The Chronicles of Kyuhyun and His Family

~Hello! This is the last chapter to this story. ;c Yes I know, I‘m sorry! m(_ _)m But I need to finish this, and another story so that I can finish writing 2 sequels to some stories before I get trampled and killed by ferocious rampaging subscribers. eue; Okay, maybe that part was a bit too exaggerated.  Anyways, enjoy! ^^ (And maybe in the future, I might get back to this and continue it. ;) ) I was going to make this longer, but then at the moment, my lazy side kicked in. .___. So forgive me if this seems short.




“Once upon a time, a very long time ago, not before the age of the Jonghyuns, Ambers, and Donghaes dinosaurs, there was a small town. It wasn’t that famous or well-known, but the people were content with it. Now in that small town, there was a little toy shop. It was the only locally owned one in the area, while the rest were owned by those monstrous toy companies.


The shopkeeper and owner of that mini store was a kind young caring man, who went by the name of Jinki. From his own philosophies, He believed that toys should be made for the good and joy of children, not for the sake of money. None of his products were ever made in factories, they were always handmade, or as he would say, “made by a professional.” Little did he know, his toys were secretly, alive?


Now in that humble shop of his, there was also, a small black bunny plushy. It had a pink mask, decorated with 6 tiny black dots. On the top of its head, there was a white plus sign, sowed on firmly. It had 2 large mischievous, beady, large white eyes, and 2 ears which stuck out like antennas on a radio. Nonetheless, Jinki thought it was the most perfect creation he had ever made. He did give it a name though. Tats Moto.


He didn’t know how he had come up with that name, it just popped into his head one day while he was thinking about this one alien movie that he had recently seen with his friends, but he decided it was the best name for the creature, and that this special one should only be given to a child who would keep the special one in a loving and caring condition.


But, Tats Moto was always kept at the back of the room. Why you ask? Well Jinki specifically made it to target towards the boys, but when he attempted to promote it to the targeted customers; they would always pass it off, saying that it was “too girly to be an action plushy”. So ever since then, he’s always left it there, waiting for the right person to come in and claim it.


Since Tats Moto was technically alive, it did have emotions too. I mean, he had emotions. And the biggest ones he experienced everyday were of course: rejection, loneliness, and jealousy. He would feel rejected, because he always believed that he was nothing but a useless doll, where you would play around with it for a small amount of time, and then toss it away only to find another interesting toy to use; lonely, because no one ever actually saw, or took notice of him, except for Jinki, his eyes glancing over at the bunny with concern occasionally; and envy. Even though after the creator closed the shop and went home for the day, he had many friends, and was easygoing, so it wasn’t hard to become buddies with him. But then, when dreaded morning came and the shop would be open, his friends would slowly disappear, content and peaceful in the arms of their new owner, while he was stuck behind. All he could do was watch with envy at the scenes of love and affection.


It would always be like this, every single day, and maybe, for the rest of his life…or so he thought.


One surprisingly glorious morning (or terrible day for Tats Moto, since he was not a morning person) a young boy entered the shop with the sound of ringing bells. This certain boy’s name was Bang Yongguk, and was feared by all youngsters in the town due to his tough and scary exterior. No one had bothered to talk and chat to him, so he was also experiencing feelings of loneliness internally.


However, if one had decided to become friends with him, they were in for a surprise. No one knew, but behind that cold and frightening presence, was actually a very kind and caring personality. He also secretly loved plushies, or as he would call them, “action plushies”. So in other words, he was a plushy connoisseur. He could tell from the cheap to the expensive.


Jinki immediately began making his customers comfortable, informing him and his mom about the most popular creations and which were best-selling. Yongguk browsed around the shop, but really, nothing seemed to catch his eye. He was about to leave the store when a certain bunny, located at the back of the store, grappled his attention. He asked the store owner about it, and Jinki politely gave him some knowledge on it.


“Can I ask, is this also for sale?” He pointed at the creation that was displayed quite a few meters away from him.


“Ah, yes, it is, although no one ever seems to notice the poor thing. He’s not that popular though. Are you interested?” Jinki replied cheekily.


“Yes. Quite interested I must say,” the younger mused.


Yongguk inspected the toy quite a bit. Jinki noticed this and continued on rambling about, the boy intently listening.


“One of my friends, Key, had gone to Paris. I asked him to buy some silk there. I only asked him for a bit, but instead he bought loads of it, all in different colors.” The older chuckled a bit to himself at the faint humorous memory before continuing on. “When I got home, I had no idea what to do with it, so I started crafting. I suggested to myself that I should make some sort of animal. After thinking for a while, I came up with the conclusion that I should create some kind of alien bunny, and this was the result.”


“Does it have a name?” The younger questioned once again.


“Ah yes, it does. It’s Tats Moto. I think it’s a pretty cool name, no? Made it up myself, although Himchan sounds good too. So what do you say, deal, or no deal?” Jinki stated, manly-giggling to himself once again about the game show reference.


Yongguk thought for quite sometime before agreeing to buy it. Surprisingly, it was very cheap, only around 10 bucks. He clutched the plushy rather tightly in a delicate manner, before slipping it into his man-bag, waving goodbye to the shopkeeper, and heading out the door with a content expression pasted on his face.


Little did he and anybody else know, his bag was getting wet. With, water? Oh that’s right, the bunny inside the bag was crying of course. Crying in what you say? Crying in sadness? No, no, he was crying in the opposite. You probably know why, but I’m just gonna tell you anyway for the sake of this story.


It was because he finally found a friend.  An owner. A lover. Someone who would care for him forever. (Well, besides the owner/creator of course.)  And he was cool with that. Very cool.


Le Fin.The End. The end of the story. The end of the end. The fin of the beginning. Oh you know what? Screw this ending.”


Sungmin closed the tattered book of his very own writings placed in his palms. He looked over the object, only to be greeted with the sight of 2 adorable little toddlers, embracing each other on the bed, fast asleep, who were also spooning their monkey and Nemo plushies. He let out a contented and peaceful sigh and smile, glancing at them. A voice interrupted his daze.


“You know, Minnie-ah, I love your stories,” Kyuhyun mused in a cheeky and romantic way.


“Oh shut up you, you always love everything about me,” the other mumbled, a light tint of blush appearing on his naturally puffy cheeks as he hugged the maknae tightly around his body.


“However, your stories could use a little bit of work,” The younger stated unconsciously out loud. Sungmin broke the hug apart and glared at his lover playfully.


“Huh. Really? Let me see you try to come up with a children’s novel in 3 days,” Sungmin challenged, his gentle smile changing to an intimidating smirk.


“Oh, you are so on!” Kyuhyun yelled out loud. Unfortunately, it woke Hyukjae and Donghae up, and you do not wake and interrupt them up from their sleepy time. Or you will get killed. I mean it.


And so, the next day, Kyuhyun was signed out of the hospital, with fatal fractures and casts covering his arms and his legs, caused by unsuspecting items such as pillows, and falling off the stairs. Literally this time.




~Madre de Dios! *takes off glasses* Longest chapter I’ve written. 0__o  Anyhow, thanks for subscribing and commenting to the end, and may I hope I see you again in the future. :D Bye! ^^

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I lost so many subscribers. T^T So this is what it feels like.


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Jin_Riri #1
Chapter 7: cute story XD ^^
Jin_Riri #2
Chapter 4: you can put pics from tumblr and photobucket by pasting the url in the url boz when you click the image icon to where yout ype XD
Jin_Riri #3
Chapter 2: LOL XD Oh Shisus... Meanie KyuMin couple XD
Chapter 2: I just love your random stories!
SuperGeneration28 #5
Chapter 7: Alright I just died of laughing because of the poor tortures kyu! I am now in Shisus's kingdom...he keeps giving me lectures about jesus..
The cooking part made me think, this is so-Kyuhyun, omg. I don't know whether I should pity him when he got 'violated' by Sungmin… or should I laugh…
Chapter 7: the moment i read the word a black bunny plushy with a pink mask and 6 dots i immediately thought about the matoki....