The Promise []


People were dressed in expensive suits and elegant dresses. And they all move with such poise and grace. If an individual would spot a person or a couple they know, they would either greet them with a soft hello, a wave, a small bow or with just a sweet smile. 

The place was buzzing and filled with Seoul's rich and elite people. One is so famous, the other is involve in many scandals, and some were just as normal as any ordinary people or so they think. But one thing is clear, that everyone in here, handsome or not, y or perhaps are all rich in their own good and filthy ways. 

Not from afar, a woman in her 40's or 50's was wearing a black business suit. Expensive and glittery jewels were on her from head to toe. Wrinkles on the side of her eyes and on other parts of her face appeared as she saw a familiar figure approaching her way. Standing up, she greeted the man with a smile. With her arms spread wide as if she was preaching, she exclaimed;

"Oh, you came darling! My dear Yunho, what took you so long?" 

The man just gave her a grim expression as he stared down at her. "Oh, don't give me that look now Jung Yunho. Come, come take a seat my dear son" 

The lady in black went back to her seat after she ushered her son to sit and soon a waiter was taking their orders. Right after she ordered for her and for her son, she turned her attention to Yunho. 

"So, how have you been, son?" 

Instead of replying, the other said "Why do you want me here?" 

He looked around the room. This place was just one of the things he doesn't want to be in. Yunho wasn't much fond of this kind of environment and lifestyle. He's just sick with people who are pretending to be someone they're not. 

"Mother, you know that I'll never ever join that company of yours. I'm happy on what I am doing now" He finally said as he stopped from further scanning his surroundings.

The woman just looked at him as if he'd gone nuts. "Why would you think of that? Can't a mother have dinner with her only son?" 

Yunho tsked a bit hearing this. He knew his mother very well. And she wasn't the type of mother who'd call his son to have dinner with her without any other reasons or purposes in mind. And Yunho's the type of son that wouldn't let his sneaky mother get the better or either the best of him. If his mother was sly as a fox then as her son, he's sly his self. 

Their order arrived cutting their fresh conversation off. Yunho felt a bit relieved since for the past few minutes they remained quiet. He was thankful that he's not going to waste another drop of his saliva arguing with his mother. 

Cutting his tenderloin carefully, Yunho tried not to avert or even look at his mother's way. He doesn't want to give her any kind of impression or even the wrong idea. 

Ever since his father died, Yunho's mother was different. She'd gone from the loving and sweet mother he knows to the vicious and selfish woman she is now. And though, Yunho had tried his very best in believing that the mother he onced like so much would return but it seems like that's very impossible to happen. When he told her of his plans in becoming a baker, she was strongly against it but Yunho decided to go his way. He's not going to let himself get controlled by this selfish woman and he surely doesn't like working in an office. He'd prefer being in a bakery seeing people smile happily eating what he'd baked for them. 

Many times, Mrs. Jung tried to force and convince her son to give up on baking and would just take over her place as the CEO of their company. But Yunho's stubborn as a mule. He already convinced his self that baking was his passion and no one could ever take that away from him. That being a president in a company doesn't suit him well and he knows that he at that matter. But no matter how he hard he tries, his mother was just the type of person who's so annoying and wouldn't give up.

"Are you going to give me the silent treatment again, Yunho? Hmmmm?" Mrs. Jung broke the silence between them

Yunho just sighed as he stopped from further cutting his meat "What do you want to talk about, Mother?" 

"How's your bakery? Is it doing good?" His mother asked, taking a sip from her wine

"It's fine. And yes, it's doing good, no, not just good but very good actually. And if you're wishing for it to run out of business soon then I assure you, that would never happen" 

Mrs. Jung let out a laugh, her glass of wine still in her hand "Oh, my son. Why would I want that to happen?" 

Yunho couldn't help but just roll his eyes at his mother's flamboyant actions "Obviously since you want me to take over your place" 

Oh my gosh, he can't just handle this anymore. Yunho knew that this encounter is going to turn out as another nonsense.

He was slowly standing up from his seat as he said this "You know mother, this conversation isn't going anywhere. If you're not going to speak out on what's really on your mind then I'm going"

The smile on Mrs. Jung's face abruptly disappeared as Yunho was turning his back. Placing her wine of glass back on the table, she said "I was about to ask you if I could meet that person you're dating right now" 

That made Yunho stop in his tracks as he turned around in one swift "Dating? Dating who?" And then it hit him. Before he could even take his words back, his mother already started to open .

"Don't deny it son. I know that you're with someone right now. And I just want to meet him. Is it that bad?" 

Yunho balled his hands into fist. He wasn't just mad because of the fact that his mother was actually ordering someone to follow and invade his personal life. But it was also because he and Junsu aren't really dating and his dear friend shouldn't even meet up with his mother in the first place. 

Not because he was ashamed of his mother. Somewhere down in his heart, he truly loves her and he's very proud of her. But the fact that she wasn't the same person anymore, Yunho could just never imagine sharing some things in his life to her. Including the people he cherishes so much.

"Please take your seat, Yunho" His mother motioned to the chair in front of him "It's not really nice to converse with someone who's standing while your sitting" 

Yunho didn't have any chance but to simply obey. Silently scolding his self, he returned back to his seat as he onced again faced his mother. 

"So, tell me about this person you're dating" Mrs. Jung inquired as she once again picked her wine glass 

Yunho kept his mouth close. Not daring to even open it. 

"I guess it's no need. I know his name already, Kim Junsu, isn't it?" 

Yunho's jaw tightened. His gaze remained on the tenderloin that he was once cutting a while ago. And his hands were curled into fist on his lap. 

It's not only his life that his mother had invaded but Junsu's too.

"Don't get mad at me son. I only want to know Junsu better. I'm not causing you or him any harm"  

This time, Yunho managed to raise his eyes and directly stare at his mother's face. Though it was a rude attempt but Yunho's mother didn't mind it at all 

"But invading our privacy is none of your business, mother" 

"I know that. Why do you think I'd call for this dinner? Hmm?" 

Yunho stilled hearing what she said. His eyes showed shock and Mrs. Jung knew that her son was taken aback.

"Are you telling me..." Yunho's words were cut off

An obvious victorious grin spread across her face "I want to meet Kim Junsu in person and know him better. It's normal for a parent to do that, am I right?" 

But we're not even dating and I'm not even sure if you're a normal parent anymore. That's what Yunho wanted to say. But it seems that his mouth wouldn't just say the words out. 

Suddenly, the next thing he did was what he wasn't supposed to do and wasn't what he had in mind. 

"I'll let you meet him next time. If he's free" 

Yunho had to bit his tongue upon saying such phrase but it was too late to take his words back. 

He knew something was up. And even though he doesn't know what's it about but he just have the feeling of not liking it just one bit. Yunho won't let his mother succeed on what she's planning. And if ever that plan has something to do with Junsu, then Yunho wouldn't know if what's he's going to do to his mother.

"So, I think it's settled then. I just hope that Kim Junsu's available this Saturday since it's my only free day?" Mrs. Jung raised an eyebrow. 

It wasn't a suggestion but more likely to sound as an order. Yunho always knew that his mother was the type of person who gives out commands instead of following them. How he wished and longed that his father was still alive. 

Yunho could only give out a nod as he stood from his seat once again. Before turning his back and leaving his mother without any words of goodbye. 

Sipping her red wine as slowly and elegantly as possible, Mrs. Jung eyed his son's back who was about to exit the restaurant. 

He'd grown so fast that she couldn't imagine how cute and playful he was when he's still a baby. A little crying baby who suddenly grew up and started to disagree and disobey with her orders. And as a concerned mother, she just did what she thought was right.  And that was to make sure that no one will get in her way in making Yunho as the future CEO of her company. 

Flashbacks came flooding in her mind and it sort of made her feel guilty but she shrugged it off. 

"I just hope that Kim Junsu's better than Kim Jae Joong" 


"Yeah! That was a great goal, right Junsu-ah?" 

Mr. Park and Junsu were both watching a soccer match between Korea and Britain. 

"Yeah, you got that right Mr. Park" Junsu replied as he gave the old man a high five

Junsu's visits in the hospital have become a bit frequent since he was getting busy with his work. And also, he's making sure that YooChun wouldn't suspect a thing on what he's doing. 

Ever since the other day that he finally admitted that he loves his best friend more than what he used to think, the atmosphere between Junsu and YooChun sort of have become awkward and a bit sweet in some way. 

Normally, they would just text each other when needed or in case of emergency. But lately, they've been texting like it's the only work they have to do. And Junsu finds it quite cute like he's experiencing being a teenager once again. Though, he admits that it disturbs and bothers with his work when he's texting with YooChun but he doesn't care. If this is one way of making up for what he hadn't realized before then he'll have to do it. But the fact that he wasn't just the only special person in YooChun's life and that he's actually sharing him with someone else, sort of pains him inside. 

He admits that he's starting to get jealous when YooChun would often cancel out on him and spends time with his boy friend, Jae Joong. As an admirer, he doesn't have the right to stop YooChun from doing what he needs to especially that he's already with someone. But as his best friend, he knows that needs to understand YooChun and support him but he has the rights to have some time with his friend too. 

It's not that he wants YooChun all to himself (well, maybe a part him really wants to but he's just ignoring it). But when he found out that YooChun had been in love with him, it's just he suddenly had the urged to turn back time and just correct the things that he needs to. What if, he'd just realized about the other's feelings earlier? What would have become of them then?

Sometimes, Junsu blames himself for what had happened. He was just too stubborn and was too scared to admit the fact that he was also in love with his best friend all this time. 

He confessed what he truly feels and everything and anything that he needs to confess to Mr. Park, who listened to him with his full attention. It was like, Junsu was confessing all of his sins to a priest and he just blurted everything out. 

He sobbed as he said, that the reason why he was able to save YooChun from drowning was that he followed him there. It was not because he was stalking him but when he noticed that YooChun was with those bad guys something just urged inside him that he should follow suit. When he witnessed YooChun being beaten up, he couldn't do anything but just cry in silence watching him from a far. And when YooChun was thrown out to the river and was left there drowning, he knew he had to do something. And their friendship started there. 

It wasn't what Junsu had really expected. He thought that he was just YooChun's savior and nothing more. But when they became best friends, then that was a different story. 

Before their friendship had bloomed, Junsu was already crushing on Park YooChun. Every day in school, he would watch him in silense in some corner and would envy every girl that could come close and talk to him. It wasn't because he doesn't have the courage of doing so, but his shyness was just holding him back. 

Some students in their school prefers to YooChun as not the popular kid but the loser with the good looks. It may sound ridiculous but that was just really it. He was just some enigmatic and silent guy who gets bullied and it was strange that some girls were all over him. And Junsu, well Junsu was the class president with good grades and with the good behaviour. He was just the school's ultimate geek and number one student. 

After saving YooChun, things started to change in Junsu's life. He wasn't even aware that he, himself also brought a great big deal of change in YooChun's life. When everyone in their school found out that they're best friends, Junsu became even more respected and YooChun was less bullied. And everything just went well. 

10 years of friendship isn't just anything you could find so easily not when you both had experienced lots of hardships and all. And during the period that they've been their for each other, Junsu's feelings for YooChun grew stronger. What could have been the reason that he never gets tired of taking care of YooChun? What was his purpose of asking YooChun to move with his family? 

And why did he agree on that promise with YooChun? Well, that one, was the biggest mistake he had made in his entire life. 

At that time, he thought that there was just something, something really important that YooChun would have told him. And when YooChun asked "Do you have feelings for me?". Junsu 
didn't know how to respond. All he could do was stare and search deeply into YooChun's eyes for that something that he's been longing for the other to feel for him.
 And when he didn't found any hint (because he keeps on thinking that he couldn't find it though it was already there and he just missed it), he decided that he has no chance but just to remain as YooChun's friend. 

It was just an event which explains some ironies in life. They say that sunsets are colorful than sunrise's because of the fact that there's something beautiful in goodbyes. And Junsu, who was at that time, doesn't want to say goodbye to his friendship with YooChun decided to say byebye to his feelings in order to keep eveything in place. 

But if he hadn't done that, then there must have been much more that had occured between him and YooChun. And it was too late to return things back the way he'd hope it would to be. If he only knew, if he was just only aware... if he wasn't that naive. Then, he and YooChun could have become something. 

And now, he can't have him. And he wouldn't even dare since he doesn't have the guts to steal his best friend away from Jae Joong. Maybe as a friend, he could steal YooChun for some time but as an admirer, he can't fully have YooChun all to himself. He just wonders if YooChun still feels the same for him? Or did it disappear when Jae Joong came to his life? 

Everything Junsu did were all mistakes. Mistakes that he regretted and now he's afraid that those mistakes will happen again. And it will not only hurt him but also the people that he loves. People whom he cherishes. 

Kim Junsu, how could you be such an idiot? 

Junsu snapped out from reminiscing and regretting when he heard Mr. Park howl as another goal was made by the Korean Soccer Team. 

He looks at Mr. Park with eyes that were filled with so much love, a love that a son could only give to his father. And yes, Junsu thinks of Mr. Park as his father. A very loving father. 

It was such a waste that YooChun hadn't seen this side of his father. Junsu's sure that this was what YooChun had dreamed of what Mr. Park should be. And it was always there, it was just hidden, too scared to come out of it's closet. 

"Mr. Park..." Junsu started

The old man turned the TV off. He was fully aware that Junsu wasn't paying attention to the game. He knew that the boy was thinking. Very deep in thought.

"What is it, Junsu-ah?" 

Junsu paused for a while as he tried to ponder carefully about what he's going to say. Biting his lip, he knew that he needs to say this before he regrets another thing. With eyes filled with pleading and hope, Junsu turned to Mr. Park. Clasping the old man's hands, Junsu opened his mouth to say: 

"Why won't we let YooChun know that you're here? Is that okay?" 

Mr. Park couldn't help but let out a smile. A truly happy smile. "I've been waiting for you to say that, Junsu-ah" 

Junsu could only blink before tears started to flow from his eyes "Oh, Mr. Park!" 

He wrapped the old man in a tight embrace as he continued to cry. Junsu couldn't contain his self and he's not sure on why he's crying. But he's really happy. In fact, he's so glad that for once in his life, he will not regret a decision of his. And as long as that decision concerns YooChun's happiness, Junsu will never regret it. Never he will. 

Mr. Park hugged the younger boy and he let him cry his heart out. He knew that Junsu had many regrets. And he too, feels the same. All he could do for now is to serve as Junsu's comfort, be a good father for once. Because he knows, he doesn't have much time left. 
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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Chapter 35: Are you abandoning this story? Please update if you have time, please... <3
Taekaiful111 #3
I love this ❤
waaaaaaaaaaa i love this>.<
finally they know each other feelings *faint
don't break them again pleeeaaaseee~~~
ah you're killing me when will you update this?? *puppy eyes
bmphuong122 #5
Author nim please update! I love your story so much <3
Xiahmicky05 #6
Chapter 35: please update.. cant wait for the next chappie! :))
#7 This is a TVXQ themed Fanfictions award. You are welcome to join :D Suscribe and upvote
Chapter 35: what happen to yunjae if they found out this...
lovely yoosu moment..
update..update and update please..;-)
bubblegirl12 #9

cute i hope you will update soon!! :DD
icecreamchoco #10
when will you update this? T^T