A Love Triangle

Coming Clean


“What? Do I look like a love doctor to you? I’m a doctor that deals with mental health issues and love and family problems. But I don’t go around being their love doctor!”

“Just do it, this once...please” He sounded so desperate for my help, but no way was I going to give in easily.

“Look, I know this may sound gay but he means a lot to me. And lately all I’ve been seeing is grief on his face and I hate it. He looks ugly when his sad. He has always been there for me...it’s only fair if I return the favour”.

“Why don’t you just tell him to come over and I’ll talk to him”

“That won’t work”.

“And why not?”.

“Because he doesn’t know I’m doing this”

“Well how am I supposed to help someone without them knowing or without me seeing them?” I asked while rolling my eyes.

“You will see him, he just won’t know”. This made me narrow my eyes. This guy was crazy.

“And how exactly are we going to be doing that?”

“So you’ll do it?” He asked excitedly. His tone became more cheerful as he asked me again. I suddenly wanted to say yes. 

“Depends”, I said “How pitiful is your friend?”

“I’ll tell you...Let’s meet up first. How about Cafe Panda in an hour?”

“Okay. But –WAIT! How do I know you’re not dangerous? I don’t even know your name!” This made him laugh.

“My name’s Woohyun, Nam Woohyun. I’ll be wearing a blue and black T-shirt so you’ll be able to recognize me. See you in an hour. And about the dangerous part...you’ll have to wait and find out”, he said imitating a Disney characters evil laugh.

“I’ll be wearing a yellow summer dress”, I said before hanging up.

I laid out my options. I knew his name and he had also given me his number. I knew where Cafe Panda was though I had never really been inside – it was a safe place to meet a stranger. I could go meet him on a lovely day like today or be stuck inside my crappy office-room. I didn’t have any appointments till 5pm so I was free for a few hours...I decided to try this out. There was nothing I could lose...or was there?

After an hour I entered the café Woohyun had told me about and looked for a place to sit. My eyes scanned my surrounds; it was a nice café, simple yet sophisticated. I was wearing a long yellow summer dress like I had told him so he would recognize me. I made my way to one of the tables at the back and sat down assuming he hadn’t arrived yet. I ordered a skinny latte and looked around in hope of spotting a guy wearing a black and blue t-shirt. After 15 minutes I scanned the crowd again and realized he still hadn’t arrived yet. I sighed in frustration. Where is he? Wait…maybe he stood me up; maybe this was all a prank, I thought. I pulled out my mobile, ready to dial his number to confirm if this “woohyun” was even a real person when I heard a familiar voice.

“Hey, Doc!” I looked up to see a good looking guy make his was towards me. He wore a blue and black T-shirt just like he had told me and his face was plastered with a goofy smile.

“You’re surprisingly good looking for a doctor” he suddenly said making me blush slighty. It was true though. Many of my co-workers envied me for my looks while my patients wondered why I became a doctor when I could have been a model. I smiled slightly and guestured for him to sit down. He sat down and ordered a cappuccino.

“So you’re the crazy Woohyun”, I said eyeing him.

“And you’re the doctor with a staring problem”

“I don’t have a staring problem”, I said

“Then why can’t you seem to take your eyes off me?” He said smirking. I looked away, turning red. . I hadn’t realized I had been staring at him the minute he sat down. His kinda cute. Wait, brain what? CON-CEN-TRATE.

“Let’s get this over and done with”, I said trying to hide my still red-cheeks. He gave a small laugh when he realized I was blushing but to my relief didn’t make any comments.

“Okay, so tell me about your friend. What’s his name, what he does, his personality, his hobbies, likes and dislikes. Everything I need to know…now spill”, I said, taking out my notepad to jot down important notes.

“I can’t tell you all that”, he said staring at his cup of coffee.

“And why is that so?”

“His someone well known…if it gets out that his depressed over a girl his image might be affected”

I sighed. “What can you tell me then?”

He suddenly looked sad as he started playing with his figures. “He’s liked this girl for the past three years now but she doesn’t seem to notice him. He’s there for her when she’s crying over other guys; he buys her whatever she wants; takes her to places she’s never seen. He-“

“But does he make her happy?” I asked cutting him off.

“He...he would make her happy...if only she saw what she overlooks”.

“If she’s overlooking the “perfect” guy as you’re describing him then who is she looking at?” I was suddenly curious. What girl wouldn’t what a guy who would do all those things for her?

I looked up from my notepad when I realised Woohyun hadn’t replied.

“He...She...err” He was stuttering. And then it all suddenly clicked.

“It’s you isn’t it, the guy she’s in love with?” I said. He looked up at me and his eyes found me. We stared at each other for a whole minute as silence surrounded us. I took his silence as a yes. I finally decided to break the silence.

“So let me get this straight...I’m dealing with a love triangle here. Your friend likes her but she likes you. The question now is...Do you like her?”

His face suddenly turned a shade of red as he avoided my gaze. He gulped down his now cold coffee and finally spoke.

“I won’t lie to you doc I do like her...But she’s not mine to like” I suddenly felt sorry for him.

“If you like her then why don’t you just date her? Who cares if your friend doesn’t get the girl”, I said. I didn’t think my words would have such a negative reaction on his as his face gave me a look of pure disgust.

“I care! I want him to be happy”.


“Because he saved my life”

Silence filled the air as I registered what he had just said. Guilt jabbed at my insides.

“So are you going to help me or not?” He looked annoyed; I had clearly offended him with my bold statement.

“I will”.

This made him happy. I smiled.

Mission: Get-The-Girl had officially started. 


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Chapter 3: i really like it jebal jebal update pleasee
berryberry96 #2
Chapter 3: woahh jiyeonxsunggyu!! thats a rare find! omg authornim hwaiting! i think im going to sup jigyu couple from now on ^^