Dream Come True

A Dream Come True



"There she is! Hurry and talk to her. She's an expert when it comes to love problems. Trust me. She's one of the best! And she's got one of best boyfriend in the whole universe" Said boastfully by one of my best friends. She was dragging along one of her office mate who, by the way she looked, just broke up or had a fight with his boyfriend. 

"Yah! Who are you calling an expert? Naega?! I'm not! Chincha!" I yelled to her laughing. It wasn't the first time that she dragged along a broken-hearted girl to me.

So if you're wondering how I became the "love expert" and got one of the best boyfriend in the universe, here's the story: 

At a young age, I already knew what happened to the love story of my parents. At some point, it inspired and saddened me. It made me want to have a family of my own in the future, and this time, a happy and complete one. So I really gave my all in my studies so that I’ll be able to find a decent man in the future.

In high school, I already had the image of my ideal man. High school was the time when we discovered the K-Pop world. So that time, my ideal man was Kim Himchan. I told myself that I’ll study harder to be successful and then go to Korea and find him. Kim Himchan is talented, smart and a gentleman. Because I had him as my inspiration, I graduated as valedictorian(highest rank). I was also able to pass the best university in my country so, I went there and studied my favorite field - Mathematics. After graduating, I was hired by companies including a very famous Korean company. For almost 3 years, I've resisted to go to abroad and work. But there came a time that I finally entertained the thought of working overseas just to try and have an experience. The company was hiring again and fortunately, they called me and asked if I can now work for them. And because I was still so eager to see Kim Himchan in person, I decided to go and accept the offer of that company.

Since a lot of time have already passed, his group, B.A.P already decided that they'll be working on their personal lives. When I was there, I researched all about him and according to some; he’s now working at a multi-million company. He was hired for his expertise in their field. I told myself that I would be happy just to see him even once, just once. I already started working right after I got to Korea. After some time, my hopes of seeing Himchan slowly died down.

One day, I was called by the head of our department. I wasn't really that nervous since he's really nice and friendly and I've gotten closer to him already.

"Good Morning, Sir" I said as I entered his office.

"Oh. You're here early. Good Morning, _____, today you'll be meeting your trainer. He's from our sister company and he's really an expert in your field of work. I think you'll really love woking with him." He said with a bright smile.

"An expert trainer? I'd love that, Sir! I'm already excited to see him! Thank you much." I answered him gleefuly.

"Great, then. He'll be here this afternoon so you better prepare. I'm gonna send my Secretary when he arrives.

"Okay, Sir. Thanks again"

As I was about to exit our head's office, he called me once again. 

"And oh, I forgot to tell you. Your trainer will also be your partner. Be nice to him. He's also very handsome. I know you're still single. You'll really like him" 

"Hmmmm. Let's see, Sir. Maybe?" I replied with a smirk and headed towards the door.

Afternoon came by a flash and I found myself being summoned to the Head's office once again.

"Oh. Wow. My Partner's here." I said to myself, still a little nervous.

When I entered the room, my eyes widened, my heart palpitated and I almost collapsed right then and there. KIM HIMCHAN. Yes, Kim Himchan. The Kim Himchan I am obsessing for almost 10 years now.

"Him...chan......." I said in a hushed voice stuttering. 

"Miss ______. It's good that you're here already. Meet your trainer slash partner, Mr. Kim Himchan. Maybe if you're a fan girl way before, you can recognize him already. He's really famous -"

"Of course he is!" You almost shouted cutting off what your head was about to say. 

"Uhm. I'm sorry, Sir. Yes, I know him." You were smiling like an idiot with your flushed face.

"Hi, Miss _______. It's nice to finally meet you. I'm Kim Himchan. I hope we get along really well." He said reaching out his hands to shake mine and did his signature killer smile.

I swear to God that my heart almost stopped beating during that time. He was just right in front of me. If it weren't for the people around us, I would have rolled on the floor and started fangirl-ing.

During our training  I really did my all for him not to have a hard time teaching me. He was also impressed that he need not teach me that much things anymore. We also got to know each other very well. One day, he asked me out on a formal dinner. He said he just wanted to get to know me better outside our work premises. Since I’m still obsessed about him, I agreed. That dinner was followed by more. Until one unforgettable day.

"_______. There's something I want to tell you. I don't know how to express how I really feel. Believe it or not, I'm such a er when it comes to my feelings and the like. So, I decided to just write a rap for you. I hope my ability hasn't faded yet" He said shyly.

And then there he was, rapping the lyrics he wrote for me to express his feelings. I was shocked. I didn't really know how to act. I have never experienced being in this situation before - being confessed to by someone, and better, by someone I really really really love like. 

"Himchan-ssi....." was all I was able to say after.

I was head over heels. I told him about my obsession with him. He said it’s alright. He said that I’m not just a mere fan anymore. And right after that, I asked myself if is just because of my crazy obsession when I was still in high school or if what I feel towards him is really love. I was undecided that time. So, I told him that I needed time. He agreed to give me some space. And because I was already caught in a puzzle I can’t solve, a math theorem I can't seem to prove. And the only solution I thought of to be able to think well and decide for the best was to separate from him.

I went home to my country and accepted the other offer of the company there. Everyday was like hell for me. He was always on my mind and every time that night comes to my mind, I feel like killing myself.

"You're a one big pabo, _____." Was all I can say to myself. 

A lot of time has passed and I just told myself that if I really want to be with him, I'd make myself successful first so that I can be rightful for him and won't be an embarrassment  After one year of trying to figure out my feelings and of struggling, I already had the answer.

I emailed him about everything but he didn't respond. So I tried to contact him in the company. They said he just resigned. I tried to contact his phone number given by the company but then again, it wasn't working. I almost lost hope again.

"You're hopeless, ______." I was talking to myself again. I can't seem to understand how I give such nice and effective opinions to other people and can't do it to myself.

"You just blew your chances. Just accept the fact that you can't be with him. And your stupidity is the reason" I sighed to myself.

One day, one of my office mate was screaming. I though something bad happened to her.

"_______-yah, Where are you? Are you okay?! What happened?!"I tried to look for her and then I saw what she was screaming about.

I was dazzled. It was Himchan, there on the other building and proposing his love for me.

"WILL YOU MARRY ME?" Those words bannered on the building directly across ours. Since the buildings in the our office's district is pretty close to each other, his trick was very much effective.

"<3" I made a heart with my hand as a sign of yes.

"Saranghae, ________!" He shouted after receiving my answer.

After that, I scolded him for not replying to my emails, not returning my calls and for the embarrassment he caused me earlier. He said he wanted to surprise me. He explained that his phone number is not anymore working since he’s already in the Philippines.

And that's how I ended up being given those nicknames by my friends. And here I am now, preparing for my wedding.

After one year of preparation, we had a church wedding.

"I love you so much, ______" He said with tears in his eyes.

"I love you too, Himchan. So so much" I said, already sobbing and wetting his tuxedo with my tears.

My dream of having a happy and complete family came true. My grandparents, parents and my sisters were so happy for me. And we all lived happily and I lived the fairy tale I've always dreamed of.


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MitsuKyuYamazaki #1
Chapter 1: Awww he's so romantic XD
Good job~
Raveness #2
Chapter 1: Aw~ it's so cute!