The most awaited date / COUPLE

When Boys meets Girls
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___________________________________________________________________________________________________     "Wasn't that Kris and Hyunjae noona?" Kai asked as he drives his car. He wasn't sure if he did just see Hyunjae and Kris in the same car. "Yah!" He yelled, the person he was talking to was no other than Seohyeon.                 "I said don't talk to me." Seohyeon hissed.                 "Who else am I going to talk to?!!" Kai spat.                 Then suddenly Seohyeon hits his arm causing for Kai to wince in pain. "WILL YOU JUST STOP YELLING AT ME!!! Tss."                "Aish. I'm not yelling." Kai said, in a low voice. "I was just asking." He said with a semi-pout. He continues to drive until they stopped by a restaurant.                  He got out from the car first and was about to open the door for Seohyeon but she had already got out from the car. Kai scratched his head, silently cursing on why among the girls around the world, why Seohyeon?  Why did Chen picked her for him as a blind date? And why do he have to be annoyed and at the same time comfortable around her?                He watched Seohyeon entered the restaurant. He couldn't blame her for being so grumpy today.                          Flashback >>>                In the < enter shop > where Chen had planned for them to meet, Kai was already there. Thinking that his blind date would be his ideal girl. He even bought flowers for her and even GROOMED his self for her. Until Seohyeon arrived, well dressed and that her eyeglasses were changed into eye contact lens.                      Dugdugdugdugdugdug                 "Hm? Kai?" Seohyeon asked and walked towards him. "Why are you here?"                 "Ah." Kai started. "None of your business." He said, looking away and again looked for his blind date.                "Are you waiting for someone?" Seohyeon asked. She was in a good mood and couldn't help but to ask a lot of questions to Kai.                  "Why do you care? Tss. Get lost!" Kai said, pushing Seohyeon away.                 "Yah! Seriously?! You don't have to push me away!" Seohyeon grumbled, swatting Kai's arms. "And this is how you treat your date?! Pft. Now I know." She scoffed.                  "Y-yah! What are you talking about?"                        "I know what I'm talking about! Stupid." Seohyeon rolled her eyes and turned her back on him. She was about to leave but Kai held her arm and dragged her to his car.                           End of flashback.                     "Hmm. What do you want to eat?" Kai asked Seohyeon in a slightly shaky voice. It felt like it was his first time taking someone on a date which in real he was professional with.         He received silence. Seohyeon was just sitting in front of him with her arms crossing around her chest.            Kai bit his cheeks, as he thinks of what would he do next. "Oh!" He snapped his fingers. Then reaches the flowers from the other seat and gave it to Seo. "For you."                    "I don't like flowers."                        "But every girl loves flowers." Kai reasoned.             "Well I don't. "                      -________-          "Y-you look uhmm.. pretty by the way." Kai said, when he noticed how beautiful Seohyeon is now. She looked up with a cold straight expression to him. He flashed her a grin and was expecting that Seo would smile and blushed about his compliment.                "I know I'm pretty. So don't remind me."                  -___________- grrr....                   "Look I'm sorry okay?" He finally snapped his nerves out and decided to say sorry to her. "Sorry."                "Yea whatever."                  "Look. I mean it Seo."                  She looked at him and she saw how sincere Kai is... well a little.            "I want to see a movie." She said.             "So you mean you're not mad at me?" Kai blinked.             "Only if you treat me out in a movie." She said.                 "Haha. Sure." Kai said and stood up. He glanced at his wrist watch, "I guess we can catch the last premiere of Thor."                    "No. We're not going to watch a movie actually. It's a 4D Theatre and yeah I would like to go in there." Seo grinned.             **         Later on, in a 4D room.           "Please get some eyeglasses sir." The lady handed some of the 4D eyeglasses to Kai. "W-what is this actually?" He asked worriedly when he found out that the seats were movable and that it can be compared to a rollercoaster cart and in front of them was a wide screen television.                 "You'll find it out later."                    Kai gulped. He doesn't like the lady's smirked and just squirmed on his seat. "Hey Kai, you okay?" Seo elbowed him.            He nodded. "Yeah."            "Haha. This is fun." She said and went to grab on the reels. "Hey wear your eyeglasses already." She said as she wears hers. Kai nodded and wore his. He gasped when the seats were vibrating and the lights suddenly went off and only the wide screen in front of them was on. Kai's heart speeds up and that he was holding on the reel so tight.                 Then everything around them went quiet. And Kai was about to complain when JASON ( Friday the 13th ) appeared in front of him with an axe. Jason was breaking the glass pane and tries to reach for Kai.                    "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" A loud screech appeared from his mouth and that he suddenly embraced Seo tight. "Y-yaaaah! Kai lemme go!!"  '                         "Oh. S-sorry AH SVSGSHAHSHABSHA!!!!" He cussed when another impact of scary scene appeared, it felt like it was real. That he was trying to get away from Jason and some of the monsters that tries to kill him.                   "AAAAAAH!" Seo screamed when bats came flying towards her. She accidentally embraced Kai, but Kai didn't complain  nor pushed her away. Instead he held her tight, "I'm here." He said.                      Dugdugdugdugdugdug.                  O/////O "Uh.." Seo hummed and pulled away, blushing. Good thing it was dark that Kai wouldn't notice her blush.                  And for the finale, Jason was hit and was pushed to death in thorns but the last character appeared making them scream like there's no tomorrow.                      "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"                                ***               "Aish. I will never go there anymore." Kai groaned as he rested his head on the table. His voice croaked from screaming. He suddenly felt tired from all those scares. "Yah Ner---"                  "Hey I bought water for you. Its bad if we drink cold stuff after screaming." Seo came and handed Kai a water bottle she bought from a candy stall.              "Thanks." Kai said and stared at the bottle.           "Haha. That was fun actually." Seo started to speak. Kai choked on his water when he remembered how he screamed. He doesn't want his friends know about it. He'll be pick on especially when Chen is around. He will surely bury his face on the ground when Chen finds out.                 "Don't worry. Haha. What  happened inside will be kept as a secret." Seo said.               "Should I trust you?" Kai smirked.               "Ahaha. Of course." Seo said and went to sip water from her glass. The two talked and had fun talking about stuffs that they both relate with. They went to stores and tried some of the stuffs that were there.                  And stuffs.. stuffs.. stuffs..                 Meanwhile...          "Haha. I never thought you're good with this.." Sungmi giggled while she watched Chen apply nail paint unto her fingernails. Chen chuckled, "I always do this to my sister when I was in middleschool."         
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Chapter 101: I loved this story so much!! Kaiseo was my OTP cx great job! <3
AutumnAra #2
Chapter 101: I want more KaiSeo moment :))
imey95 #3
Great story ;-)
redpanda123 #4
Hope it's good!!!!
runningman3207 #5
I really like your story it's jjiang!
jangujung23 #6
Omygod this story daebakida^^!!!
Chapter 66: alam kong filipino ka. :)
Chapter 100: why is it that haemin has two english names while the rest only have one? ahhahahaha
humankarma_17 #9
Chapter 99: BWISET. AUTHOR-NIM!!!! I'm dying here!!! TT_TT