
Faded Reflection


'Cold medicine, cold medicine.' She mumbled as she paced the aisles of the pharmacy. Waking up in the morning was hard enough with her extreme dieting methods but today she had a cold and her house had no medicine what so ever. Hence Hyemi had to pace the aisles of the pharmacy at five in the morning in her pyjamas and a pair of battered red converse searching for flu medicine.
Finally turning into the aisle she saw the shelf she had been searching for. As she reached to grab the box a soft voice interrupted her, "Hyemi-ssi." Her hand picking up the box, she looked at the person calling her. It wasn't someone she recognized but instead some man in a black hood and sunglasses at five in the morning.
"Yes, do I know you?" Hyemi sniffled, her cold evident in her voice. The man pulled down his hood and pushed his sunglasses to the top of his head to reveal the handsome face of the man Hyemi had met at her recent photoshoot.
Jaejoong observed the younger girl's makeup less face, she was indeed pretty. Maybe a bit tired looking with weary eyes but definitely pretty. Observing the girl in her sleepwear his eyes landed on the box in her hands.
"Extra Large heh?" Jaejoong teased glancing at the box she was holding. Much to the younger girl's embarrassment she had picked up a box of condoms as opposed to her much needed medicine. Quickly shoving the box back on the shelf she accidentally knocked more over and scrambled to pick them up.
A light chuckle escaped Jaejoong's lips as he observed the girl's embarrassment. Hyemi couldn't resist the melodious laughter and a faint smile played on her lips, immediately disappearing as soon as it had appeared.
Jaejoong observed her smile and noticed the difference between this one and the one she donned during the shoot. This one was much more beautiful and real and he wanted to see it again.
"What are you doing here Hyemi-ssi? I doubt it's for those." He smirked glancing at the shelves. Hyemi quickly picked up the box she had always intended to buy and began to leave in embarrassment.
She handed the medicine to the counter before realising she hadn't taken anything with her when she left the house in the morning. "Aish, I don't have my bag." She muttered to herself. As she began to explain to the cashier her situation Jaejoong appeared and placed his vitamins on the counter.
"What are you doing."
"I'm buying my vitamins." He explained giving the cashier enough cash to to pay for his vitamins as well as her medicine.
"I can pay for it myself."
"With what money. Your pyjamas don't look like they have any pockets."
"Just let me." He smiled taking the bag from the worker and walking out as the girl followed behind. "Why are you in your sleepwear anyway?" Jaejoong softly asked when they were out of the store.
"I couldn't be bothered changing, besides not much people shop so early . Aren't you a celebrity, why are you in public."
"I'm in disguise and as you said, no one shops at five in the morning. Well except for a cute model in pyjamas." She didn't like the word cute, to her it's someone's way of saying ugly without actually saying it.
"Ok, can I have my medicine now." Jaejoong reached into his bag and handed her the box. Taking out a pill from the box she swallowed it quickly. "Thanks." She said as he began to leave Jaejoong reached out and grabbed her wrist. "What now?"
"Hang out with me."
"What, I don't know you and I have to get home. Bye, I'll send the cash to your agency. What's your agency?" Hyemi really didn't want another guy reminding her how she wasn't good enough.
"I don't want the money. I want to make you smile. It's really beautiful, your smile. Your debt is repaid when I see that smile of yours." Hyemi would have said that he was joking if it wasn't for his serious tone.
"Aish" she sighed flashed him a smile she usually used for shoots. "Can I go now."
"No" he answered bluntly, "that was fake, it's pretty but not beautiful. Come on let's eat."
"It's five in the morning."
"Even better. Come on, I know a place."
Arriving at the small cafe, the sun was beginning to rise and the cafe just opened as they walked in. "Jaejoong-ssi, I'm not dressed for this."
"We'll get you clothes after breakfast."
Sitting at a small table, Jaejoong took off his hat but not his sunglasses. A young waitress came to take their orders.
"I'll have a coffee, an egg sunny side up with a side of bacon." Jaejoong ordered without even reading the menu, "Hyemi-ssi?"
"Just a coffee for me." Hyemi was extremely hungry but her diet didn't allow for anything but a salad a day. As her beauty faded Hyemi had realised the only thing she could control was her figure, hence the dieting. She didn't care that she was constantly starving or hungry, at least she was in control.
"You know it's not healthy to skip meals, I can see your bones." Jaejoong pointed out. Hyemi sighed, of course he could and yet he still called her pretty, what a hypocrite.
The orders came and Jaejoong began eating. Glancing at the younger girl he smiled remembering his reason for taking her out.
"Want to hear a funny story."
"Not particularly." She bluntly answered uninterested in his attempts to make her smile.
"Ok, since you are not going to eat lets go."
"First lets get you some proper clothes."
 She could see her reflection in the mirror of the dressing room. She wore denim shorts coupled with a loose pink shirt that Jaejoong said she looked pretty in. Her hair was loosely in a pony tail and her eyes looked weary and tired. She looked dismal and anything but the pretty face Jaejoong claimed he saw. 
Stepping out of the dressing room Jaejoong smiled at the girl. "Here." He clipped the charm bracelet on her wrist. The only charm was a small red and silver camera, it was simple and Hyemi wouldn't admit it but she actually liked it. "It reminded me of you. It's pretty right."
"So can I go home yet?" She ignored his compliments.
"Have you smiled yet?"
"No, lets go."
Hyemi sighed at the man's stubbornness, why was he so adamant on the smiling. "Aish, fine."
"I know the best place to make you smile."
Jaejoong's hand gripped her wrist as he pulled her along. They arrived outside the shop and Jaejoong couldn't help but smirk at his own brilliance, no girl could resist this.
A large area of fish tanks were neatly set up in the back of the shop, shelves of supplies in the middle, an assortment of hamsters, mice and baby chicks on one side and two large displays on the other side.
Hyemi was immediately entranced by the rough but playfulness of the kittens. Jaejoong stared at Hyemi and grinned as he noticed her soft smiles that lit up her face every time the kittens played with one another. The task he had given himself was over but he couldn't bring himself to end his time with her. She truly was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen even if she chose not to believe him if he said so.
As I said this chapter is about her smile and Jaejoong's sweetness. This is the beginning of their friendship and hopefully their love. Please subscribe. Feedback is always appreciated. Next chapter is the last part.
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Chapter 3: So sweet

I wish I find someone who sees me the same way...
Chapter 3: this is an awesome story :)
Chapter 3: omg this story is so beautiful!!!!!!! i love it seriously! its worth to be read! good job author nim!
This is definitely a wonderful story^^
ForeverFive #5
Chapter 3: Now this is a mature story. Not as in ual or stuff. I mean, this is a mature plot and is really good. I love it. This story could help others who are not so secure about them. Though it's only a 3 shots, but really worth to wait and read. *Thumbs up!*
Myungsumi #6
The story line is amazing
Chapter 1: awww.... Hyemi's thoughts are really depressing, how could someone with the beauty refuse to see it? I loved the first chapter, keep the updates coming :D
love the poster, love the storyline :)