The Promise []

The sound of muffled moans filled the room. Sweaty and hot bodies moved in rhythm with each other. The sound of their sloppy and sweet kisses could be heard behind closed doors. But the heat that was felt by both couldn't be compared with anything. The pure ecstasy and pleasure that they were feeling were beyond words.

Their hands roamed and explored and not one parts of their bodies were left untouched. A and a bite on the neck caused a lusty moan to escape from the feminine man.

Pulling his lover's head closer to his chest he managed to moan "Yun....."

The taller man raised his head up as he gazed longingly and hungrily at his lover "Hmmmm?"

"I love you" Though he had heard these words for so many times, Yunho couldn't help but smile.

He leaned over and was now face to face with his boyfriend "I love you too, Jae"

Slowly and carefully he landed his lips on Jae Joong's. He brushed those soft lips with his ever and oh so skillfully.
Their kiss turned into a passionate one. A kiss full of lust, desire, hunger and of course, full of love.

Jae Joong closed his eyes as he tried to savor every second of the kiss. He loves to feel Yunho's lips against his. He loves to feel Yunho's body against his. He loves to feel Yunho's heartbeat beating in rhythm with his. He loves to feel Yunho's heat inside him. In short, he loves to make love with Yunho.

Wrapping his arms around Yunho's neck in order to draw the taller man closer, Jae Joong smiled in between their kiss.
He could live like this forever. He couldn't ask for anything and for something more. Just having Yunho by his side already satisfies him.

Jae Joong could feel Yunho's hot tongue playing with his. A moan escaped his mouth as Yunho his tongue. This was what he calls sensation.

Slowly, Jae Joong opened his eyes. He kept working his lips with Yunho, not wanting to break their kiss off.

He couldn't help but feel so happy and even more aroused just by looking at his boyfriend who's all sweaty and hot. His tanned and smooth face was showered with sweat. Jae Joong was in daze and he wasn't even able to notice that Yunho's eyes had already opened and the younger man was smirking deep inside. Witnessing on how Jae Joong stared at him so longingly and lovingly even drive him to the end. So, Yunho started to move his hips.

Jae Joong winced when he felt something moving in him. Oh, he forgot. Yunho was actually inside him.

Jae Joong brought his hands over to cup both sides of Yunho's face. He withdraws from the kiss and gasped for air. Beads of sweat rolled down from his forehead.

"Ahhhhh...." Yunho just released inside him.

Smiling, Yunho brushed some hair off of Jae Joong's face. He stared at Jae Joong for a while then shuffled a bit as he reached for Jae Joong's hand.

Just by gazing into those chocolate brown eyes, Jae Joong could feel that he was slowly melting inside. He loves those eyes checking him out and he loves the owner of those tantalizing eyes so much.

His heart skipped a beat as he saw Yunho lifting his right hand and bringing it to his lips. Their hands were interlocked and Jae Joong could feel Yunho giving his hand light and feathery kisses. He shivered at the contact and he bit his lower lip trying to suppress a moan.

He gathered some little energy and lifted his free hand in order to caress Yunho's cheek but when he blinked, Yunho was gone.


Jae Joong opened his eyes and wasn't actually quite surprised to find out that it was all a dream. But he just couldn't help but get really ticked and mad at himself for even dreaming of making love with Yunho. He knows very well that what he had done could never ever bring them back together. And let's add to that, the harsh fact that Yunho doesn't or was just pretending of not knowing him.

He covered his face with both of his hands as he managed to let out a scream.

It was never really easy to move on.

The sun was up and it was a lovely day. The trees swayed from here to there as if dancing together with the wind. The birds chirped happily as they chased with each other. And the scent of flowers filled the air.

As usual, Junsu woke up early. Not because he heard his alarm clock ringing or he got annoyed of the sunlight that was shining upon his face, it was because he felt that he was in a different place and he knows that he was not in his room. Junsu could feel it just from the pit of his stomach that he was in a different environment. He slowly opened his eyes and tried to lift both of his hands to rub them. But he halted for a brief moment as he noticed that something was holding his left hand. Raising his head a bit, a smile appeared on his face as he saw a sleeping YooChun laying his head on the side of the bed. YooChun was holding his hand so tightly that Junsu couldn't help but feel really happy. He doesn't know why but just witnessing and knowing that YooChun was the one who was holding his hand he couldn't be happier.

Oh, he almost forgot that he was rushed to the hospital last night because he fainted, that's why he's here. He, himself doesn't even know why he fainted in the first place. Was it because of stress? He's not sure. But he knows that before he fainted, he could feel his chest hurting so much. He saw YooChun screaming his name before his vision turned into pitch black.

Leaning closer, Junsu took in YooChun's scent and watched YooChun's face carefully. His lips were slightly parted. His breathing was soft and Junsu could hear it clearly. Ahhhh.. His best friend looks like a little baby. Junsu turned his head away and giggled to his self. He didn't even notice that YooChun shuffled and was slowly opening eyes.

Junsu wanted to look at his best friend once more before finally deciding on waking him up. When Junsu turned his head to look at YooChun again, YooChun was also lifting his head from the bed to take a look at Junsu when.....

Both of their eyes widened in shock as they could feel one's lips on top of the other. They didn't know what to do. They remained motionless and were much afraid to move. They wanted to pull away from each other but there was just something that was keeping them still.

Junsu wasn't sure if what his reaction should be. Weirdly, he feels happy inside to have kissed YooChun. When he felt his best friends' lips on his, he could feel a tingling and sweet sensation explode inside his body. It was like, he felt some spark. It was magical.

YooChun, was the one who was really shocked. He dreamed for so many times of kissing Junsu especially when they were still teenagers. And now, his dream had finally come to life. And he could feel mirth and some electric feeling run up and down his spine and had spread in his entire body. Junsu's lips were so soft that... He wanted more.... He wants to...

Junsu immediately snapped out of his own trance and managed to pull away from YooChun. Though he would truly admit that, in some weird reason, he liked the kiss but it was still not right. YooChun was his best friend and his friend has a boyfriend. And what if Yunho had witnessed what had just happened? What will he do?

Shaking his head from side to side, Junsu smiled shyly as he said "What was that? Hahahaha... That was weird." he even joked "A morning kiss?"

YooChun could feel his heart pound so loudly, that he could even hear it pounding in his ears, as he just realized what he just did and of what had just happened. He doesn't understand but he wanted to grunt because of the loss of the kiss.

That was his first kiss. And it was with Junsu.

His first love and the one who he decided to give up knowing that he had no chance with him. But YooChun couldn't help but smile. Junsu was his first kiss.

Things just happen, wether you want them to or not. But why did this happen now? When he already have Jae Joong. He thought that Jae Joong was going to be his first kiss since he was his first boyfriend. But looking at it, Junsu got his kiss. Now, he could feel both pleasure and guilt running down his throat.

He couldn't believe it! His best friend was his first kiss. YooChun wasn't sure if he should be happy since he was longing for Junsu's lips for over 10 years. But anyhow, it seems like he's cheating on Jae Joong since he kissed his best friend first than his boyfriend. Maybe, this wasn't Junsu's first. He could've kissed Yunho. And it was an accident, right? So, it's not counted?

"Yeah, A friendly morning kiss for my SuSu" YooChun replied as he pinched Junsu's nose. But he could sense the awkwardness they feel towards each other because of what had happened.

Junsu rubbed his nose "Yah. That hurts"

Was it really just a friendly morning kiss? Didn't YooChun feel the same way he did? Didn't he feel some spark or magic or something? Was it just a plain old friendly morning kiss to him? Junsu could feel that something just crumpled his heart making it hard for him to breathe. It was his first kiss also.

"I'm sure that Yunho had received a lot of those kisses. Maybe not friendly ones. But the..."

Junsu smacked Yoochun on the head "Yah! I'm sure that Jae Joong had received some of those from you too"

They both stared at each other for quite a while. Then, both laughed their heads off.

It was their first kiss. Both didn't know except their selves. And in some unexplainable reason, they're happy.

"Chun, I can't eat anymore" Junsu complained as he stopped YooChun from feeding him a spoonful of porridge

"Oh no, you won't. You have to eat more Su. The doctor told me that you were almost near in having an ulcer and I don't want you to get sick. So, open your mouth and eat. Come on." Yoochun replied forcing to shove the spoon in Junsu's mouth

Junsu pouted "I promise I'm going to take care of myself from now on. But I'm not in the mood to eat. I just want to go home."

YooChun sighed as he placed the spoon back on the bowl and glanced at his watch "Oh, okay. A promise is a promise so you have to keep your promise, alright?"

Junsu nodded his head as he watched YooChun placing the bowl back on the tray and was going out of the room.

A promise is a promise. Hearing that somehow made him mad for some unknown reason. He hated the word promise. It was something that stopped him from doing something a long time ago. And he doesn't want to remember it. Because if he do, he'll feel rejected.....again.

Why is it that every time you try to do something which you think would turn out as a success, you will suddenly fail? As if, at first, the world was on your back giving you support. And then the next thing you know, it has turned its back from you.

And why is there such a thing as rejection? Why does it exist? Is it here to prove us that we are no longer needed or loved? The feeling of rejection is something that you couldn't forget nor get away with. It's something that would run after you and would make you feel miserable.

Junsu heard the door open and clicked. He looked up and found YooChun smiling at him. "You're ready? We can go now"

In reply, he nodded his head and smiled.

The hallway of the hospital was like one long, endless road. The sound of the wheelchair running against the floor sounded like a screech which irked Junsu.

He slowly turned his head around and found YooChun looking at him with worried eyes. He doesn't want anyone to worry about him especially the people he loves. Though he feels grateful since there are still people in this world who loves him but he just doesn't want them to worry so much about him.

"I'm fine Chun. So please cheer up" He said to his best friend

YooChun smiled but it was clear that he wasn't convinced with what Junsu said. Junsu just sighed and turned his head away.

After few minutes, they were outside the hospital. YooChun told Junsu to wait for him for a moment since he's going to get his car. When YooChun was out of sight, Junsu looked around and found some old patients having a good time at the hospital's garden. Old men and women were assisted by their nurse as they walk around the garden and others were having a good chat. But there was one certain patient that caught his attention. An old man was sitting quietly facing the road which leads to the entrance of the hospital.

Junsu feels sorry for the old man. Was he waiting for someone to get or visit him? Slowly standing up from his wheelchair, Junsu wanted to go to the old man and talk to him. Though that patient was a real stranger to him, something just urged inside him that he should console the old man.

"Hello" Junsu greeted timidly. He was now standing at the old man's back.

At first, the old man wouldn't turn around. Junsu was about to open his mouth to talk but he halted when the old man slowly turned to face him.

Junsu paused for a while. This person, he looks familiar. Then, his face paled when he recognized who he was... It was..

"Mr. Park....."

It was YooChun's father.

The old man smiled weakly "Hi there Junsu-shii"

He knows his name? That was one thing that brought shock to Junsu. How in the world did YooChun's father know his name? As for as he could remember they only met twice or thrice. And there was no formal introduction between him and YooChun's Dad.

And why is YooChun's Dad here? Oh no. Can it be that he has some illness?

"Mr. Park, why are you...."

"Junsu-shii, I'll ask you a favor. Please, don't tell my son that I'm here. I don't want him to know"

Junsu bit his lower lip "But.... Mr. Park, how long have you been here?"

YooChun's Dad looked away. He was trying not to cry. His gaze landed at the road again.

YooChun's father was happy when he heard from a doctor that he saw a young man that had some resemblance with him. And that he was also a Park. He didn't need to confirm that it was YooChun since he, himself could feel YooChun's presence in the hospital. And now, seeing his son near the entrance of the hospital, he couldn't be happier. Though, his son wasn't there to pay him a visit, it was already enough for him to see his son so grown up and manly. His proud of what YooChun had become even if he's.....

A faint smile appeared on the old man's face as he slightly shook his head.

"My son had grown so fast" He moved his head to the side "He looked like me when I was still teenager"

Junsu didn't force to ask his question again. He knows that, YooChun's Dad doesn't like to talk about him being in this hospital. And Junsu understands that very well. Maybe, it was right to never mention this to YooChun.

Could it be at that time when YooChun's Dad went to his apartment was to tell his best friend about this? Or he was there to settle things out? No matter what the reason is, Junsu knows that he needs to do something.

His gaze fell at the aging man's back. Different emotions and feelings flooded inside him. He wasn't sure if what he's going to do is the right thing to do... Hopefully, it is....

Junsu placed a hand on the old man's shoulder. "Would you like to have a chat with me, Mr. Park? Perhaps, over a cup of coffee or tea?"

YooChun's Dad was reluctant but he nodded his head. "I would love that"

"Then maybe tomorrow" Junsu smiled assuringly. Slowly patting the old man's shoulder.

Junsu had made up his mind. Though it was all too fast and sudden for him but what if YooChun would know about this? It would be something that would make his best friend feels so down again. He knows well that it was not good if he won't say anything about this to YooChun but it would even be more painful if YooChun would know about his Father's state. YooChun was already out of control and was so down when he just had a glimpse of his Dad at his apartment. What more would it do to him if he'll see his Dad in this hospital?

Though this man had caused so much misery to his best friend but he couldn't help but pity him. YooChun's Dad is still human and humans aren't perfect. They still commit mistakes.

Junsu took a step back. He should go back to his wheelchair now. Maybe, YooChun will look for him and would even find out that his father's here.

"See you tomorrow, Mr. Park" Junsu bowed his head and started to walk away.

He wasn't able to witness the happy smile that tugged on the old man's face and the tears that had gushed out of his eyes. Tears of guilt.

"Till then, Junsu"

When Junsu returned to his wheelchair, YooChun's car just arrived.

"Hey, Su! Let's go home" YooChun said as he jogged towards his direction.

When they were both settled inside the car, Junsu turned to look at where YooChun's Dad was. But he wasn't there.

They both went inside the car and they buckled up in their seats.

YooChun started the engine and turned to look at Junsu. "Ready to go home?"

Junsu beamed and nodded his head. Then the car started to speed off.

Tomorrow, he has a mission to accomplish. Junsu thought with a small smile.


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Chapter 35: Are you abandoning this story? Please update if you have time, please... <3
Taekaiful111 #3
I love this ❤
waaaaaaaaaaa i love this>.<
finally they know each other feelings *faint
don't break them again pleeeaaaseee~~~
ah you're killing me when will you update this?? *puppy eyes
bmphuong122 #5
Author nim please update! I love your story so much <3
Xiahmicky05 #6
Chapter 35: please update.. cant wait for the next chappie! :))
#7 This is a TVXQ themed Fanfictions award. You are welcome to join :D Suscribe and upvote
Chapter 35: what happen to yunjae if they found out this...
lovely yoosu moment..
update..update and update please..;-)
bubblegirl12 #9

cute i hope you will update soon!! :DD
icecreamchoco #10
when will you update this? T^T