Ordinary Afternoon in the AOM&Illionaire; House

I Want You. I Got You. And I'll Never Let You Go.

It was noontime, the time where everyone came out to play, dressed in comfortable clothes. It was the time of the day where girls wore sundresses and heels, and where the guys wore jeans and a t-shirt. It was the time of the day where friends meet up to go out for a fun day, a relaxing spa day for the elders, and the adventerous feelings the children grow as they started to move towards the park.

But here, in the AOM house, seven guys had just woken up. They had smelled something delicious wafting through the air, and just had to find out what it was. But of course, their suspicions were correct.

It was food.

Not just any food, but their favorite American Breakfast, cooked by their favorite girl in the world.

Jung Chae Ri, or called Amy by her American friends.

One by one, they got dressed in sweats and t-shirts, before racing to the kitchen as fast as they could.

"Amy~ I love you!" Junior jumped at her. Chae Ri, surprised, dropped the spatula that she held in her hands. It fell down on her foot and she yelped at the immediate stinging pain that it brought her.

"You !" Cha Cha threw a pillow at him.

"Omo! Amy, I'm so sorry!!!" He apologised.

Daniel snickered. "Bro, say that when Jay walks in."

Junior flinched away as Jay walked into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes tiredly. Chae Ri smiled at him despite the swelling growing on her foot, and picked up the spatula. Chae Ri could feel his muscular arms wrapping around her waist tightly, spreading a happy warmth throughout her body.

"Morning babe." He kissed her on her lips, and she kissed him back as lovingly. 

"Yo! Outta the kitchen!" Cha Cha whined.

Chae Ri blushed red. He laughed.

As Jay smiled, he saw something out of the corner of his eye. Jay moved his hands away from her waist, and he stared at her swollen foot. He kneeled down and touched it.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He immediately started to spout questions, looking at her worriedly.

Chae Ri laughed and shook her head. "I was just being clumsy." She assured him. He ignored her, and nodded towards Daniel.

"Slave. Do your work." He . Daniel scoffed and threw his rolled up napkin at his face. Jay dodged it, and swept Chae Ri in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck, as he walked her towards the sofa.  Daniel moved to where Chae Ri had stood before, and began to cook in her place. Jay laid her down on the sofa carefully.

"Stay here, I'll get a pack of ice." He said. As he moved, Chae Ri frowned.

"Oppa, it's just a slight swell. There's nothing wrong." She called to him. A few minutes later, he came into the room and slid next to her. He lifted up her legs onto his lap, and poked the red flesh.

She yelped, and out of reflex, hit his arm. He raised an eyebrow amusedly at her reaction.

"Nothing wrong, did you say?" He smirked. She bit her lip, and nodded.

"Yup. Nothing wrong at all." She lied. He smiled slightly to himself. What a stubborn girl.

He poked it again, and she whined.

"Oppa!! Stop it!! It hurts, okay! I admit it!" 

He chuckled, as he laid the bag of ice on her foot. He leaned forward and placed his lips on her ear. "You're such a terrible liar, aegi." He cooed. He bit the tip of it before moving his lips down her jawline.

Before he could peck her on the lips, Dok2 entered the room. He was groaning, and rolling his shoulders, then rolled his eyes at the sight.

"Jay, bro. I know you but take that somewhere else before I lose my appetite. Hey, Amy." He waved at her. Jay groaned and leaned back.

"Damn you ers." He swore. "Can't I get a minute with ma girl without your asses poppin outta nowhere?"

Dial Tone stepped in besides Dok2 and smirked. "Nah. You gotta share, Jay. Cause damn, yo shawtie is y as hell." He winked at Chae Ri playfully.

Jay snorted. "If I can't get a minute with her, you sure as hell ain't getting a second."

Chae Ri laughed.

"Oppa why are you so desperate today?" She . He growled, and laid his head down on her lap, closing his eyes. Dok2 and Dial Tone highfived each other, and walked into the kitchen, yelling thanks to Chae Ri for making them breakfast.

Chae Ri began to  Jay's soft, blond hair. She shifted herself so she was comfortable, and closed her eyes also, falling asleep in just a few minutes.

The boys entered the living room and all started to surround the two, making sure to be quiet. Cha Cha and Dialtone sat down by the window and started to play cards. Junior and Hiep were eating a few snacks, and the rest of the boys were watching the programs on the television.


Simutaneously, they all looked towards the sweetly cuddling couple on the sofa. They smiled at how possessive their idol was of his girl, even in his sleep. His arm was wrapped around her waist protectively, and his other hand was intertwined with hers. Chae Ri's brown and straight hair covered half of her face, and she was curled in his arms happily.


Chae Ri opened her eyes, and saw the sky beginning to darken outside. The sounds of quiet gunshots rang through the house, and she immediately knew that the boys were playing a shooting game. Call of Duty maybe? No, she heard sudden movements and yells coming from the boys also, so they were probably playing a recent Resident Evil game. Or Cry of Fear.

She shivered. She always hated that game. It made her scared, and not wanting to stay alone in the dark anytime soon. The monsters that had popped out of nowhere made her shriek, and then made Jay come to comfort her. She never looked in the mirror at nighttime for a few days afterwards.

Then she noticed where she was sleeping. She was back in the master room, laid besides Jay. His arm was wrapped around her waist, and had laid his head down on her chest. She felt the corners of her lips beginning to curl upwards, and soon she was smiling at his adorable stature. He was like a baby, clinging to his mother for warmth.

Though, their relationship was nowhere near that.

I rest my case.

She his hair, and stared at his angelic face. His hair made him seem so much more handsome, and she loved it, but she preferred his natural black hair. Her eyes then travelled downwards to his closed ones, further below his small adorable nose, and to his pink lips.

Those very lips made girls fall for him immediately, and had stolen her first kiss. Those very lips that curls upwards make the girls blush, and even elders laugh when his dorky words came out of his mouth, always and consistently being blunt and straightforward. Those lips let out a barrage of insanely crazy raps, and sweet sounds of his beautiful singing.

She wiggled her body downwards, so that the both of their heads were next to each other.  Then, she leaned forwards and felt his pink lips softly brushing against hers.

"Babe, if you wanted to kiss me just say so." Jay pressed against her body, and their lips met in a deep embrace, moving in synch with each other perfectly. She squeaked, and moved backwards. Chae Ri's cheeks turned a warm red, and swore that he could hear her heart beating fast.

This was his effect on her.

"O-oppa...I-I didn't mean to..." She started, before he interrupted her by kissing her once more. She kissed him back slowly, loving how gentle his kisses were, even if the situation was dire. He broke the kiss, and chuckled.

"I'm just kidding. I love being woken up like this. You should do that more." He whined, burying his head in her hair. Chae Ri laughed, and he smiled.

Her laugh is so beautiful.

He relished in the thought that she almost his, and soon, she would be showing off her engagement ring to any erted males that tried to hook up with her.

That had happened too many times.

He wasn't scared to admit that he was jealous.

She moved to sit up, but he pulled her back down and wrapped his arms around her waist, keeping her from moving away.

"Jay," She said softly, patting his arms gently. "It's dinner time. I have to cook."

He groaned. "Let's just stay like this for a few minutes, Ri-ah." He whined again. Chae Ri laughed.

"How about I just order pizza?" She asked. He sat up immediately, and grinned.

"Please~" He said. She pushed back the covers, and stepped out of bed.

"Alright. Oppa, can you go out and ask the boys what they want to eat please? I'll be back soon." She said. She ignored the fact that he had changed her himself, into his grey t-shirt that came down to her knees, and lime green pajama shorts. He nodded, and she went into the bathroom.

He jumped out of bed willingly and ran out the door. "Yo! My baby is ordering us pizza!" He yelled, throwing himself on Dok2 and Cha Cha. Chae Ri shook her head in amusement, and brushed her hair. She pinned it up into a messy bun with a few strands of hair falling over her face. As she walked out, she saw the boys playing Cry of  Fear.

She sighed. I was right.

When the freaky old lady with sharp metal hooks as her hands popped out, she jumped, and ran into the kitchen for her dear life. Chae Ri inhaled deeply, then exhaled, trying to calm down her nerves.

She shook her head, and reached onto the counter for Jay's phone, and unlocked it. She opened his pizza app, and looked over the counter.

"Guys? What do you want to eat?" She called.

"Anything you want~" They chorused, focused on the game.

"Junior oppa, do you want breadsticks and cheesesticks?" She asked. Junior immediately replied a yes to her question, and she entered it in. Chae Ri decided to order two extra large pizzas with mushrooms, sausages, pepperoni, and beef, and the other with something healthy.

"Lots of sauce, and extra cheese on the pizzas please." She wrote into the comments section, and also picked a grilled chicken Caesar Salad. She pressed the delivery button, and put in the address for the house. They had asked for a name, so she typed in her fiance's name.

The time bar popped up, and showed 10 minutes for waiting time. She locked Jay's phone, placed it on the counter, and walked into the living room. She sat besides Jay on the sofa. Jay intertwined his fingers with hers, and she laid her head on his shoulder.

"What did you order?" Dok2 asked her, his eyes focused on the screen like all the other boys.

"I ordered you guys three pizzas with lots of protein and some healthy stuff since you're going to be practicing tonight." She answered. Hiep grinned, and high-fived her. She smiled at him back.

The sound of a door banging open and a chainsaw revving to life switched his attention to the screen, and the boys tensing.

"Yah! Run you idiot!!!" Daniel shouted at Dial Tone.

"I'M RUNNING YO, CALM DOWN!" Dial Tone yelled back.

Chae Ri covered her eyes as Dial Tone turned around and saw the infected man coming closer. The boys shouted at him to keep running and to not look back. The background music grew more and more louder as Dial Tone was close to death.

Jay wrapped his arm around her shoulder soothingly, and patted her back.

"Baby, don't be so scared. We're here." He whispered in her ear lovingly. Chae Ri buried her head in his chest, and he moved her to sit on his lap, so that she could lean against his chest.

He her hair gently, and kissed her forehead.

A few minutes later, after the scary scene, she had relaxed. The doorbell rang, and she moved to the front door. She opened it, and saw a man who looked young, a few years younger than her.

His eyes clouded over as he looked at her attire. She hadn't noticed, and smiled at him politely. He grinned at her back, and his lips.

"Good evening, an order for...Jay?" He said. She nodded, and he listed the pizzas.

"The price is 3,600 won. But I could give you a discount if you let me spend the night with you." He winked at her seductively, and she flushed red.

"I-I'll be right back to get the money." She said quickly, and shut the door. She walked into the living room, and looked around for her wallet.

She stomped in frustration when she realized it was in her purse, which was in Jay's dance studio. She bit her lip, and shyly moved to her fiance. He was tensing as Dial Tone began to shoot at the infected people on the screen. Jay looked up, and smiled at her.

"Neh?" He asked.

"I-I forgot my wallet at the company.." She trailed off. He took out his, and handed it over to her. She stuttered a thank you, before moving out the room. He frowned, noticing the way she acted.

Why is she so tense?

He followed her over, to see her at the door, counting the money. He froze, as he saw the delivery person looking at his woman with lust in his eyes. She was bowing, and speaking to him. Jay clenched his jaw, and his hands curled into fists. He saw Chae Ri's face, which was scrunched up, leaning away from the man as he came in closer.

Chae Ri opened the door. "I'm sorry for the delay." She apologized.

"No no no. It's alright, anything for you sweetie." He answered. Chae Ri smiled again, beginning to get uncomfortable at his intense staring. She opened Jay's wallet, and took out some of the bills. The man took it, his hand brushing over hers for awhile. Chae Ri moved her hand back uncomfortably at his closeness, and reached out for the pizza.

The man stepped back. "No, it's too heavy for you, miss. I'll bring it in." He smiled, before opening the door a bit wider and stepping in. She froze.

"U-uh...No, it's alright-"

"It's okay. Where do you want me to put it?" He said, his lips slowly, staring at her blushing face and curvy figure.

Her thighs look so delicious.

His pants felt a bit too tight on him as she fiddled with her fingers. He was going to lock the door and place the pizza on the floor, then pin her against the wall. He leaned in closer to her face.

Chae Ri jumped back, surprised. "S-sir-" She began, ready to push him out. She was getting scared at his intense gaze, and started to shake.

"Aegi. Are you having any trouble?" Jay called out, and walked into the foyer.

Chae Ri dropped the wallet. Jay came in closer to her, and she bent over to pick it up. She stepped into Jay's arms, inhaling his cologne. She was relieved, as the man stepped back.

Jay raised an eyebrow at the teenage boy. The boy was glaring at him, probably  cursing him for ruining his chance with a beautiful girl like Chae Ri. His arm wrapped around her waist protectively, and felt her shaking. He grew angry.

"I'll take it from here. Thanks for coming." Jay dismissed him coldly, and took the pizza from the boy. The delivery boy stepped back onto the edge of the door, and as Jay walked away, whispered to Chae Ri.

"I saw your bruise, miss. If he's abusing you, tell me right away. I'll handle him for you." Chae Ri looked at his nametag, and found his name to be Siwon.

She frowned at his accusing stare. Chae Ri looked down at her bruise, and remembered getting it from banging her leg against the wall. She was about to defend Jay before she heard a loud slam. She turned around, but was late when Jay walked up to the boy and kicked him out the door roughly.

"What did you say?" Jay hissed. "You want to repeat that again?!"

The house was silent, before she heard the boys running into the scene.

"Woahhh, man! Calm down!" Cha Cha and Hiep grabbed Jay who stepped forward to hit the guy again. Chae Ri flinched, and looked at Siwon, who was crouched over on the sidewalk.

She turned around, and tried to calm Jay. "Oppa. Oppa, shh. Come on, ignore it okay?" She whispered, cupping his cheek soothingly. The boys dragged him to the living room, but Dok2 and Dial Tone stayed behind.

"Sorry man. See ya, and thanks for the pizza." Dial Tone apologized.

Dok2 snickered. "Sorry? Tony, of course the boy would be trying to flirting with her, so no need to apologize."

"Whatever." They shut the door, locked it, and pushed Chae Ri towards the living room. Dial Tone picked up the forgotten pizza, and walked into the kitchen.

Chae Ri stepped into the living room. Jay stormed into their bedroom and she followed him, assuring the boys that she would take care of it. She walked in, and closed the door behind her. She found him sitting down on the bed. He was breathing heavily, with his head buried in his hands.

"Oppa?" She tentatively called out to him. He ignored her, and she kneeled down in front of him.

"Jay, look at me." She said. He lifted his head up, a deadly look in his eyes.

He was still angry.

Chae Ri brought her hand up, and his hair. He closed his eyes, and tilted his cheek in her palms as she brought it down.

"Come on. Let's forget this ever happened, and eat pizza okay?" She smiled at him sweetly. He nodded, and sighed.

"I'm sorry, baby." He said.

Chae Ri laughed.

"It's alright, oppa."

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YunaJi #1
Chapter 3: This is toooooo cute >.<
stelladiep #2
Chapter 3: AW! Such a cute story!
Chapter 3: i loved this


Chapter 3: Loved It Wish It Was Longer! Good Job!
BigBang_VIP #5
Chapter 3: Oh this was reeeaaalllyyy cute!! :)
iloveJiyongoppa #6
Chapter 3: This was adorable, but you should turn it into a series!
Chapter 3: Awww this was really cute! ^_^
wonderkris #8
keep writing!! gonna read your updates!