
Model/Dancer in Training

L.Joe's POV: I saw that Avolyn left her door slightly open. I was going to knock but something just came over me… I walked right in.

“As a date or…?” she put her origami down and raised an eyebrow.

I shyly smiled and nodded. “Yes, a date. Is that okay with you?” I stood with my head against the door and my right leg also against it.

She grinned and motioned me to sit down. I sat next to her on her bed. “What are you watching?” I asked. “Hmm old dance videos of Leah and I”.

“So you aren't mad at her anymore?” I questioned. “Oh, I am… I just miss the old us”. She answered.

“Why are you mad at her. What’s wrong?” I asked concerned. “Hmmm now that I think about it. I’m actually not sure. Maybe i’m just crazy. jealous?” she replied. “She has all the opportunities and doesn’t make anything of it. All of this happened to her by chance or accident. I was the one that pushed her. Yet everything was handed to her.”


“How come you are telling me this but not her? She is your family. She cares about you. Pretending you have amnesia isn’t the answer.” I spoke.

“I know… just don’t tell her. Let me figure this out on my own.” she uttered.  I could see she didn't want to talk about it anymore so i changed the subject. I watched her make the origami stars and proceeded to copy her. She received a text message and smiled. I looked over her shoulder and it was Niel.


Narrator’s POV:

“So who is your date, Joon?” Haneul asked while smiling.

“What do you mean?”

“Is it Key or Leah?” After she said that Key turned his head and glared at Joon.

“You’re immature!” Joon snapped.

It was an awkward dinner, nobody said much and everyone just kept eating and looking around. We finally got done with dinner. Haneul and Donghae were the first to leave.  The two of them wouldn’t leave me alone. Thankfully Key’s manager wanted him to go home, so he left. Joon and I sat outside of the restaurant just staring at one another.

Joon POV: It was just the two of us sitting outside. I didn’t know what to do or say. I came here for Haneul, but for an unknown reason I wanted to stay. Leah didn’t say anything. She was going to get up but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down. She turned around and the look on her face. You can tell she was furious and annoyed.

“YAH!-” she was going to yell at me but stopped. My hand was still on her wrist.

“Mian” i muttered to her. She frowned with confusion. “ Sorry, for what?” She shouted. “You like to yell a lot. “I observed. Then I thought about it. I’d yell too if someone obnoxiously grabbed me. “Can we be friends?” I asked. She pushed me off and jogged away from me.

Leah’s POV: I finally got far enough from him. I was tired of jogging and finally got to my hotel room. I was standing outside of my room. My phone beeped. I opened my door as I checked my phone. Someone pushed me into my room. I looked up and was confused and scared.

“I heard you went on a date with Key hyung and Joon hyung.” Chunji indicated.

“What are you doing here?” I wanted to know. I took of my jacket and put my purse on the table. “I’ll call the cops.” I said as I pretended to dial. He pushed me against the wall. His left hand was caressing my face and his right hand was on the wall. I moved my face from his face. He got closer to the point I can feel his breath on me. I closed my eyes and debated with myself on what I wanted to do. I opened my right eye and he was still in front of my face.

“YAH! WHAT’S GOING ON? “ I heard a male's voice. Chunji turned his head to see who it was. I hated to say this but I was kind of glad to see him. I coughed and pushed Chunji off of me. “How did you get in here? This hotel has bad security. “I stated.

Niel POV: I wanted to see what Avolyn was up to. She must be bored at the hospital. I went to see her but the nurses told me that visiting hours were over. Luckily, I’m cute and persuaded her let me see her. I walked up to her room and saw in the window that she and L.joe were both asleep. There was no point of me coming in, so I just left and threw the bouquet I got for her on the floor.

Narrator’s POV: Haneul and Joon both came to Leah’s hotel room. Her door was wide open so it was easy for them to get inside the room. They were dumfounded at what they saw. Joon was going to leave but remembered that Haneul was standing out of the room with him.

“YAH! WHAT’S GOING ON?!” Joon shouted.

“Uh, nothing! Why are you here?” Leah asked calmly. As she walked away from Chunji. “I came to check up on you.” he responded. Joon gave Chunji a disgusted look and stood in front of Leah. So Chunji moved around him and grabbed her hand.

“Well this is very awkward.” stated Haneul. “Anyways, we were wondering if you wanted to go get a late snack or go do something. I guess you are busy.” Haneul observed.

“It’s midnight?” asked Chunji as he looked at his watch. “I don't have to back until 2am” he announced.

“It’s late. I’m tired.” yawned Leah. “You should all leave” she said as she pushed them out of the door.  “She’s right. It’s late.” agreed Haneul. “I’m going home.” Joon wanted to stay but didn’t want Haneul to go home alone. So he followed her in the taxi.

Leah’s POV: I looked out my window and saw that Joon and Ha Neul left. I assumed that Chunji also left. Since it’s a hotel room door. I didn’t check it was locked. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I came back to my bed. I was going to change my shirt until I heard a coughing sound. I froze and it was Chunji.

“I have your key.” he grinned as he showed me. “You are so creepy.” I said half joking.

He got off my bed and looked me in my eyes and confessed “I like you.”

Narrator’s POV: It was the next day. Avolyn woke up and saw that L.joe was asleep on the chair next to her bed. She got off her bed and put the blanket over him and quietly opened the door. She was going to get them both breakfast. As she closed the door, she looked down after she realized she kicked something. It was the bouquet. She picked it up and it was note in there. The note read: Good luck on the next auditions! Don’t give up! Fighting! <3 love Neil. She went back to her room and L. Joe was waking up. He yawned and stretched.

“ Good morning. “ L.joe says half awake. I smiled and I went to my phone and texted and kakao messaged Niel. He didn't answer her. Avolyn stopped smiling. She was released today and went back to the hotel together.

“I’m sorry it seems that Cho, Leah has checked out earlier this morning” said the hotel manager.

“That’s strange. Where could she have gone?” L.joe asked himself.

“That’s not possible, my unnie stays in that room. My things are in there.” I was so frustrated. I was so close to having a panic attack and crying.

june 8 2016 - It's been so long since I wrote this story! when I went on hiatus... i didn't have any new chapters saved! hehe sorry!

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Chapter 22: Ouhhhh things are getting interesting... Keep up the good work UNNIE! Love you! <3
WTF ?? >:/ ?? LMAO wow jeez... I'm NO VILLAIN OR THIEF !!
haha fighs i saw it i just didnt want o correct it.
Fail in ur title xp. & Make me a druggy why don't cha !! XD jeez... what a mean unnie !
Ahhh NO !! L.Joe ask me !! kekekekeke :p And yes Andrew Baterina IS one of my inspirations <33 ^_^
Princ3ss_BubbLee #6
thanx for the update!<br />
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laughing about the bathing suit!