Awesome Weekend

A Boy like no one else.

(Photo: Yong Junhyung)





On friday evening, when I came back from work I sat down in the kitchen, took out my mobile phone and just looked on my messages.

Then I put it away and went to the fridge, just looking for something to eat, but there was nothing special. 

Lastly, I made Korean Ramen soup. I love it and i like to eat it the most with Hongki. He's the best, always there for me and always cares for me, like my mother.

After dinner i brushed my teeth and my hair and lied down on the bed.

**This weekend will be boring again, like every weekend and it ends everytime too fast.**

I scrabbled under my blanket, which is very soft and warm and turned off the light, but then after some minutes, my mobile phone vibrated.

I'm always excited when my mobile phone make a noise. Firstly i waas blinded from the bright light, but finally i could see the display clearly.

**One new message!! Who could it be, Hongki? Jaejin?**

I opened the message, but didn't expect it.


Junhyung (22:09)

야! XD Do you've time tomorrow? 

To make some party or Shisha-Bar?


I smiled and wondered about this message. Then I wrote fast a new message back to Junhyung. 


Seunghyun (22:13)

Oh, sure. That sounds great. (:

Then i'll come to you at 5 pm?


Junhyung (22:15)

Okey, see ya and sleep well! (:


**He is so friendly, but still cool. Shame, not every boy can be like him. He's such special!**

I put away my mobile phone and turned to the wall, then my eyes closed and i thought about tomorrow.


On the next morning, I woke up. Shocked! 

I had a bad dream and my mood was really bad, because i always realize, that my dreams are mostly like reality.

I dreamed, that Junhyung and i went to a Party, we had a lot of fun and understood each other well, but then after a while, both of us were totally drunk.

Unexpectedly, Junhyung took his bottle and knocked me down. He was so agressiv and i felt like i was dying.

And then he beat me again and again, but after this, i woke up.

Sorrowfull i jumped out of my bed and took a look at my mobile phone, but there was no new message.

After a fast breakfast, i decided to take a shower. After this bad dream i have to relax a little bit.

I wanted to get dressed well, because just for Junhyung. I want that he is thinking, that i am pretty.


Punctually, at 5 pm I rang at Junhyungs flat. Formally i could smell his scent already.

Junhyung opened the door and put on his shoes.  

**He's looking so cute, while he put his shoes on.**

"I'm finish, we can go.", he said and closed the door behind his back.

"You're looking good.", I complimented and was waiting, that Junhyung will tell me the same.

"Thanks, you too." he replied polite.

**Yeeeees, i'm looking good for him.**

We went downstairs and it was very fresh outside. I wished that Junhyung would take me by my hand, but he didn't and i was just dreaming.

Finally, Junhyung took on his leather jacket, which made him even cooler.

Then he showed with his finger on a black car. It looked very luxurious.

"This is my car.", he said proudly.

It was a KIA K5, of course a Korean car. I like Mercedes more, but i'll not note it.

We boarded and drove to the Shisha-Bar, not far away.

We both smoked for 1 1/2 hours and talked a lot about our lifes and interests.

After smoking, he drove us to a Special Night Club for Asian. There we met some friends, like Heechul, Taeyang and G-Dragon, Simon D and so on.

The owner from this Night Club, was a Japanese woman. Always friendly and kind.

Junhyung was a true gentleman and payed the drink for me. By his side i feel so save.

All were in a good mood, but still i was shy, because i can't dance very well. It's embarrassing, cause Junhyung can dance very well. He made awesome moves and i liked it, how he was doing Popping.

For a while, i just looked around the Club, but then Junhyung took my hand and went with me to the Dancefloor.

My face turns into red, but luckily it's a little bit dark, so that he can' see.

And this changed everything! I felt secure in Junhyungs arms.

It was a very familiar situation and he wished that this night would never end.

Around 01:30 am we were leaving the club and Junhyung called us a Taxi.

Savly we arrived at home and this day made us even more closer, then bevor. 


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PetShawal #2
Chapter 9: Cuuuuute <3 but I wish you had elaborated the bed scene just a bit more *pout*
Chapter 9: "Gently their lips touched and became one" *____*
junhyung dieser Lausbub! :D
Chapter 5: ist doch super geworden :)
Chapter 4: aaahh junhyungs hug *________*
Even if it‘s just the foreword, it‘s great <3