Who are you?

Mi-Hyun's new life

When I arrived at the airport the snow was falling harder then when I had first left. I yawned and thanked the taxi driver for taking me so far. I handed him around 25$ and grabbed my bags. "Thank you again." I said and I closed the door. I looked up at the Des Moines airport. "Korea here I come." I spoke with a slight smile and I started towards the sliding doors. 

The airport was so clean and full of different Christmas decor I found it so beautiful. It makes me even more anxious to see Koichi and Appa.  

I walked over to the main desk and smiled at the lady across the counter. "Morning." I spoke to her as I handed her the ticket. "Must be good to get out of this place I wish I could. "She smiled at me as he handed me back my ticket. "Air plane F 7 will be your flight I hope you enjoy yourself." She spoke to me and I nodded and waved to her as a thank you.  

I was walking down the walk way looking down at my ticket when I bumped into a tall male. "Ouch." I said as I looked up. He turned around and looked down at me. He was so cute. I just sat there quietly. He held out his hand and I grabbed it. "Flight F 7 will be boarding now. " the speaker called as I stood up. "Ahh thanks mister." I said as I ran off I just hope I get to see him again I might not be able too.  

I placed my stuff in the top compartment over my seat and sat down. This has been a very eventful week I wonder what else would happen.

I started to think about the boy again, I sighed. He has short dark blackish brown hair with a slight red tint to it he even had the perfect shade of brown in his eyes. He looked so familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it. 

When I fell down my bracelet fell of but I didn't really notice until now as I look down at my wrist and the plane starts to take off. "Damnit Appa gave that to me."I pouted as she looked out of the window. 
I must have been to into my thoughts that I didn't notice that someone had sat down beside me but I don't really think I even cared. I looked over to see a boy around my age with slightly long light brown hair. "Hello." He spoke to me with a slight smirk. "Hi who are you?" I asked him curiously. 
"Well babe I could be your  man if you want me to." I rolled my eyes annoyed as he winked at me. Guys like him really piss me off and I had to sit next to him, I looked at my watch. I had ten hours until I arrived in Seoul today went from good to bad in a matter of ten minutes. 

Next week I will start going to Seoul arts highschool, I just hope I survive this plane ride first. 



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Iowa is an incredibly awkward state, isn't it? :P