It's You...

You Had Me At Good-bye~


Have you ever have those moments, when you wake up at just the right time?  You feel perfectly rested and you think to yourself “today feels like a do-nothing day” ?  Well… today.  Is definitely one of those days. 
You know, after working my off for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week I feel like I deserve a day off.  And besides, I am the vice president ( practically president since no one has seen him in forever) I can do and say what I please.  Now that.  That’s the way I like it.
I call my secretary, Jessica Jung.  Most employees think that me and her have something going on, she’s a beautiful girl, don’t get me wrong.  But I see her as an employee… only an employee.  I’m not a big of those boss/employee relationships.  Because in the end, something always goes wrong, always.
“Hello? Jessica?” I asked, already knowing the answer.
“Yes Mr. Kim?” She asked with her usual cheery voice “Is everything alright?”
“Yes, everything is fine” I said with a grin. She always expects the worst out of me, she’s smart for doing so. “I was wondering if I could take a day off today, do I have any schedules?” 
I heard clicking noises, I waited for it to stop.
“I’m sorry Mr. Kim, but it seems that something important just came up.”
I sighed “ Can’t you just re-schedule it?” 
“ No can do Sir, its really, really important.”
“ Really? What’s so important that even I can’t tamper with it?”
“ The president is coming back.”
OH great! He’s finally back.  Wonder what happened… he probably went broke and was forced to come back.  I put on one of my best suits.  The ones I use for the important clientele or anyone I feel like impressing, even though my looks are more than enough.  I frowned.  So long my do-nothing day.
“Straighten up, dust that vase, don’t get crumbs on the floor!” I ran around my department making sure everything was prefect, nothing is, or ever will be perfect.  But I was close.
“Hyung!” I heard a worried voice come my way.
“Ryeowook, what is it? I’m very busy, if you can’t see.”
“Hyung, just calm down. Me and Siwon hyung got your back.” he winked and smiled at me.
Siwon came running towards us “I got the ‘welcome back’ party set-up!”
“See hyung, everything I under control” Ryeo responded.
“Thank you guys!” I smiled and hugged both of them.  “But if anyone asks… I did everything. Got it ?” They both nodded.  “Good”
I sat down for the first time in 4 hours.  Aish… this guy better be worth it.
“What time is he coming?” asked Siwon.
“In about an hour.” I responded “I hope he isn’t the ‘know it all’ type of guy, I’m already in a bad mood, I don’t want him to annoy me even more.”
“Hyung!” Ryeowook hit me on the shoulder lightly. “Be nice, he does own the company.”
“Yeah… but he hasn’t done crap.” I said, saying the last part in a hushed tone.
“Hyung, Wook is right, be nice.  You never know, you two might just become the best of friends.” Siwon patted my back. 
“Doubt it.”
There was a commotion in the lobby and I had a feeling I knew why.
“Jessica?” I called for my secretary. 
“Yes sir?” she responded. 
“Is it who I think it is?”
“Yes, he’s here early.”
“Damn” I sighed and stood up, motioning to my friends. “Here goes nothing.”
“Good morning sir.” is all I heard while walking towards the crowd surrounding the entrance to the company.
I had told Ryeo and Won to go ahead and that I’d catch up to them.  Truth is I wanted to spy on the president from behind… without drawing attention to myself.  And it was working of course… until the president and asked my secretary to call me, and give him a tour. What did I look like to him?  Surely not with as much respect as I deserved.  I continued to play hide and seek with him until he gave up on finding me and told Jessica that I could tour him later in the day.  Ugh. 
The view of the president from the bush I was hiding behind was pretty good.  He had broad shoulders and midnight black hair that hugged his face perfectly.  He wasn’t that much taller than me, maybe only a few centimeters taller, and he worn a kind hearted expression on his face. His smile was  genuine, and he looked at our employees with such care in his eyes that it made me wonder why he hadn’t had the decency to check up on the company, let alone talk to his vice president.  But it didn’t matter right now, all that mattered was that he was back, and he assured us that he wasn’t going anywhere.
I started to inch my way closer to him, close enough to hear his voice.  You could tell he was a foreigner by the accent he carried with his Korean and the little bits of Chinese  he would accidentally let out when he couldn’t think of its Korean counterpart.  The moment I heard his voice, something inside me stirred.  I know this voice , I know this face, I know him.  But from where?  Aish.  Why can’t I remember?
I was too caught up in my thoughts to realize that the crowd had dispersed and it was only the president and I left.  I found myself face to face with him.  I felt a rush of embarrassment run through myself.
“Mianhamnida Sir.” (sorry, formal) I said avoiding all eye contact and bowing deeply.
There was silence, then I heard a quiet voice respond in perfect Korean.
“Gwenchana.” (it’s okay, informal)
I grinned to myself, we haven’t properly met and he’s already using informal language. Maybe we will end up getting along…
“Thank you Hyung.” I looked up at him and found him staring at me with curious eyes.
“Is something wrong Hyung?” I asked a bit worried
“No, nothing is wrong” He shook his head and smiled at me. “now, for that tour.”
“Neh, I would like you to give me a tour of my father’s, technically my, building.”
“But…” I asked a bit questionably “I thought you’ve been here before, and besides, I’m the Vice, can’t you ask your secretary to do it?”
“Yes, I’ve been here before, but I see that things have changed a lot in 2 years, and to answer your second question, I don’t have a secretary yet.  My return to Korea was somewhat… un planned for.
“Oh” was all I could respond with. But then I had an idea “Jessica, my secretary could help tour you.”
“Oh no, she’s your secretary.  Besides, I want you to do it.” He responded with a smile.
“Me?” I asked confused. “Why?”
“Because I want to get to know my Vice better.”
“Oh, Okay hyung…”
I began showing him around the lobby, then the training rooms for our trainees and the practice rooms for our artist.  I showed him some of our pristine records and awards and all the offices.  Man that was a lot of walking… whoever invented the elevator and escalator….Thank You so much!!!
One thing that I had learned from touring him was that he wasn’t as bad as I thought.  He was actually soft spoken, and shy.  Not someone you’d expect to run one of the most well known music agency in South Korea.  But the main thing I had observed from talking to him was that I did know him.  My instincts from before were right.  But I just can’t lay my finger on it, I just can’t remember were we met.  Was it a seminar?  Perhaps it was a business meeting. Or possibly I just happened to see him at the mall.  No, that isn’t possible, he just arrived two days ago, and besides I feel like we have a more intimate relationship.  Call me crazy if you want, I know I just met him, and he is my boss… but I cant help it. 
“Heechul.” I looked at him curiously.  He said my name with such a sweet tone, it was if we were lovers.
“Neh hyung?” 
“Stop calling me that.”  His tone suddenly sounded cold. Had I done something wrong?
“I’m sorry h- I mean Hangeng-sshi” I bowed. 
Hangeng suddenly chuckled and tapped on my shoulder.  I got up to see his smiling face once again. “don’t call me hyung, hyung.” It took me a while to realize what he meant.
“How old are you?”
“I’m 29”
“Oh, well, I guess I am your hyung!” I smiled shyly, feeling a bit embarrassed for assuming that he was older. “It’s not like you look old or anything.. Its just I thought my boss would have been a little older than me.” I ran my hand through my hair.
“It’s fine Heechul.” He nodded in approval “I would have never expected that you would be my Vice president.” 
I tilted my head as if  I was a confused owl.  “Why? What’s wrong with me?”  I asked getting defensive.  Who did he think he was? I don’t care if he was president of the company or president of South Korea.  Nobody can degrade Kim Heechul and get away with it.
“Heechul, Heechul.” He held both my shoulders while facing me.  “no need  to get defensive, I wasn’t trying to make you feel like I was bashing you.  I was simply pointing out the fact that out of all the places we would met again, it would be at my company.
Ah, so I was right we have meet each other before.  But wait, “out out all the places” what does that mean?  He makes it seem as if- oh no… I cant be… it just cant.
“What do you mean ‘out of all the places?’”
“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten already, I guess we exchanged numbers for no reason.”
There, right then it all came back to me. I gasped at the realization.  Wow… im such a babo. I then looked at him longingly.
Hey guys! I'm back! Hahaha, did you think the story was completed yet? Well think again. Also there will be some other up coming pairs so watch out for that. THANK YOU, GOMAWO *bows* Love you all! and please comment (:
ooooo looky
You're welcome :33
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i'm a petal and i think its AWESOMEEEEEE
myotterprince #2
Chapter 3: I want more
Chapter 3: aww,who is that girl????
update soon!!!
can"t wait for next chapter
i love ur story
monokalisto #4
Chapter 2: Yay~ *jumps around* You really wrote more~
Chullie oppa is a pabo, he forgot~ :D
monokalisto #5
Chapter 1: This is amazing~ :D
It's cute, hot and funny... I love it <3
I wish it was longer... like... multi-chap... >.> >///<