathe deeply and raised the paper again. “I’M NOT DATING YOUNGJAE!” I don’t know why, but my mouth moved on its own, shouting those words. Jongup stopped from walking and turned to me. The distance between us is really far and sad. I mustered all my strength to cut some meters away from us, upon doing that a smile formed on my face when I saw Jongup stopped.

“I’m not dating him … so you don’t have to bottle these things … and forget about it.” I don’t know what I’m saying anymore, all I want is that this kid should never forget something like this … falling in love is such a very innocent and happy thought that one should never be like this because of love. “I don’t know if I can return your feelings for me, but … I want to be your friend … your confidant, can we be like that?” My voice softly shakes while saying that, I became nervous now that I’m standing once again in front of him.

A small smile and nod was enough to ease my nervousness. I gave him the bottle but I kept the paper inside my pants. “You should never bottle butterflies, it will make them lonely and sad.” I can see the confusion on Jongup’s face, He’s really innocent and cute. “When I said butterflies, I meant your feelings for me.” He slowly nodded after realizing what I said. He quickly blushed and took the bottle from my hand. “I will never bottle butterflies again hyung … t-thanks … “ With that soft word from the younger one, I smiled and pat his head. “Let’s go home?” he shyly nodded at my question and started walking away from the school. I slowly followed him, maintaining a fair distance between us. Moon Jongup … you’re … different from the other ones that I met.


Jongup’s POV

After what happened, when I’ve finally decided to forget about you, you suddenly appeared right in front of me. Is this what really fate wants? For me to never stop loving you hyung?  The butterflies that I have bottled earlier didn’t fade, it only bloomed much more and made some ways for both of us to meet.


Narrator’s POV

With a satisfied smile on both of their faces, they both left the school as the orange sun continues to path their way. They shared small conversations and laughters, time around them stopped giving them both the time of their life, the happiness that they deserve even if its just for a span of a minute, at least they enjoyed every bit of seconds of it.


Author's note

I finally finished it!!

how was it? I'm in a DaeJong mood right now so i made this

sorry for the typos, i don't really back read my drafts and works ..

comment anything about them arasso!

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Chapter 1: omg!!!!!!!!!!!!this is so sweet!! i really love this story!!!!! aww~ i love how you describe jongup was..PERFECT! and the way daehyun approach him...i like everything about this story! good job!! *really heart this story!*

'you're the reason of this irremovable smiles that i have on my face'- i love this sentences!
Chapter 1: omg this story was so just asdfghjkl perfect omg and the music too /dead/ this story was so moving and just i cant even like /sobbing
Chapter 1: sd8asu8douaisoudi
Jongup's eelingsfay inay ethay ontfray asway ortrayedpay asay ifay itay asway ymay Youngjae inay a RP ;A; </3 /sobbing/ djiuahadiashj
[psssssssssssssst. I get so jealous sometimes >_>]
Okay.. that was actually cute. e-e
Let them butterflies freeeeeeeeee