
Faded Reflection


Despite his busy schedule Jaejoong made time to steal the girl away from her life and much to Hyemi's surprise she didn't mind the distraction. She liked his friendship as it was an escape from the morbid thoughts she had if she was alone. Although these thoughts hadn't left her entirely, every time she saw her reflection it was a reminder of how she wasn't good enough for him, of how she was merely his charity case.
Yet she still didn't bother around him, her hair was always loosely tied in a bun and she wore minimal makeup and comfortable clothes. He had already seen her dull face why try to make it slightly prettier by dressing it up.
The sound of the constant doorbell resonated in the house, much to MinYoung's fustration. Whoever was ringing it was destroying her homework time. Calling for her sister with no answer she grudgingly stood up and made her way towards the front door.
"Aish, what the he..." She paused seeing the idol in the doorway and unable to believe her eyes she slammed the door in his face.
"Umm, is this Hyemi's house?" He asked through the door.
MinYoung opened the door again this time more calmly. Taking in the idol's handsome form she couldn't help but blush. "Yes...umm....what do you want with my sister?"
Jaejoong grinned, so this was Hyemi's sister. He could see the resemblance in the eyes of the younger girl. "We were going to hang out today but she won't answer her phone."
"Wait here, I'll get her." MinYoung couldn't believe it, her beautiful sister had managed to snag an idol, even more reason for MinYoung to be jealous of her older sister. She knew her sister was home, her modeling gigs were usually during day and she hated to party with her model friends. Knocking on her sisters door there was no answer. MinYoung again knocked louder this time, "Yah, there's a boy here to see you." Again no answer. Finally frustrated, she opened the door. The room was dark, only the light from the open door illuminating only the doorway. As MinYoung scrambled to find the light she tripped across some rug on the floor. Finally turning on the light she realized the rug happened to be her sister. Her face was paler than usual, her loose hair sprawled out on the carpet and her body was limp.
Waking up, the light of the bright white room hurt Hyemi's eyes. Adjusting herself to the light she realized she was in a hospital room. As she scanned the room her eyes landed on a single bouquet of daisies. The yellow color contrasting with the white of the room.
"They are from Jaejoong." The voice startled her and she turned to the door way. Her sister stood their holding a two coffee mugs and handing one to her older sister. "They said you could be released once you woke up."
"Why am I here?"
"Aish Hyemi, malnutrition really. You are so not setting that good an example for me." MinYoung said annoyed at her older sister's lack of responsibility.
"Yes idiot. Apparently you haven't eaten anything for weeks. Don't worry I didn't tell umma and appa, they would be very disappointed if they knew."
"Thanks but what about him?" Hyemi  pointed to the daisies.
"He was there when I found you passed out."
"Really?" Hyemi grabbed the note that was attached to the bouquet and began reading.
I told you to eat didn't I. Why don't you listen to oppa more?
A small smile played on Hyemi's lips, was this his way of telling her to call him oppa.
I will bring a big cake next time I see you and we must eat it together. No excuses because I will bake it myself.
The writing seemed to pause after this with many startings of sentences crossed out before he began again.
Hyemi-ah, please don't do this to yourself. You don't need to be skinnier. You are beautiful the way you are.
Reading this Hyemi couldn't help but grimace. What a lie, Jaejoong was only trying to make her feel better. Scrunching the note up she threw it in the nearby trash can.
"Give the daisies to the nurses. Can we leave now?"
"Did you get my flowers?"
"Uh huh" Hyemi replied more interested in the straw colliding with the ice in her drink glass than Jaejoong.
"Are you angry with me?" He asked noticing her tone of voice.
"Nope" she lied. Honestly she was annoyed with his constant assurances that she was pretty, it all felt like he was lying.
"So are you eating better?" Jaejoong hesitantly asked but he already knew the answer. They were at a cafe and all she had was an iced tea and the cake he had brought her was left untouched in the box. "Hyemi-ah," he began when she didn't answer, "why do you do this to yourself?"
"Why? Cause it's the only thing I can control. Now stop nagging. You're my friend not my mother."
"Aish Hyemi-ah, you seriously don't see it do you. You are beautiful in every single way. Why can't you accept that and move on."
"Because you're a freaking liar Jaejoong and I'm late for work." She said standing up and putting on her red blazer over her flowing white dress she wore to the photoshoot she was having. She had merely met Jaejoong for lunch but she couldn't handle him today. Reaching into her blazer pocket she tossed some bills onto the table and stormed out. Jaejoong scowled at the retreating figure, why was she so difficult.
The photoshoot was over and Hyemi was alone in her dressing room. She stared at herself in the full length mirror taking in the sight. Her thin white dress hugged her torso and flowed down to just above her knees, her legs looked awkward and too pale compared to her made up face. Quickly taking a tissue from the table she wiped the make up off and stared once again at her face. The eyes were extremely weary and tired and her skin was a colourness white. Staring at her face she would almost say she looked dead or close to it.
A knock interrupted her thoughts and Jaejoong entered without waiting for a response.
"Are you an idiot, I could be !" 
"Well..." Jaejoong smirked leaning against the door, "you're not are you."
"Aish, what do you want?" She sat back down on the make up chair and crossed her arms in annoyance.
"You were looking in the mirror?"
"Yeah, so?"
"I want to know, what do you see when you look in the mirror."
"I don't know, myself I guess. Seriously Jaejoong."
Jaejoong let out a sigh before gently grabbing her shoulders and standing her up. Placing her in front of the mirror he asked again "what do you see."
Hyemi was silent, she saw many things but they were anything but pretty. Her lips were a light pink and the only colour on her dull face. Her legs whilst tall were lanky and awkward looking. Her collarbones protruded out and made her look boney near her neck and her eyes were the same as always, exhausted. Nothing about her was fresh or pretty.
"What the hell do you want me to say?" Hyemi lashed out turning away from the mirror and hitting his chest. He grabbed her wrists and pulled her into a tight hug.
"It's not what I want you to say, it's what I want you to see." His voice was soft and tickled against Hyemi's ears. "I want you to see what I see. Hyemi-ah, you are so beautiful. I know you don't think so, I've seen the looks when you see your reflection. But those are just your insecurities speaking." He paused and a small smile lit his face as he said, "Your smile is the most beautiful, the way the corners slightly lift up and the slight dimple in your right cheek. Honestly speaking Hyemi-ah, you are the most beautiful person I have ever known inside and out."
She sobbed at his words and pushed him out of the hug as she turned away from him so he couldn't see as the tears rolled down her face. "Hyemi-ah, please don't cry." His voice was soft but was of no comfort to her as the salty tears ran down her face and into . "Please."
"It's a lie right. You've seen my sister, the other models yet you still say I'm beautiful. Jaejoong why are you doing this?"
"They are pretty I admit it but to me you are still the most beautiful. And I'm saying this because Hyemi-ah, I want you to be happy." As she didn't respond Jaejoong gently turned her around until they were face to face. He cupped her face with the palms of his hands before whispering, "and because I love you." Hyemi's eyes widened as he leaned forward until their lips softly touched. He could taste the salt of her tears as he kissed her but he was glad when the girl kissed him back. Pulling away a soft smile lit his face and he wiped her tears with his thumb. "Come on I'll take you home."
They walked out of the studio in silence. Her house was only a couple of blocks away, walking distance. Walking side by side their hands grazed each others until the boy couldn't take the near touch anymore. Wrapping her pinky around his own he smiled at the girl who gave a soft sincere smile back to him.
"Jaejoong, you really think I'm beautiful?" Hyemi interrupted the silence.
"Yes." The answer was blunt and sincere and for once Hyemi didn't think he was lying.

That's the end and I at writing endings so I had to end it somewhere. This part is the most rushed out of all the parts I've written as I lost my original inspiration and I'm very sorry for that. Although I still hoped you liked it. Feedback is always appreciated. :) 

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Chapter 3: So sweet

I wish I find someone who sees me the same way...
Chapter 3: this is an awesome story :)
Chapter 3: omg this story is so beautiful!!!!!!! i love it seriously! its worth to be read! good job author nim!
This is definitely a wonderful story^^
ForeverFive #5
Chapter 3: Now this is a mature story. Not as in ual or stuff. I mean, this is a mature plot and is really good. I love it. This story could help others who are not so secure about them. Though it's only a 3 shots, but really worth to wait and read. *Thumbs up!*
Myungsumi #6
The story line is amazing
Chapter 1: awww.... Hyemi's thoughts are really depressing, how could someone with the beauty refuse to see it? I loved the first chapter, keep the updates coming :D
love the poster, love the storyline :)