Coincidentally Love

You Had Me At Good-bye~
“If it was meant to be it will be.”
What exactly did that mean?  Did it mean that everything happens because it was suppose to happen?  I honestly don’t believe in fate. I’ve never believed in love at first sight either.  
Looking back at the one night stands and little flings I’ve experienced I’ve realized something. I’ve never been in love. Of course I’ve said a handful of  “I love you’s” in the heat of the moment, but sad to say, we never really do mean it.  If you do end up falling for it, you’ll have the misfortune of waking up cold, sad, and alone.  That is one thing that will never happen to me.
Its not that I’m afraid of falling in love, oh no, Kim Heechul is never afraid.  Especially about something as petty as love.  It’s more like I don’t know how to, I don’t know how it feels. But there’s a burning sensation deep inside me, its filled with questions that have yet to be answered. And the most important one right now is… 
“What is love?”
“You told me your name was Hankyung, not Hangeng.” I confided using a “matter-of-fact” kind of tone
“And you said you’d call but you didn’t.” Hangeng replied using the same tone as I had.
“Number 1, I gave you my number, so there’s no way I’d be able to call you unless you called me first, and Number two, you never called me either.”
Hangeng chuckled. “of course I didn’t”
“Why not?” I asked a bit disappointed.
“Because I knew that I would soon see you again, besides, once I hear your voice again I’d never be able to stop thinking about you again.”
“Again?” I asked confused.
“There’s something about you Heechul hyung.” he sighed. “ I don’t know what it was in particular, but you’re mesmerizing, simply and truly mesmerizing. Once I saw you, I knew I had to be friends with you, to know you more. And now, I’m sure I’ll be able to do just that.”
I was silent. What was I suppose to say to what Hangeng just admitted to me? Was I suppose to thank him? Be flattered? Feel betrayed?
“I don’t believe in work related relationships, sorry.”
“Relationships? All I asked was to get to know you more, be your friend. Not your lover.”
I rolled my eyes. I mean who wouldn’t be told that and not think it was a love confession?
“I know… I was just implying..” I said confidently. “ Anyway, you have some work to do, since you were gone for so long. Oh yeah, and you’re welcome.”
“Welcome? For what?”
“ For managing your business while you were away.”
“OH.” hangeng gasped. “I forgot about that, thank you Heechul hyung.” hangeng bowed and smiled at him. “please, let me treat you to some lunch.”
I shook my head. “sorry Hangeng, but I’m busy during lunch break.”
“Oh really? With what?”
“We have a meeting with the executives.”
“ Oh, that’s right… thanks for reminding me.”
“Your welcome.” I smiled. “ that’s what I’m here for, to help.”
Hangeng laughed. “ so that means you will go out for dinner with me tonight.”
“Dinner? But I have-”
I was suddenly cut off by Hangeng. “a dinner with me tonight. Aww come on hyung, please?’ he looked at me cutely.
“Okay, okay. I’ll go to dinner with you… but it’s not a date!”
“Yeah, I know.” Hangeng smiled and thought to himself it isn’t a date…yet. 
After I had agreed to go to dinner with Hangeng we retreated back to the office, for some reason Hangeng’s office still was being prepared and wouldn’t be ready for a week at minimum. So for now… he’ll be staying with me, oh joy. 
I bit my lip as I continued showing him around my office… I mean our office. While talking I happened to realize that he didn’t have a secretary either.
“Hangeng?” I asked out loud as we had gotten settled.
“Neh, Heechul?” He asked in the same calm tone he had always had.
“You don’t have a secretary yet, shall we start the interviews to find you one?”
Hangeng shook his head. “It’s okay, I already asked Jessica to book interviews, actually she did it involuntarily… im a little jealous, I wish I had a secretary as efficient as her.”
I smiled. “I know.. She’s great, don’t know what I’d do without her.”
Hangeng turned towards me with a suspicious look on his face. “so.. You and her…?”
I laughed. “No Mister Prez, like I’ve said before I don’t like in work relationships, it just distracts you from your job.”
Hangeng looked at me with curious eyes. “Hyung… by any chance, did something happen with a past work relationship?”
My eyes suddenly became dull. “No.”
Hangeng nodded. “Oh, so there was.”
I frowned. “No, there wasn’t, now stop talking about it.”
Hangeng continued nagging at me, until finally I felt like I was about to break. I sighed and looked at him.
“Fine, Fine… something did happen.” I started saying.
“Ohhh what happened?” he asked with a hint of curiousness in his voice.
“You see, I wasn’t always suppose to be a business man for a talent agency… I wanted to be an entertainer, a singer in particular, maybe even an actor.” I confessed softly, a bit embarrassed. “ I auditioned for the agency of my dreams, and got accepted… as I was working as a trainee, I fell for a fellow trainee that was accepted at the same audition that I was accepted at. Of course I was younger, and I thought we’d be together forever… but something happened. You see she debuted before me, I was so proud of her, but after a while she got so busy that we stopped talking all together. A few weeks later she told me it was over and that she found someone else, someone that famous, but not as and entertainer, but someone more up there, like a CEO.” Heechul stared at the ceiling reminiscing. “After that I soon lost my courage, not just in my talent, but with love. Soon I dropped out of being a trainee, seeing no need to continue since I had somewhat lost my inspiration and at the same instant, I forgot about love, especially love within the workplace.”
Hangeng and I were silent, after about 15 minutes passed he spoke up.
“I’m really sorry hyung.”
I nodded accepting it. “it’s okay… it was my fault.”
Hangeng shook his head. “no, it isn’t… it’s mine.”
I looked at him confused. “what the hell are you talking about?”
“that girl that you fell in love with… the one that made you lose your dreams in being and entertainer and your faith in love. The girl the fell in love with a higher up person… the CEO.”
I looked at him intently. “ Go on.”
“That person… that person…” Hangeng looked down at his hands. “how long ago was this again?”
“Which? When I got accepted or when I was dumped?”
“The second one.”
“Maybe 2 years ago or 2 and a half. Why?”
“Hyung… I’m so sorry.”
“Hangeng would you tell me already? I’m getting aggravated.
“Hyung I think I know the person who stole your girlfriend.”
“Really? Who?” I stood up.
Sorry I havent been updating lately!!!!! I promise to start updating again. I've been so in to manga lately haha, has any one heard of Kurosuji? well it's awesome so you should totally read it ^^ gif time ohhhhh and PLEASE COMMENT (:
Heechul cuteness as a sorry gift
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i'm a petal and i think its AWESOMEEEEEE
myotterprince #2
Chapter 3: I want more
Chapter 3: aww,who is that girl????
update soon!!!
can"t wait for next chapter
i love ur story
monokalisto #4
Chapter 2: Yay~ *jumps around* You really wrote more~
Chullie oppa is a pabo, he forgot~ :D
monokalisto #5
Chapter 1: This is amazing~ :D
It's cute, hot and funny... I love it <3
I wish it was longer... like... multi-chap... >.> >///<