Tennis Begins with LOVE

Love Story

Tennis meant everything to Yuri. She was the best of the best and so far no one has beaten her, that is, until she came along.

Jessica Jung was good at everything she does. If she tried hard enough, she could be anything she wants. But she'd rather spend her time alone than do something she doesn't enjoy. She was a kind, beautiful, and hard to approach girl. She didn't want to get involved in anything. She wanted her life to be easy with no complications. When Jessica's grandfather came to town, he was disappointed at her. Jessica's grandfather was the coach for a famous tennis player in America. When he was young, he won many trophies and medals and he wanted the same for Jessica.

"You are young! You can't spend your time doing nothing!" the old man bellowed.

"I get to live my life the way I want to," Jessica argued calmly.

"I am so disappointed in you! You can do anything. You have to take advantage of that!" he pointed at her.

"I don't want to."

"Don't talk back! You are going to do something even if it's not tennis!"

"No," Jessica looked down.

"You!!!-" then, her grandfather stopped midway.

Jessica looked up at him and saw him clutching his chest.


The old man slowly sank to the floor and fell unconscious.


No matter how much Jessica didn't want to do something, she would do it for her family. She loves them more than anything. So the next day, Jessica entered the tennis court with her tennis bag hung across her shoulder.

A tall guy approached her. "Hello. You must be Jessica Jung. Hi, I'm the coach. You can call me Coach. Now, the bag goes over there," he pointed at the benches besides the court. "After that, you go to the end of the line and wait for instructions." He smiled and walked away.

Jessica shrugged and slowly walked towards the benches. She looked at the other players standing around in a crowd as she settled her bag and taking out her racket. She noticed that the players were crowding a certain girl. She approached the group with racket on hand and peeked to see who the center of attention was. She was a normal looking girl but she setts off an aura of seniority.

"Ok everyone, line up," the coach clapped his hands together as the players, including Jessica, lined up.

"If you paid attention, you'd notice that we have a new member," the coach gestured his hand at Jessica.

Jessica stepped out and bowed, "I'm Jessica. It's a pleasure to meet you."

The players smiled at her saying hi and hello, bowing and waving.

"Like we always do when someone new joins, let's have a challenge. Jessica and Yuri, how about it?" the coach grinned.

Soft murmurs ripped through the crowd.

The girl with an aura stepped out, "Fine by me."

Jessica shrugged, "Sure."

As both players got into their position, the crowd cheered.

Yuri served first. Since Jessica was a "beginner", Yuri served softly, like an amateur. Jessica noticed that she was going easy on her. She hated that, them underestimating her. It was irritating. So, Jessica swung her racket with all her might and hit the ball to the corner of the court, barely on the line. That caught Yuri off guard. It was so fast and unexpected that she failed to hit it back.

LOVE - 15.

The crowd raised their hands up in the air and cheered. Yuri regained her posture and smiled, "I see." She served, this time she served it to the best of her ability. Surprisingly, Jessica managed to hit it back.

Just like that, they hit the ball back and forth, refusing to lose. The game kept on going longer than expected. Even after an hour later, the crowd were still excited, wanting to see who would win.

5 - 5. It was tie. One more set to determine who will win.

Yuri wiped the sweat off her forehead, Just what is she? She couldn't be a beginner. Yuri was really trying her best not to lose. She didn't want to be embarrassed and have them saying that she lost to a rookie.

In the beginning of the game, Jessica couldn't care less if she won or not. But now, it was different. Now, that it's come to this, she wanted to win for the first time in her life. They both played great.

40 - 40. Deuce. Whoever wins the next point wins.

Jessica breathed heavily. She tossed the ball up and served...

Game set. Won by Jessica.

Yuri dropped her racket to the ground, shocked. She looked at Jessica with anger in her eyes. Jessica looked away and greeted the crowd who was congratulating her. Yuri grabbed her racket and walked out of the tennis court.

"Hey, Yuri. Where are you going?" one of her friends called out to her but Yuri was gone.

"Just let her be," Coach said. "She'll come back. Jessica, you're not a beginner are you?"

Jessica shook her head, "My grandfather's a coach. He taught me how to play and we sometimes watch tennis games together."

"For how long have you been playing?"

"2 years ago, for about 6 months but then I quit. I started again just now."

"That's a short time and you're that good? Yuri's been playing since she was a kid. She must've been shocked."

Jessica looked at the door, hoping for Yuri to burst in and smile, but she never did. Jessica felt bad.

The next day, Jessica went to practice. When she found Yuri in the middle of a crowd as usual, she felt happy for some reason. Jessica got the racket in her hand as the coach assigned our practice groups. "Jessica, Nikki, and Jae. You will be working with Yuri. The rest of you, you know where you are. Now, go. Start hitting that ball," the coach clapped his hands together.

Jessica and the rest slowly followed Yuri to court 3. "Ok, we'll be practicing backhand and forehand. Let me see your swings," Yuri ordered.

Jessica and the two players did 10 forehands. She still seems mad, Jessica thought. Maybe I should...

"Ok, backhand," Yuri clapped her hands together like how the coach does.

Jessica hesitated but she did it anyway. She felt sorry for Yuri so she did terrible backhands. When Yuri noticed, she approached her. "Oi, what's with that swing?"

"Oh.. I-I'm not that good with backhands," Jessica laughed awkwardly and scratched her head.

Yuri raised an eyebrow, is she doing this on purpose? Her backhands were fine when she played me. Yuri went behind Jessica and gripped the racket with Jessica's hand. Jessica was caught off guard. She didn't expect her to actually help. Yuri swung the racket with Jessica. "You have to swing all the way, you can't just stop in the middle," Yuri taught her.

Jessica's mind went blank and somehow, her heart started beating. What's this? Heart stop, before she hears it, Jessica begged in her thoughts. Before she realized it, Jessica had ran to the restroom.

"Hey! Practice isn't over yet!" Yuri called out but she already left. "Seriously, I don't get her. And she left her racket too..."

Jessica looked at the mirror in the restroom. She slapped her face with both hands, "What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you acting like this? Listen, she's the enemy. Bad. But... what is this feeling?" Jessica sighed and went back to the court. When she got there, it was deserted. 

"Practice is over?" Jessica mumbled and went to get her bag. "Oh, my racket." She looked around for her racket. 

"Are you looking for this?" Yuri's voice echoed in Jessica's ear. Jessica turned around and saw Yuri holding up her racket.

"Y-yeah. Sorry for running away."

"It's alright," Yuri handed the racket to her and sat on the bench.

Jessica looked down as she put her racket back inside her bag.

"I'm not mad anymore," Yuri started.

"Huh?" Jessica looked up.

"I mean I was mad before when I lost, but not at you. I was mad at myself. But... it's not fair though. You having an amazing coach," Yuri smiled. "I heard it from the others."

"Oh yeah. He's in the hospital now though...because of me," Jessica looked down again. "I told him I didn't want to play tennis. He must've been heartbroken. I didn't know that he had heart problems."

"Why didn't you wanna play tennis?" Yuri asked curiously.

"Because I was too good," Jessica smiled. "It got boring after a while."

"What's this? Are you bragging now?"

"No. You asked so I answered honestly."

Yuri smiled, "Maybe, you can teach me sometime. That way, if I become as good as you, you won't get bored easily."

Jessica looked at her for a while, then she looked away slightly blushing, "W-who said I'd teach you?"

"Hey, wanna go to karaoke?"

"Karaoke? Why?" Jessica hung her bag on her shoulder.

"I don't know. I'm bored and there's no one at home right now."

"I'm busy," Jessica walked to the exit.

Yuri followed her, "Doing what?"

"J-just stuff..." Jessica kept walking.

"What stuff?"


"What kind of stuff?"

"Aigoo... Fine. Karaoke stuff. But your treat," Jessica scratched her head.

Yuri grinned, "Of course!".... Yuri paused, "Ah. I-I forgot. I spent my last allowance yesterday."

"What? Then whose gonna pay for us?" Jessica asked.

Yuri looked at Jessica and smiled.

Jessica frowned, "Uh.. no. I'm not paying. I am not paying."

At the karaoke...

Jessica handed the cashier her money and went to one of the rooms. "You owe me," Jessica told Yuri.

"I'll pay you later, I swear," Yuri grabbed one of the mics and flipped the song book. 

Jessica sat down and looked at the menu. 

"Hey, sing a duet with me," Yuri sat closer to Jessica.

"Why? You act like were bestfriends or something."

"We could be. You're nicer than you look."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Jessica asked her.

"I mean you rarely smile," Yuri pinched both Jessica's cheeks. "Smile more."

"Ngya, ngya.. Ah!" Jessica grabbed both Jessica's hands and pulled them away from her face. "That hurts."

"See? You need to cheer up," Yuri took the remote and put in a song. She gave the other mic to Jessica. You don't have to, but I'd like it if you do. Yuri stood up and started to sing.

Jessica looked at the mic on her hand and then at Yuri. She sighed and stood up, "Fine, I'll si-" Jessica got her feet tangled in the wires and tripped, pushing Yuri to the ground with her. 

Jessica looked at Yuri and Yuri looked at Jessica who was on top of her. They stared at each other for a while. 

Yuri slightly smiled, "You know, you're really pretty up close."

"Eh?" Jessica turned red.

Then, the waiter came in, "Sorry for the wait. Here's your-" The waiter looked at them on the ground. "Uh...S-sorry for the disturbance!" He ran out, leaving their food behind.

"Ah, no, it's that," Jessica sighed and stood up. "I-I'm sorry."

Yuri stood up, "It's alright. C'mon, let's eat."

In tennis, Love is 0. But tennis also begins with love. I think, maybe, that's what this feeling is, Jessica smiled.

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Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 2: please update soon
Chapter 1: im so happy to read SooRi fanfic
make more
Chapter 2: vavavava..... first soo falling in love yuri.. then jessica. waw lucky you yuri got a beautiful girl like you.. wooot woooot.. updates next chapter pweasse ;p
Chapter 1: x3 oohh la la <3