
C'est La Vie


“Jiyoung-ah,” She heard his voice, “Are you crazy?”

“Dongwoon.” Her eyes widened as she called out for him weakly.

“You could’ve died! Why did you do it?” He asked while shaking her. She smiled happily and hugged him tightly. He pulled her away and repeatedly shook her asking the same question.

“Oppa!” She finally shouted, “Because I love you!”

“But you yourself do not love you.” He argued, “Do not speak of love when you cannot even love yourself!”

“Dongwoon-ah!” She backed hugged him as he turned around to go out.

“I’m sorry, don’t go.” She apologized sincerely.

“Once you learn how to love yourself, I’ll forgive you.” He grabbed her wrists and forcefully threw her grip away from him and walked out of the room.

“I only wanted to see you…” She sighed heavily as a tear rolled down her cheek.

She opened her eyes and found herself in a white room. She observed her surroundings and found Dongwoon’s mother sleeping while holding onto her hand.

“It must have been a dream…” Jiyoung hit her head lightly. ‘Once you learn how to love yourself, I’ll forgive you.’

Jiyoung tore off all the tubes that were attached to her and quietly searched for her clothes then headed out the door leaving his mother behind.

 “I should have died.” She mumbled to herself as she closed the door behind her. 

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Letterofspring #1
Chapter 5: yeah! change for good Jing.. and see yoe, someone is waiting for you.

keke. XD
vinmya86 #2
Chapter 4: kris hug ji young,so sweet >.< cant wait for update :)
Letterofspring #3
Chapter 4: all I wanna do.. wanna do..

sort of this song..
Hei, Kris.. move your step closer to her!
Letterofspring #4
Chapter 3: ewwwww... aigo, apple.. you gave me heart attack! keke..btw, nice update ;)))
Letterofspring #5
Chapter 2: Apple! Make it longer puhhlessss..
Letterofspring #6
Chapter 1: LOL.. she tried to kill herself?

oh come Kris! pop out please!!
Both my bias! Can't wait! ^^
Letterofspring #8
Jing !! cannot wait..