Adventure through the Stands.

I Want You. I Got You. And I'll Never Let You Go.

Chae Ri woke up, and snapped her eyes open as she heard nothing.

Nothing. That was abnormal, since she lived in a house filled with boys. Loud ones, in fact, that found everything amusing. And if nothing was amusing, they would try to find something to entertain them.

Her eyes travelled towards the clock, and she jumped out of the bed as fast as she could.

It read 3:15 AM.

The AOM crew were long gone for a few hours already, and left her sleeping in the house alone. She cursed them with all the words she knew and learned from hanging out with the crew for months. She walked into the bathroom, washed her face, brushed her teeth, and  went into their shared walk-in closet.

Chae Ri clipped the sides of her hair together at the back of her head, and let her bangs hang down. She threw on a white t-shirt with grey long sleeves, and denim skinny jeans. She grabbed a black jacket with a hood, and rolled up the sleeves to her elbow, then put on a black beanie so that her ears wouldn't get cold.

Should I buy them food? She thought.

She decided to do just that, and slipped on a pair of socks. She froze, and stomped in frustration.

"My wallet is the studio!" She groaned, and smacked herself.

I'll worry about it when I get there..

Chae Ri went into her bedroom and put her phone in her pocket. She walked towards the door, and put on her dark blue converses, tied it together, and grabbed the key. She locked the door, and began to run towards the building, past the street stores. She stopped at the ddeobukki stand.

"Excuse me? How much is nine bowls of ddeobukki, and nine energy drinks?" She politely asked the lady. The lady looked tired, but smiled and replied to her.

"Well, nine bowls are a total of 10,000 won, and the drinks are another  5,000." The lady answered. Chae Ri bit her lip, and searched through her mind to find how to get the money.

"If I sing a folk song could you give it to me for free?" She pleaded. The lady thought, and nodded.

"Sure you may, miss." The woman smiled. Chae Ri began to sing, attracting a crowd of all-nighters, and people who came from the club. They whispered, and pointed at her as she finished and received the food and drinks in a bag.

"Isn't that Jay Park's girlfriend?"

"What's she doing singing at the ddeobukki stand?"

"She's singing so that she can get it for free! Is she broke?"

"She doesn't have any money?"

"Should we pay for her? She is a university student anyway. I don't think she has a job."

Chae Ri grew embarassed, and bowed politely at the woman, before moving in to a bread cafe. She looked at the rows of sweets, and decided to order a red velvet cake for the boys and a sugar bread for herself.

"5,000 won." The lady at the cashier said, eyeing her moves.

"You don't have any money, do you? I know who you are, and I'll deliver it to wherever you want me to deliver it if you let me get a autograph from Jay oppa, and a hug." The girl said, smirking.

Chae Ri gaped.

This witch!

"Fine. Please send the sweets to this address, wrapped up, with nine more sugar and butter buns." Chae Ri said, writing down the company's address and walking out the cafe, lugging the big bag of food with her. She cursed herself for being blackmailed so easily, forcing Jay to sign autographs without options.

In a few more minutes, she had reached the company, and walked into the reception room. She greeted the secretary who recognized her, and let her go into the studio.

As she neared the dance studio, loud booms entered her ears as she heard Jay practicing his song, Know Your Name, and Up and Down. She opened the door, to find the boys almost nearing the final moves. They ended the song with a final pose, before Jay fell to the floor. She moved to the corner of the room so that they couldn't see her, and smirked to herself.

"Gah! I'm tired!" Junior wailed, sprawled over the floor with beads of sweat falling down his face.

"I know. We all are, so shut up." Daniel muttered, and then received a punch on the arm from Junior. Jay laughed, and looked at the mirror. He froze, when he saw Chae Ri's silhouette in the dark.

"Baby?" He called out to her.

Chae Ri's shoulders slumped, as she was found out. She stepped out of the corner, and smiled at the exhausted boys who were gaping at her.

"Why are you staring at me like that? I brought you hard-earned food from the street, just as you like it." She held up the bag, and put it on the floor as the boys crowded around it, yelling with triumph.

Chae Ri sat down next to Jay, and wiped the sweat off his head with her sleeve. He leaned against her lazily.

"How'd you get it? I thought you left your purse in the studio?" He asked her, laying his head on her lap as she leaned on her hands with her legs straight out in front of her.

"I sang a song for the ahjumma, and I ordered sweets." She replied, smiling down at him.

His eyes lit up. "Sweets? Where?" He asked.

"Their going to deliver it here. I was blackmailed." Chae Ri grumbled, a frown appearing on her face. Jay raised an eyebrow amusedly.

"Blackmailed? How?"

"The girl wanted you to give her an autograph and she'd deliver it for free." Chae Ri whined. "She smirked at me! Smirked!"

Jay laughed. "Baby, you gotta learn how to not let people step over you like that." He said, her cheeks softly. She pouted cutely, and he smiled.

"I love you." He whispered.


Her sentence was interrupted by the door opening, and the eruption of squeals.

"Omo! It's Jay oppa!!!"

"Awww! They look so cute cuddling like that!"


The boys flinched at the screaming, and covered their ears. Jay sighed, and covered your ears as you jumped in shock. As the squeals died down, a girl in a tight dress that was cut low, stepped into the room and strutted towards Jay. You took his hands off your ears, and looked up at the mature, cold girl who was smirking down at you.

"Delivery for Jay Park?" She asked coolly.

You looked around for the boxes, but found none.


"Err...where's the cake?" You asked her. She ignored you,  and kept smiling at Jay who had sat up and stared at her.

"Why don't we go somewhere private where there aren't any girls clinging onto you, shall we?" She invited.

Jay nodded, and stood up to follow her out the door, somewhat in a trance.

You grabbed hold of his sleeve.

"Oppa, where are you going?"

"Don't touch me." He snapped suddenly, and shook your arm off, walking out the door with his arm wrapped around the woman's waist.





I was about to put that on....but :<

Happy ending, yes? Okay.



"Err...where's the cake?" You asked her. She ignored you, and kept smiling at Jay, who was still laying on your lap, looking up at the woman with cold eyes.

"Why don't we go somewhere private where there aren't any girls clinging onto you, shall we?" She invited.

She was talking about you.

Jay raised an eyebrow amusedly. "There aren't any. What are you talking about, miss..?"

"Lee Eunji. Nice to meet you, oppa." She smiled.

"Well. Eunji-ssi, where do you see girls clinging onto me?" Jay continued.

Eunji smirked, and raised an eyebrow at you. You started to brush his hair, and he slid closer to you. A flash of anger swept through her eyes as she started to glare at you.

"Who is she?" She spat, looking at you, her eyes flickering down your body in disgust. You scowled, and Jay's mysterious twinkle in his eye disappeared. Anger had replaced the amusement, and he coldly stared at the girl.

"My girl. Who are you?" He hissed.

"Your number one fan and your future wife, oppa. Not this...ugly woman with no curves." She wrinkled her nose and looked away from you, examining her nails.

"Aish. Get out, your fantasy is messed up." Jay snorted, and closed his eyes. He turned his back on the woman, and intertwined his fingers with yours.

A snicker rose from the corner of the room and that was when you noticed the three of you had an audience. The AOM crew, Prepix, and the girls who were snapping at the girl before you with disgust etched across their faces. You stared at one girl, hearing her words clearly.

"That girl is so rude. She says she's his number one fan when she doesn't even respect his girlfriend!"

"We may be jealous but we would never call her ugly..she's really pretty, right unnie?"

"Right. Maybe the woman's mentally unstable?"

"Who knows. I think she is, she can't see the love in oppa's eyes."

"Yeah. When he looks at our Chae Ri cute!"

"I hope oppa proposes to her. Her, I can deal with, but not oppa with HyunA unnie! But maybe YoonSG unnie?"

A set of agreeable murmurs rose.

"...We gain one thing but lose another. More love songs, but no songs about him wanting a girl. He'll lose his JWalkers, but gains the JayRiwalkers."

Squeals and giggles erupted in the room. You raised an eyebrow, slowly becoming amused at their conversation. Another set of snickers came from the boys standing opposite them, hearing the conversation also. The girls attention switched, and they began to crowd around the dancers, asking for autographs.

"-are you even listening?!" The woman screeched.

"Oppa why are you being to mean to me?! I loved you the most! Not like this ugly woman with a flat chest! She can't even pass college! She'll be forever a burden to you and you know it!"

Jay groaned, and sat up. "Woman will you shut the  up and get out so I can spend time with my girl!" He snapped.

Your eyes flitted towards Jay. He rose to push the woman out, but you grabbed him and smacked his head.

"Ruining our time or not you can't speak to your fans like that, oppa." You murmured in his ear. He sighed, and collasped back onto your lap, covering his face in your shirt.

"How dare you hit my oppa!?! Who do you think you are?!" The woman grabbed your collar and pulled you up.

Jay rolled onto the floor and his face hit the ground. Despite the position you were in, you snickered at his scrunched up face.

"YOUR STILL LAUGHING?! WELL HOW ARE YOU GOING TO LAUGH NOW?" She lifted her hand up to slap you, but Jay grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the door.

"Get out." He snapped, his eyes on your surprised expression.

"But oppa i'm your-"

"My fans have already understood our relationship and support it." Jay said.

"Oppa, we're really getting married?!" The woman's eyes sparkled.

"No, my relationship with my girl." Jay snorted, and closed the door in her face. He grabbed your arm and pushed you into a corner, and you made you lean your back against the wall. He collasped back on your lap, his cap covering his eyes.

"Finally some peace." He mumbled.

You burst out laughing, remember his face earlier when he had rolled onto the floor.

He peeked at you under his cap. "What?"

"O-oppa, your face...when you rolled down...." You choked out, your face getting red from laughing too hard.

Jay rolled his eyes, and you grabbed onto your hurting sides, snickering.

"Aegiii~~" He whined. You grinned.

"Oppa, don't you even try aegyo." You laughed.

He stared at you, before starting to laugh too.

"You have no idea how scared I was, girl. That woman was like a dressed in a dress." He said.

"A tight one in fact." You added. He smirked.

"Jealous?" He winked, both of his eyes twitching.

You snorted. "Keep dreaming. This girl does not get jealous."

"Yeah, because this girl kills the person before she get's jealous. Mostly every girl I talk to, in fact. And if she can't kill them she'll imagine doing just that, repeating it atleast fifty different bloody scenarios in her mind."

You pushed him off your lap and stood up. "You know what. I came here to watch you practice. Let's go." You said, walking to the stereo.

"Is my baby girl gonna dance to my song? y ~" Jay called out.

"Jay." You warned. He pouted, before standing up, glancing at the mass of fangirls who sat in the corner, beaming at the open closeness of your relationship.

He waved at them. They squealed, and waved back.

You pressed the play button, and his song, Know Your Name came up. You growled, cursing your luck.

Jay grinned. "Let's not practice. You vs. Jihye?" He winked.

Jihye, another one of your friends, walked up. She smiled at you.

"Ready, dongsaeng?" She laughed.

You glared at her. "Yah~ That's mean." You pouted.

Dirty Bass came on. "Wooo~" The boys hooted. You sighed, and watched the caps that flew in your direction. You grabbed one.

Black and Blue.


You slipped it on your head, and bounced to the beat, nodding your head as Jihye began to dance.

She's really good, better than when I first saw her.

At his second verse, you started to dance, trying to remember how to move like you used to do back in the States, when you went to dance competitions.

You forgot to mention.

Both you and Jay had met at the final 8 for the b-boy competition. You were in a group called Mass Pot, with your two girl friends, and three guy friends. You went against each other, every time he came up you went up after him, wanting to crush him. He had started it, when he went up to you and did a body wave next to you.

You started to imitate the choreography Jay made for this song. Jihye grinned immediately, and clapped.

"Perfect imitation, Ri-ah!" She laughed over the music. You smiled, seeing Jay jumping excitedly.

"My baby's dancing again!" He cheered.

He had always wanted you to be his back-up dancer, to take Jihye's place as the girl in the MV, but you refused. You wanted to focus on singing.

You remembered him doing a freeze at the end, and try to imitate him. You successfully made it, but slipped and fell on the floor, twisting your wrist. The song ended, and Ji Hye ran up to you and helped you up.

"That was a great start off, Ri-ah." Ji Hye clapped your back. You smiled at her, and nodded.

Jay hugged you from behind. "That was great~ See? I told you that you were a good dancer, but you never believed me." He argued.

You rolled your eyes.

"Oppa, you don't always get what you want."

He smirked, and kissed you on the lips. Everyone in the room howled, cheered, or clapped.

He broke the kiss, and whispered in your ear.

"Guess what?"

"What?" You smiled, knowing one of his cheesy lines were going to pop up sooner or later.




"I want you. I got you. And I'll never let you go."





it would be so fun to make a series out of this. LOL.



This was totally going to be only like a truth or dare chapter, and the end, but I wanted  to add something cute...yeah..


I hoped you enjoyed reading it! ^_^





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YunaJi #1
Chapter 3: This is toooooo cute >.<
stelladiep #2
Chapter 3: AW! Such a cute story!
Chapter 3: i loved this


Chapter 3: Loved It Wish It Was Longer! Good Job!
BigBang_VIP #5
Chapter 3: Oh this was reeeaaalllyyy cute!! :)
iloveJiyongoppa #6
Chapter 3: This was adorable, but you should turn it into a series!
Chapter 3: Awww this was really cute! ^_^
wonderkris #8
keep writing!! gonna read your updates!