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Love Game


Eun-Mi POV

- I really love all this wedding planning stuff. I looked at him as he stuffed his mouth full with cake.

I just laughed.

- Aigo, they’re all so good, which one should we take? T_T Life is so hard T_T

- I want the chocolate vanilla one, that was really good ^^

- After trying the cakes for a 10th time Seung-Hyun finally agreed on the chocolate vanilla one.

- My stomach is hurting so bad. T_T

- You shouldn’t have eaten so much.

We walked past an ice-cream stand.

- Oh, can’t we get some ice-cream?

- I thought your stomach hurts?

- It does T_T

I took his hand and pulled him away from the ice-cream stand.

- We need to buy rings, okay?

- Yeah yeah.

- I promise you we’ll eat ice-cream tonight.


- Can you believe we’re getting married next month, I laughed feeling really excited.

- Yeah I know. When we’re done with choosing rings then we’re done with all the wedding preparations.

We walked into the jewelry store and there were so many rings to choose from.

- Ah, it’s all so expensive T_T

- Don’t worry, pick anyone you want, the price isn’t important.

I looked at him.

- If you continue saying things like that then we’re going to be a poor family.

Just for fun we tried on basically every ring before deciding on one. It was a gold ring with small diamonds around it, well at least mine. Seung-Hyun just wanted a simple gold one so it would match well with anything he wore.

- We’re done! Let’s go and buy ice-cream.

- Fine, I smiled at him being overly excited over ice-cream.

- Are you nervous over tomorrow?

- Hm, no, it will be fun starting collage.

- I really don’t believe you. You go to school, then you go back to school so you can work at a school. Teacher, really?

- What? I want to be a teacher, ^^

- Just as long you’re happy, he smiled.

- As long as I’m with you I’ll be happy no matter what.

- Aigo, this cute girl. He pinched my cheek and i giggled. 


He dropped me off outside of my new school and my heart was beating crazily fast. I was so nervous. If I became an outsider at this school too it would be a confirmation of me being a complete weirdo. I walked into my first lecture and sat down.  Someone sat down next to me.

- Hey, I’m Dara.

- Oh, hello, I’m Eun-Mi. ^^

- Are you nervous? I’m so scared T_T

- I’m really nervous, but I think it will be fun.

She smiled.

- Me too. Eun-Mi, let’s become friends. ^^

I nodded and a wide smile occured on my face.

- Oh, you’re engaged.

- Yup! I smiled even bigger.

- When are you getting married? Or are you waiting until you’re done with collage?

- I’m getting married in about 3weeks.

- Really?! Congratulations! That’s awesome!

- Mm, I’m really happy ^^

A friend on the first day, collage would turn out to be fun after all. 


37subscribers... when.did.that.happen? I LOVE YOU <3 seriously thank you for reading and commenting! 

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finish this in one seating... love that u portrayed the bingu side of Tabi... U had me smiling like an idiot all the way...
ShadowQueen789 #2
I believe this is the third time I've read your story, so I bestow upon you interwebz huggles. I have never in my life re-read a story, let alone three or four times (I've actually kind of lost count). It's seriously THAT good and I can't wait for you to update the sequel. :3
thebunny11 #3
I finished the whole story in one sitting. I have always admired stories with big words and elaborate descriptions. Your story is nothing like that, very simple and straightforward, but very honest and super cute! I love the honesty & cuteness you injected in this story. On some chapters, I had to stop reading to curl up in a ball and giggle and blush. Normally authors would describe TOP in a charismatic way, ignoring his cute and childish sides. However, in this story you potrayed his character like he was a real person that I have met. I really like everything about this story! Thanks for your efforts!
that was so good. definitely worth reading
Love this!! so sweet.. go to d sequel now.. ^^
KYAAAAAAAAA~~~ The ending was so sweeet <33
Thank you Thank you Thank you x100000000000 <3 You are so cute/wonderful/amazing and you warm my heart <3
ShadowQueen789 #8
It's so good~ So amazingly wonderful I had to reread it! Man, I love this story...
Ahahahahaa~~ kyeoptaaaaa~~~<3<br />
I loved this story!!<br />
I feel bad that I wasn't there while the story was growing though... =( <br />
~Ri Yeonnie-ah
Ashazeki #10
Haha cute story i love it