The Promise []

"Tell me, why am I here? You want to spill coffee all over me again, huh?"

The sound of laughter from a couple could be heard from afar. The smell of coffee and newly baked bread lingered in the air. The hotness and warmth from the sun gave such a nice aura around the cafe. But the glare from Shim Changmin's eyes couldn't be erased. No matter how hard KiBum tried to smile and gave Changmin friendly looks but the former wouldn't even dare bat a lash and would just continue to glare at him.

"HeeChul hyung's getting really annoying this time" Changmin sighed heavily as he took a sip from his coffee

This time, KiBum managed to breathe easily since Changmin's glare was gone. Shrugging, he replied "Don't blame my cousin. He just wanted to work out the things between us. And I was the one who asked him to call you and come here. Since, I'm sure that you won't come if I'm the one who invited you...."

Stirring his cup carefully, KiBum raised his gaze a bit and met with Changmin's gaze "I wanna start over again, Shim Changmin. I apologize if I'd treated you harshly. You see, I'm just...."

"Yeah, I know. I've figured it out on my own. You disliked me since you thought that I was gay" Changmin rolled his eyes as he said the statement

He couldn't help but just get mad even more at KiBum now. How could this guy even consider that he's gay? Was it the way he dress himself? No, he thinks that's not it. He dresses fine and the way he moves and talks are manly enough. And it would be stupid for a person to even think that a person like him could even be gay. Or was it that he's friends with HeeChul? That's why this bastard right here thinks that he's like his friend too. Psht, Screw him for being so judgmental.

"That's why I want to start all over again. I really do apologize for thinking that way. It just can't be helped. I have the tendency to judge people right away..... But since HeeChul hyung told me that you're not... I've decided that I should make things right"

KiBum had made up his mind to make things peaceful between him and Changmin. He, himself, doesn't want to have an enemy. And it was truly a wrong move to even start and pick a fight with Changmin. And he couldn't believe that it all started because of coffee. And besides, what's wrong if he became friends with this lad?

"Hmmmmm.. Really? I know you're up to something, KiBum. So just spit it out"

KiBum's face scrunched up into a frown. He can't blame if Changmin holds a grudge on him. But can't he be a bit nicer? Or would just even try acting nice? But he feels amazed too. Did Changmin read his mind or something? How did he know that he has something up in his sleeve?

"Okay, I give up. You've been giving me silent replies.... And I can't just sit here and wait for you to talk, right? If saying this could end things up, okay, I forgive you. You hear me? I forgive you for thinking that I was gay and for throwing insults at me. For spilling coffee all over my shir-.."

KiBum held a hand in front of his face, stopping Changmin from talking. "You don't have to say those things, you know. And, yeah, I really have something to ask you..."

Raising his dark brow, Changmin focused on KiBum "So? What is it? Tell me then..."

"But, have you forgiven me?"

Nodding his head with an exasperated sigh, Changmin replied before taking a sip from his cup "Yeah, yeah. I forgive you. We're friends now, KiBum"

A smile managed to stretch out on KiBum's face and his eyes shimmered in delight "Well, then. Would you like to pose for my magazine?"

Changmin choked on his drink but managed to gain his composure back "What?!!"

KiBum just ignored Changmin's reaction and urged "You know, you're suited to be a model. And we're doing some photo shoot for a new label. I have the feeling that the designer would love you. She needs someone tall and I have the feeling that she would even love your body structure"

"Are you freaking kidding me? Is this some kind of apology gift or something?"

Changmin couldn't believe what he just heard. Was that right? Him, a model? Any person in their proper minds wouldn't even dare choose him. So, is KiBum playing a trick on him? This kid is truly out of his mind. Out of numerous men in Korea, why him?

But something just crawled up in his stomach which made him really warm inside. He'll admit that he feels flattered and somehow he feels a bit giddy. This is truly a rare opportunity. Given the chance of becoming a model is not easy to achieve. It's not some kind of thing that you could just pick up from the streets; it's something that you have to work hard for. You have to do all sorts of crazy things like joining America's Next Top Model to become one. And now, he's being asked to become a model. Isn't that the coolest thing?

"Are you worried of the payment? We will pay you a reasonable amount Changmin. And if the photo shoot turns out to be a success, the designer would even give you a rack of clothes of her design. Well, if.... the photo shoot turns out to be a success."

"Are you sure you're not setting me up with a trap here?"

KiBum adjusted his glasses "Why would I do that? I'm not the type of person who's fond of revenge, Mr. Shim. And this is business I'm talking about, I'm not kidding here"

Changmin the inside of his mouth trying to consider and absorbed what KiBum just stated. The tone of his voice sure indicates that he's being serious. And that face of his, you could really tell once he's sincere or not anymore. Kim KiBum is the type of person who would really give you the idea of what he's thinking. At least, that was what Changmin thinks.

If that's the case, then there's no need to decline this offer. It would be another chance for him to earn more money. So why not try?


Hearing this, KiBum grinned "We're still planning. But I have the feeling around this week.. So are you in?"

Changmin took a piece of bread from the plate and shove it in his mouth "I'm in"


5 days had passed ever since Jae Joong and YooChun became official. And the two were inseperable like never before. Every morning when YooChun goes off to work, he would stop by at Jae Joong's shop first. Checking if his boyfriend had a good night sleep or was able to have his breakfast. And during lunch time, Jae Joong would go around YooChun's office, bringing with him the lunch he cooked for his beloved. He doesn't want YooChun to skip any meal since he doesn't want him to catch any illness and all. The staff and YooChun's co-workers seemed to get fond of Jae Joong's presence since the lad was the one (besides from Junsu) who would entertain their fellow workaholic worker. And when night comes, the two would have a romantic dinner in a restaurant or they would just have strolls in the park while having small bites of a hamburger or corndog. Talking about some stuff and how the moon and stars looked so dazzling in the night. And Jae Joong even mentioned that he once believed that a rabbit lived on the moon since it has holes on it.

Both of them had never been this happy before especially YooChun. Who would have thought that besides from his best friend, someone like Jae Joong could make him smile like this? Someone like Jae Joong could make him laugh so loud and so lost in the former's eyes that he can't seem to notice other people around him.

Sure, he did felt this way before with Junsu. He did fell madly in love with his best friend. Junsu's laughter would still ring in his mind when he's asleep. And Junsu's smile would appear suddenly on his paperwork. When he's eating his breakfast all alone, he would talk at the chair right across from him, imagining that Junsu was sitting there talking to him too.

He had some fantasies about lots of things if he'll ever end up with Junsu. But some of those fantasies seemed to be happening with him and Jae Joong. And he feels not that bad about it. In fact, he feels really glad since he doesn't have to be an over all emo now. Having Jae Joong in his life was one of the things he surely wouldn't forget. Though their first meeting was awkward but he didn't regret that it turned out like this.

A smile spread across YooChun's face when he remembered that Jae Joong's going to spend his very first night on YooChun's apartment tonight. The sudden thought of having Jae Joong in his own place somehow made YooChun nervous and excited at the same time. He truly made sure that before he left this morning, everything in his apartment were already organized and in style. Though, he didn't really arranged everything properly, he just made sure that there wasn't too much dust around his place.

Glancing at his clock, YooChun wished that time would just go forward so that he and Jae Joong could be together again. He can't wait for night to come. And if both he and Jae Joong are already in his apartment, he just wants time to slow down, so that he could savour every moment with his boyfriend.

Being in love was one of the greatest feeling YooChun had experienced and he just hope that he would continue to feel this way forever. When he was in love with Junsu, he really did look forward in meeting and hanging out with his best friend. He wanted every moment he had with Junsu to last. The giggles, laughter, tickles, teasing and the mushy stuff they did, all of it, YooChun savored every moment of it. But what pained him was that, he had special feelings for Junsu but Junsu views him as a friend. It was just a one-sided love.

With Jae Joong, there was just something different. And that difference was, Jae Joong loved him back. Not the way how Junsu loved him as a friend. But Jae Joong loved YooChun as his lover. And that's what made falling in love with Jae Joong better than falling in love with Junsu.

He should just try to forget about what happened before and just move on. Since, at the present, he and his best friend had found the people they're willing to be with. And it seems that everyone's fine (that's what YooChun thinks).

A knock was heard from the door and YooChun managed to snap out of his own thoughts. Before giving a look at the door, he glanced at his watch and somewhat let out a satisfied sigh.

'Maybe, it's Jae Joong'

He walked towards the door and was almost there to open it. But then, it swung open, revealing a cheerful Junsu.

"CHUN~~!" Junsu exclaimed as he ran towards the older man

Junsu enveloped YooChun in an embrace and squeezed him lightly.

YooChun smiled as he returned the hug "Hey, Su.... What's with the happy grin?"

"I'm just happy to see you. Come on, let's go buy some groceries." Junsu said as he grabbed YooChun's hand "I'm gonna make you some kimchi tonight. You know, it's been a while since I'd cook you kimchi and I just wondered if you stilll wa-...."

Watching and hearing Junsu blab made YooChun's smile widen. He sure did miss hearing his friend talking continuously and endlessly as if he wouldn't run out of anything to say. Though sometimes, he seems not to notice that he had been talking about the same thing for over 3 times. But that was one of the reasons why YooChun fell in love with Junsu in the first place. And thinking about it now, he suddenly felt some unwonted feelings inside of him.

"... Oh gosh! It’s going to be really fun! I assure you... And know what? We should rent some movies to watch tonight. We should make this best friend bonding moment of ours different from before, uh? Do you like that Chun?"

Junsu turned around when he didn't heard any reply from his best friend. He was confused and curious seeing that YooChun's face fell.

"Sorry, Su.. We can't hang out tonight. Jae Joong's coming over to my apartment and I....."

Junsu smiled "Oh, you freak! Why didn't you say so! It's okay Chun... I understand.... "

Junsu faced his best friend again but this time he was wearing a pout on his face "Maybe next time? Okay?"

YooChun did feel bad about not being able to spend his best friend bonding moment with Junsu tonight. He really wants to, but he just can't... We all know his reason....

"Yeah... Sure.. Some other time.."

Junsu gave out a satisfied smile before giving YooChun another hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Bye, Chun! Have fun with Jae Joong tonight...."

He was about to open the door when... "Oh! And tell me all about your night together... EVERYTHING!!" Junsu giggled before closing the door behind him.

Hearing the door clicked close, Junsu gave out a heavy sigh..... He doesn't know why but his heart feels so weird at this very moment....

It seems like, his heart.... It's hurt....

"You've got a neat place"

That was what the first thing that came out from Jae Joong's mouth as he entered YooChun's apartment for the very first time.

YooChun closed the door behind him and wrapped his arms around Jae Joong's small waist and smiled "I'm glad you like it"

"Where's the kitchen? Aren't you hungry, hmmm? Or are you planning to stay like this all night?"

YooChun chuckled as he pulled his arms away from his boyfriend and grabbed his hand to lead him to the kitchen but then later changed his mind and headed for his room.

Jae Joong knitted his eyebrows as he noticed that they were heading to a different direction.

"Uhhhh, YooChun-ah, the kitchen's there" He said as he pointed at the kitchen's direction

"Yeah, I know. Let's go to my bedroom first" YooChun replied as he continued to lead the way

"Wa..wait, What? Your room?"

YooChun didn't respond but continued to walk until they reach the door of his room. He opened the door and made Jae Joong step foot in the room first.

Jae Joong remained silent as he took a good look around his boyfriend's room. It was a room that wasn't messy and wasn't that too clean either. Unconsciously, Jae Joong walked over to the bed and sat at the edge as he continued to look around. A smile crept over his face as he saw a picture of a baby placed at the table next to the bed.

With a finger, he pointed at it "That's you?"

YooChun smiled sheepishly "A..ah, yeah, that's me. Cute, eh?"

Jae Joong rolled his eyes playfully "No, I think I'm much cuter...."

He saw YooChun pout and tried to ignore it. Jae Joong looked away and another picture caught his eyes. And now, they were filled with curiosity and he squinted a little to take a better view of the picture. He didn't even notice that he was actually grabbing for it and YooChun's voice interrupted his thoughts...

"That's my mother. And that's the only picture I have of her"

Jae Joong turned to look at YooChun and he sensed the loneliness that YooChun felt for the past years without his mother. And a pang was sent to his heart as he pictured a young YooChun crying in a silent corner waiting for his mother to return for him.

"Did you look for her?"

YooChun nodded his head as he stared at the ceiling "Yeah, of course I did. But it seems that I couldn't find her...."

Jae Joong bit his tongue and lowered his head. That was an abnormal question to ask. But it was too late to take it back. "I'm sorry"

He stood up from the bed and walked towards YooChun "Come on, let's make dinner. I'm sure you're hungry" he grabbed YooChun's hand and they both went out of the room.

[In the kitchen]

Jae Joong was busy cutting vegetables while YooChun was cutting the chicken meat. It was actually Jae Joong's habit to cook alone but this time he feels in need of having someone around to help him. Both were silent for awhile as they continued with their work.

They were now cooking their dinner. And Jae Joong was continuously stirring the vegetables and the chicken in the pot. YooChun was at Jae Joong's side watching what his lover was doing. While Jae Joong was stirring, he started to talk and told YooChun that it was good to cook chicken curry this way so that it wouldn't turn out bad. He even gave him tips on what spices and other ingredients to include so that it would taste even better. Though YooChun wasn't fond of cooking since he managed to survive with fast food and with Junsu's cooking, he tried listening to Jae Joong anyway. But he wasn't really concentrating on what Jae Joong was saying. He was busy staring at the former's lips and was busy watching it move as Jae Joong continued to talk.

What would he feel if he could have a taste of Jae Joong's lips?

He slapped his head mentally and erased the thought. This was no time to be thinking of this.... but maybe later on, they would..

"The curry's done! We could eat now!"

That snapped Yoochun out of his thought and brought him back to reality. He smiled widely as he followed Jae Joong to the table.


Tears formed in his eyes as he watched Julia Roberts' face dropped. That expression of hers was really heartbreaking. Who would have thought that her best friend whom she was so in love with was going to marry someone else? He sniffed as he grabbed a handful of popcorn and shoves it all in his mouth.

Yunho watched Junsu with meaningful eyes. Why did he cry? It wasn't really the touchy moment yet and there was much more to the movie than this part.

"Su? Are you sure you still want to continue this?"

Junsu nodded and sniffed "Yeah, the movie is nice. Don't you like it?"

Yunho shook his head "No, I think it's beautiful...."

And with that, they both piped down and watched the movie in silence.

Junsu's eyes never left the screen and he could hardly blink. He wasn't viewing Julia Roberts as the one playing the role. Instead, he was viewing himself playing the role of Julia Roberts. He viewed YooChun as the one who was engaged to Jae Joong. And Yunho was the one helping him and was giving him advice on what to do.

Junsu started to feel his head throb and his chest hurts even more. His eyes feel hot and his thoughts were whirling in circles in his mind. He fought the urged of closing his eyes, he wanted to end the movie. Junsu already knows what would happen in the end. That Julia was going to end up with the publisher who was helping her. That he will end up with Yunho and will live happily ever after. While YooChun will be with Jae Joong.

Junsu's vision blurred and he could hardly make up what he was looking at. He gulped hard as he felt himself fell down. And before he closed his eyes, he saw YooChun's face. And he was screaming his name.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Chapter 35: Are you abandoning this story? Please update if you have time, please... <3
Taekaiful111 #3
I love this ❤
waaaaaaaaaaa i love this>.<
finally they know each other feelings *faint
don't break them again pleeeaaaseee~~~
ah you're killing me when will you update this?? *puppy eyes
bmphuong122 #5
Author nim please update! I love your story so much <3
Xiahmicky05 #6
Chapter 35: please update.. cant wait for the next chappie! :))
#7 This is a TVXQ themed Fanfictions award. You are welcome to join :D Suscribe and upvote
Chapter 35: what happen to yunjae if they found out this...
lovely yoosu moment..
update..update and update please..;-)
bubblegirl12 #9

cute i hope you will update soon!! :DD
icecreamchoco #10
when will you update this? T^T